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Jon Crowell's user avatar
Jon Crowell
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
39 votes

How to write multi lines in one Excel cell?

16 votes

Why does my excel document have 960,000 empty rows?

8 votes

How do I get Google Chrome back to desktop mode on Windows 8

6 votes

Why is Excel removing leading zeros when displaying CSV data?

5 votes

git difftool doesn't launch Beyond Compare from Powershell or command prompt

3 votes

How do you create a SQL query in Excel 2007 with a dynamic date range?

3 votes

What does "Win Button" + "Print Screen" do on Windows 8?

1 vote

Change duration of Live update in Metro UI apps Windows 8

1 vote

How to use non-Metro app Chrome as my default browser?

1 vote

Remove permanently Dvorak from Windows

1 vote

Setting to fix Google Chrome tabs on a WQHD monitor

1 vote

Duplicating a row with formulas, without changing cell references

0 votes

Excel sheet with macros - just save the data?