You can bind Win-B to tether Bluetooth.

 1. As suggested by [Techie007][1] you can create a shortcut by going to "Devices and Printers" right-clicking the phone and selecting "Create shortcut".
 2. Put the shortcut in a directory like "C:\Windows\BluetoothLink" by itself
 3. Install [Autohotkey][2]
 4. Right click on the Desktop, and choose "New" -> "AutohotkeyScript"
 5. Enter the following:

        #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
        SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    	    SetKeyDelay, 200
    	    Run, C:\Windows\BluetoothLink
    	    Sleep, 300
    	    Send, {Down}
    	    Sleep, 200
    	    Send, {AppsKey}
    	    Sleep, 550
    	    Send, {Down}
    	    Send, {Down}
    	    Send, {Right}
    	    Send, {Enter}

 6. Save the Autohotkey script (e.g. Ctrl-S)
 7. Double click the Autohotkey script to run it
 8. Press Win-B, test that it works
 9. Open your startup directory (e.g. press Win-R and type "shell:startup")
 10. Make a shortcut to the Autohotkey script (so that it works even after reboot).

One could perhaps make this fully automatic by [scheduling a task on resume][3] but I am not sure I would recommend fully automatic Autohotkey scripts stealing control of your keyboard from you. They tend to be a bit fiddly even when run manually.   
