Here is a screenshot in Windows Disk Management showing the partition layout on my disk: 

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

I wish to expand the Windows partition (`C:\` drive, "Boot") into the 16 GB of unallocated space. However, Windows has "helpfully" put a *Recovery Partition* and *EFI System Partition* in the way, preventing me from expanding the Boot partition. Neither can be moved in Disk Management. I tried to use a live CD with gparted, but it displays the two partitions as type "msftdata" and "msftres" respectively, and refuses to let me move them, too.

My technique would have been to move the two partitions to the right, move the Boot partition to the right by 550 MB, put the two partitions in the newly created space, and then expand the Boot partition. However, this has been foiled by these meddling partitions, probably created by the Windows installation process.

How can I expand my boot partition without full-on formatting the SSD and starting fresh?
