looking to set up a photography PC slash storage. Below is my disk drives




500GB ePCI NVMN  --- use this as the PC

It occured to me, if I partition the 2TB in 4x500GB , and same for the second one, I have 9 500GB partitions. Allowing Raid with 3 partions (one from each drive)

My Question is: the remaining 1.5TB in 500GB chunks on each drive (so 3TB total) - can I then use this as per normal, as in not part of the RAID setup? 


EDIT: Raid Mirror if it was just the 500GB x 3 , so mirror and have an extra redundancy drive? 
Open to Stripe, but as I understand it, that would get me 3x speed at say a 500GB across three drives, but zero redundancy, in fact higher risk of data loss if one of the three HDD failed

EDIT#2: Windows 10 System - https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/2s9nyg