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Jamie Taylor
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Resizing videos with ffmpeg/avconv to fit into static sized player

I have a html 5 video player which is 700px wide, 400px high. I'm trying to use avconv to use ffmpeg to resize (while retaining the aspect ratio) and making sure it fits into my player.

Input can be a file of any size, so I need to resize the larger ones but center the smaller ones with black bars. So far I've tried: -s and -aspect, I've seen pad being used with the -vf switch but don't understand how it works enough to get what I need.


This is a rough idea of what I need. I'm not sure if it's even possible. It's almost like CSS's max-width/max-height. I realise this may just be a jumble of words but if anyone happens to understand what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate help, Thanks.

avconv command:

avconv -y -i control.avi -vcodec libx264 -b 2000k -bufsize 20M -acodec aac -strict experimental -ar 44100 -ab 256k bigbuck_out.mp4

Jamie Taylor
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