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According to MS's documentation, capture-and-apply-windows-system-and-recovery-partitions, the recovery partition can be captured and applied to a new partition. I have made it to work on my windows 10 PC.

Warning 1: You must know what the following commands do before you execute them. Check the link above and MS's documentation for diskpart, dism and reagentc.

Warning 2: Check disk numbers, partition numbers and volume letters carefully before executing commands.

  1. Use diskpart to find current recovery partition and assign a driver letter(eg. O) to it:
DISKPART> list disk
DISKPART> select disk <the-number-of-disk-where-current-recovery-partition-locate>
DISKPART> list partition
DISKPART> select partition <the-number-of-current-recovery-partition>
DISKPART> assign letter=O
  1. Create an image file from current recovery partition:
Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:C:\recovery-partition.wim /CaptureDir:O:\ /Name:""
  1. Apply the created image file to the new recovery partition(eg. N):
Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:C:\recovery-partition.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:N:\
  1. Register the location of the recovery tools:
reagentc /setreimage /path N:\Recovery\WindowsRE
  1. Use diskpart to hide the recovery partition:
    • For UEFI:
    DISKPART> select volume N
    DISKPART> set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac"
    DISKPART> gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
    DISKPART> remove
    • For BIOS:
    DISKPART> select volume N
    DISKPART> set id=27
    DISKPART> remove
  2. Reboot the computer, now the new recovery partition should be working
  3. (Optional) Delete the old recovery partition:
DISKPART> select volume O
DISKPART> delete partition override
  1. (Optional) Check if the recovery partition is working:
    1. Specifies that Windows RE starts automatically the next time the system starts:
      Reagentc /boottore
    2. Reboot the computer and do your stuff in Windows RE (eg. enter CMD and run some tools)
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