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Morhem Howk
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Turn off USB power on computer shutdown, windows 10

Long story short, when computer is turned off, USB's are not, and manufacturers just love to adorn their stuff with LED lights nowadays. I want to sleep, but my room looks like a christmas party.

What I tried to do:

  1. Turned off USB Suspension. Did nothing.
  2. Tried to follow many advices to turn off Fast Startup in power settings, however, in my system, checkbox is just missing. All the other stuff is there, but Fast Start option isnt.
  3. Made sure "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power\HiberbootEnabled" is set to 0
  4. Did the "powercfg -h off" in console.

I just want stuff to turn off when I turn it off! Please, any help?

Morhem Howk
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