1. Select a virtual machine by clicking its name in the VirtualBox window
2. Click the **Machine** menu at the top of the VirtualBox window, and click **Settings**
3. Click the **Storage** category in the Settings window
4. Right-click in the storage tree pane, and click **Add Floppy Controller**
5. Right-click the **Floppy Controller** device, and click [**Add Floppy Device**](https://i.sstatic.net/UBAIs.png)
6. Click the **Choose Disk** button in the prompt window that appears
7. Navigate to the floppy disk image file (.IMG) on your computer and double-click it

If that doesn't work, try renaming the .IMG as .ISO and mount it.

If that too doesn't work, use [**VBoxManage's *convertfromraw*** command](http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html#idp59139136) as follows:

    VBoxManage convertfromraw --format VDI [filename].img [filename].vdi

Mount the VDI as a hard disk.