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Questions tagged [zsh]

Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.

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No terminal commands being recognized in macOS Terminal using Zsh. How can I get them back?

None of my commands are working inside my macOS terminal. Usual commands like sudo, nano, vim, ls, cd, all are not working or being recognized. They were working before however after adding flutter $...
Sebastian Flores's user avatar
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zsh alias still exists after deletion [MACOS]

I previously worked at a company who heavily used KDB (q) in their workflow. That's why I used this official article to install it. Using 5th step (Step 5: Edit your profile), I added this alias alias ...
Nazar Demchuk's user avatar
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zsh completion : don't complete if ambiguous, only show menu

I would like to configure zsh completion so that, whenver there remains some ambiguity, the completion stops at ambiguity, so that I can type the next few characters (as an alternative to browsing the ...
Joce's user avatar
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Zsh: partial colouring in completion, preserving `LS_COLORS` in unmatched part

In Bash, with the following settings in ~/.inputrc: set colored-completion-prefix on set colored-stats on set mark-symlinked-directories on set visible-stats on and so=01;90:ln=04;94:di=01;96 present ...
tfpf's user avatar
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Zsh refresh prompt statuses on ctrl+c

I recently switched from oh-my-zsh to oh-my-posh and was wondering if I could replicate the ctrl+c behaviour it had where it would refresh the prompt.
pedrosousa13's user avatar
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how to pipe output from a command in its own shell?

I want to put all output as it's happening into say so it can read my LLMs response I found that tee will output the lot once you exit but I want it to say each response when they are given. I think ...
yarns's user avatar
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iTerm2 - run a command in every new pane

I'm using iTerm2 and oh-my-zsh. Whenever I start a session — a new iTerm2 window — it reads my .zshrc file and runs a few commands — e.g. getting the right Node version from .nvmrc. But when I open a ...
Angelo Dias's user avatar
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oh-my-zsh: iconv: iconv_open(, -t): Invalid argument

I'm getting error oh-my-zsh: iconv: iconv_open(, -t): Invalid argument Error on macOS iTerm and I'm not finding any information about that error or how to fix it I checked my .zshrc file but didn't ...
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Run a command, immediately return to the shell prompt, do not return a message when the command is finished [duplicate]

brew install gh > /dev/null 2>&1 & This returns to the shell immediately, but prints [1] + done brew install gh > /dev/null 2>&1 when the command finishes. brew install ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Why I can't change the prompt in VSCode's terminal?

I am trying to change the prompt in my VSCode's terminal. My OS is MacOS Monterey 12.6. I use the zsh and I change the PS1 in .zprofile,such like this. Then I use echo to test.The others can work ...
Luxury's user avatar
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Change working directory in zsh widget?

I try to map C-z to call zoxide jumping to recently working directory, however, zsh widget zle execute the function in subshell instead of interactively in current shell. Is there a way to change the ...
Solarisending's user avatar
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How do I make zsh auto-complete ".." into "../"

For example, cd ..<tab> doesn't autocomplete into cd ../ I on macOS, and I have tried running with a completely empty .zshrc. I have also tried adding a specific compdef for .., but that didn't ...
Cyberwiz's user avatar
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Shell script gives "command not found" but command works in terminal

I'm using the beets cli music library management software on my Mac. It works fine in the the terminal - commands like beet import ~/path/to/folder work fine and which beet outputs /opt/local/bin/beet....
simonw's user avatar
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Complete overview of Bash and Zsh startup files sourcing order

I was confused in what order my shells source which files. When researching this for myself, I came across several sources online and even read some parts of the manuals for both shells. But still, ...
Silas's user avatar
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Why is `~/.zlogout` not sourced when non-interactive ZSH shell runs `exit`?

My ~/.zlogout contains the following: echo '~/.zlogout!' Let's run the following script: su user -ls /bin/zsh -c 'echo kaasbier; exit' Nothing is echoed (besides the kaasbier). I am testing this in ...
Silas's user avatar
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