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Questions tagged [yubikey]

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Preventing Win 10 from automatically installing certificates from smart cards

A short background on the issue. I have a Yubikey 5 with PIV containing 3 personal certificates. One of the certificates is also installed locally on my Win 10 machine. All the certificates contain ...
Proto Ukr's user avatar
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Yubikey with Kleopatra on Windows 10

I have a Yubikey 4C Nano that I use with Linux and MacOS without issue. Recently, I installed a version of Windows on my macbook pro that allows me to dual-boot (so I can run the windows version of ...
jwir3's user avatar
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Strong encryption for a local file (PGP)

Just a quick disclaimer: I initially posted this question to Crypto site but was told it was too specific for that site. I am looking for a safe method to encrypt a local file on my machine. Let's ...
Proto Ukr's user avatar
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yubikey/gpg-agent always asking for my PIN when running git commit

recently, git has been asking me for my yubikey pin every 3 or 4 times after i've already typed in my pin. this didn't use to happen before. i'm thinking maybe the card isn't getting read correctly or ...
reuel's user avatar
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Yubikey FIPS Approved Mode

I'm having issues getting my Yubikey FIPS version to unlock and exit the FIPS approved mode. You can see below that I first put the yubikey into fips mode by setting an admin pin. Then, I ...
John's user avatar
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Is it possible to use macOS 'Keychain' + 'TouchID' for pinentry-program?

Is there some way of configuring pinentry-mac, which I currently use to enter the passphrase for my OpenPGP card (a Yubikey), or a different program that'll store the passphrase in the macOS 'Keychain'...
OJFord's user avatar
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Using ssh key on Yubikey on Sourcetree program

I can not make sourcetree work with the ssh key that i have in my yubikey. Does anybody know how can i fix it? Thank you. P.D: I have tried different recommendations that i found on the internet, ...
thewolfx41's user avatar
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make .ssh/id_rsa read key from yubikey

I have my ssh keys within a yubikey, I use gpg-agent.conf with something like this: pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac enable-ssh-support default-cache-ttl 60 max-cache-ttl 120 This helps ...
nbari's user avatar
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How do I get Windows applications to recognize my YubiKey?

I have successfully used my YubiKey to get my Chrome and Firefox browsers to get my 2-step verification to work with my Google account. Unfortunately, I have a few Windows applications which I cannot ...
BKay's user avatar
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Programmatically unlock PIV slot 9a with OpenSC for another application

I'm using a Yubikey 4 with a certificate loaded in PIV slot 9a (PIV Authentication; OpenSC slot 0). Inside Firefox 64, I am using the OpenSC PKCS#11 driver. What I want to accomplish is to "unlock" ...
Alex's user avatar
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Sharing Yubikey between host and VMWare

I have a Yubikey 4 working on my Win10 host machine, but also want to use in my VMWare Workstation 12 Win7 session. At first, connecting to the shared Yubico device failed, because Windows could not ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Signing a message with a SmartCard / Yubikey

So I've gone through a pretty bog-standard GPG-key-setup process, and then used addtokey to move said keys onto a Yubikey 4. Now, on a fresh setup, I want to try and use those keys, to sign something....
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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How to use PIV smartcards (YubiKey 4) to sign application binaries?

I am about to start using my YubiKey 4 (RSA 2048 bit key) for signing application binaries. There a quite a few tutorials about how to setup this. It seems that most tutorials based on the original ...
burnersk's user avatar
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Scdaemon won't detect Yubikey on Windows 10

This has recently started after I updated to Windows 10 1803 (x64). I have updated Gpg4Win to the latest version (3.1.2), but this has not fixed anything. I have tried the following: Remove the ...
vagaerg's user avatar
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Which pam module is used for gnome admin password requests?

I have added the yubikey pam module to my sudo pam config, and I like the results—no one can get superuser access through sudo or su without a yubikey. Setting aside the fact that this is possibly ...
Mike D's user avatar
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