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Questions tagged [xcopy]

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Invalid drive specification - Xcopy with long path names - \\?\C:\Some\Really\Long\Path

I'm unable to use the above mentioned convention. The command that I'm using: Xcopy \\?\c:\108 \\?\c:\108_2 /e /h /r /y An error invalid drive specification is received. What am I missing
Imran Arab's user avatar
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copy folders and content to a external drive

i have this for /F "delims=" %%a IN ('dir /b /s /ad "*"') DO ( FOR /F %%c IN ('dir /b/s "%%a\*.txt" ^') DO XCOPY "%%a" "J:\" ) but it only moves the ...
Johnathan Simpson's user avatar
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XCOPY file verification fails on a symbolic link but diff shows now difference between files

I'm performing an xcopy backup of a disk on Windows using the following command line: xcopy "d:\" "r:\" /v /h /k /e /b /d I know that the verify switch doesn't do much but a file ...
Zhro's user avatar
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copy big file to multiple locations at the same time

I am trying to use a CMD command prompt to copy a big file (1.5G) from one location to multiple destinations at the same time. Is there a way to do this using COPY/XCOPY etc? I haven't been able to ...
davin's user avatar
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Copy files except when destination modified in last x days

I think what I am trying to do is simple, but I can't get the robocopy settings right, as I am trying to copy files from src to dest, over-writing files in dest if they already exist, except if ...
Mark Schultz's user avatar
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Does XCOPY leave credentials cached in LSASS?

When using XCOPY to copy files to a remote machine, are your credentials used to connect to the remote machine cached in the LSASS of that machine? I am trying to avoid leaving any credentials ...
girlsjustwanttohavepuns's user avatar
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How rename files copied via Robocopy if it exist but with different modify date

I'm using Robocopy to copy files from a folder to another, i think my code will overwrite the file if it was existing on the destination folder and the timestamp was different, what im trying to do is ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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How to schedule a backup for only the new added files?

I'm a Windows user and wondering: how can I do a backup for the files on a specific folder if the files are not older than x days? Or to backup only the newly added/modified files without doing a full ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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xcopy only working if I use /F to display full filenames

I was initially just using copy but I got this output: C:\repos\AutomatedBuildTesting (master -> origin) (2020-09-18 8:49:01.12) λ copy ".hooks/*" ".git/hooks/*" commit-msg The ...
THE JOATMON's user avatar
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XCOPY only files from a parent folder and from all its subforlders to a new folder in Windows?

I was searching a lot of times how to copy all the files of different extensions from a folder and all its subfolders to a new folder without copying the folders itself using Batch File. I mean ONLY ...
Afnan A.'s user avatar
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What's going on with xcopy /d

What exactly is under the hood of the /d flag? what is the code doing? Reason I'm asking is that I can't tell definitively if /d is reading the entire file from source or just some header. Thank you!
Alex Vazquez's user avatar
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xcopy in task scheduler ends with error 4

I created a task in task scheduler to copy a specific file to a server each midnight. When I run the command normally in command line it works fine, but the task always ends with exit code 4 and the ...
Petr Synek's user avatar
10 votes
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How to predefine file/directory parameter to xcopy

I need to run xcopy command. But when I type it with all parameters: xcopy \\<server>.<domain>.com\c$\Users\<user>\Documents\New_ADuser_mustang.ps1 C:\IAM\New_ADuser_mustang.ps1 /C /...
Petr Synek's user avatar
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Batch file with xcopy runs correctly called from cmd but not with double click

I'm testing a solution for a user getting access denied when running a scheduled backup batch script or by double-clicking it. I've noticed I have the same issue for a simple xcopy call. Specifically,...
Andrea de'Rose's user avatar
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xcopy.exe exists in every Windows system?

Can I be sure that xcopy.exe exists in every Windows system (7+) and that it can always be found in the system PATH (e.g. C:\windows\system32)?
user1580348's user avatar
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