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Excel keyboard shortcut to edit formula in formula bar

When I press F2 in a cell I can edit it inside the cell. However often it's just more convenient to make the edit in the formula bar. I can switch to formula bar by mouse, just wondering whether there ...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
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Counting elements based on three criteria located in two columns

I wanted to ask you if there is a way to perform a count by applying formulas directly, without having to resort to the filter option, through the COUNTIF or COUNTIFS function. From two criteria found ...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
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Excel: Split a string on a delimiter and determine the length of the resulting array

I have an Excel sheet including columns like this: | 143 | 423 | | | 423;234 | 134;234;143 | =SOME_FORMULA() | The data have the following characteristics: Although numeric, they should be ...
Scott Severance's user avatar
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=DATEVALUE() behaving different in Excel 365 online and Excel 365 local

I noticed that =DATEVALUE() behaves different in the online version of Excel 365 (i.e. it does not work) than in the local version of Excel 365 on my PC. Below are two screenshots of the two Excel ...
Servus's user avatar
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Excel 365: Array formula based on value above (compounding)

I am trying to perform an operation in a cell based on the value of the cell above it. Doing this in the "normal" Excel way is easy enough. However, I am playing with the array functionality ...
user1543042's user avatar
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How to return the value of one cell based on the max of multiple ranges of other cells in excel?

I am a bit new to excel and have a spreadsheet where I am trying to use the MAX of a range of cells in order to return the name of the row that that MAX belongs to. So, I have a cell returning the MAX ...
Kade Smith's user avatar
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Getting unique items from comma separated lists in Excel

I have the following setup (which is shared by a number of users through office 365 and changed frequently): I need to collect all unique items from a number of comma-separated lists in a range and ...
Vijeke's user avatar
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Filter function with IF statement in 1st parameter to perform fill down multiplication OR division

Link to my previous related question for more background if needed: Transpose unique rows to columns while IF statement conditions are met but do not consolidate My table headers start on row 20 ...
HeliosOne's user avatar
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Excel array formula not behaving as expected

I have a little table in EXCEL that uses COUNTIFS to count the number of instances in a dataset that matches four criteria that the user can select from a data validated list in the first four cells ...
Stew G's user avatar
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Name the first item from a list that is not in another list

I am working with a list of articles in one spreadsheet files as the data source. The data is split into a source reference code in columns A to E, the title of the article in column F and the author ...
Trish's user avatar
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autofill a reference of a column to a row in steps

I have the formula =IF(Jan!$L6="w",Jan!$L6,"") in the cell A2. in the cell right next (B2) to it I'd like to have the formula 3 rows further down so =IF(Jan!$L9="w",Jan!$L9,"") and then in C2 ...
Nivatius's user avatar
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How can I generate a multi column sorted list in Excel based on data pasted into another sheet?

Okay, so I can't unfortunately go into too much detail due to the sensitive nature of the data, but the short of it is that I've got a table I paste into "Source" that I'd like to have two ...
Spyder Z's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior when using named cell in IF condition

I noticed something strange when using named cells in an IF condition in Excel 365 and I would like to know what's going on. Let's say I have a named cell MyValue, whose value = 15. Then, the ...
wlo's user avatar
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How to list dates material on order will arrive using Excel

I have a table that has all my different SKU's in item number and shows the dates the product should arrive. I want to be able to enter the item number and get a list showing when the product will ...
Eagle1105's user avatar
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Please help me stop Excel 365 enterprise from changing my text formatted cells into formulas

I have a spreadsheet where I need to use strings that contain a couple of dash/ minus ( - ) signs in cells, but it will not stop truing to recognize them as formulas! I have already formatted the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Microsoft Excel: Use OR Logic and multiple ranges with COUNTIF

I am analysing some form responses and want to count if someone has put a specific answer in a range of different boxes. I have attached an example to explain the logic. When filling out address ...
adamthompson's user avatar
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formulas in another column that reference spill range not updating when sheet is recalculated

I have a a column that is a spill range that uses the filter and sort_by formulas. This spill range is dynamic and I have an IF statement that references the spill range but upon recalculation of the ...
PotterFan's user avatar
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Excel - Select range depending on cell

I want to select a row range, which I've been doing manually until now. However as data grows, I've tried to select the row according to the relative worksheet, but don't know how to. Here's an ...
Héctor Álvarez's user avatar
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Excel : Summation of data that belongs to certain id

It is easier to illustrate the problem based on the following example: I have two sheets: mapping and data. The Mapping sheet contains a (one-to-many) mapping table between a country name and the ...
Eka Buyung Lienadi's user avatar
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Last filled row Function behaves strangely based on column it's in

Function is acting very strange depending on column it's in. Data start at row 7 (headers in row 6) Column A has item name B Max Qty. C and D have simple functions and everything afterwards is the ...
Amommy's user avatar
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Excel - Filter rows based on starting string, read number from filtered rows and perform arithmetic operation to generate column summary

I am having a Project and resource allocation report. I need help in generating the formula to display summary in the bottom section of my report. Here're the specifications of my report: Column A ...
Moinuddin Quadri's user avatar
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Excel formula gives unexpected result

Each year I create a workbook within which there are several worksheets corresponding to each month of the year. I copy and paste the same table with formulas into each new month as the year ...
Albert F D's user avatar
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Formula to extract only unique values from horizontal range into a single cell, separated by comma

I have a spreadsheet where users are asked to place a value in their allocated column across many rows. There are a range of other columns used by an Admin area and one of these is supposed to list ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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How do I convert a custom function to handle spill arrays (excel)

I need a function that produces a list of sheet names, I already have one that can turn sheet numbers into sheet names but it doesnt handle arrays The function I would like to convert is Function ...
user294133's user avatar
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Filter columns based on starting string, read number from filtered cells and perform arithmetic operation to generate summary of two rows in Excel

I am having a Project and resource allocation report. I need help in generating the formula to display summary on the right section of the report. Here're the specifications of my report: Column A ...
Moinuddin Quadri's user avatar
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Microsoft Excel - Formula to calculate age for a series of rows with different start and end dates?

I have a spreadsheet of individuals with a year every time contact was made with them. Each individual has a unique alphanumeric identifier. Each individual has a variable number of entries (rows) ...
Quinn's user avatar
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Can an Excel Filter function base its include on a whole row?

I have a Table from which I pull a list of unique values, then I want to pull all their keys and merge them using textjoin. But the Filter function the criteria to be compared against a single value, ...
LWC's user avatar
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Calculate when volume counts are cleared based on daily amount received and daily amount processed

I have this data table containing the number of returns per day (Ret Volume) and the number of returns that have been processed per day (Volume Cleared). What I'm after is the date displayed on the ...
Darren Bartrup-Cook's user avatar
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is it possible to logical AND two values from two different columns in COUNTIFS?

I have the following formula: =COUNTIFS(Transactions2023[Result], "Win", Transactions2023[League], "NBA", Transactions2023[Date], "<=" & "4/11/2023") I ...
Ser Pounce's user avatar
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INDEX MATCH with multiple matches. Find the MAX match

I ran a GIS operation that provided me with a table to show the 3 closest lengths of pipe to a valve. Main line pipe comes in 12,8,6 & 4 inch sizes and outputs to 4,3 & inch lateral lines. I ...
Andrew Raymond Peters's user avatar
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Sum a range of cells in Excel according to a range (criteria)

cordial greetings I am trying to obtain the sum of the number of males taking into account an age range that I set previously. For example, I want to know how many males, between the ages of 3 and 12,...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
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Excel wildcards not finding the matches they should in VLOOKUP function

I have multiple product families I'm working with, and each family has multiple products within. Some families have more products than others, all product names are unique. On one sheet named "...
AnthonyJS's user avatar
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Extracting all matching (or close to) values between given START n-th and END n-th values / using Power Query

Consider having two tables. Table1(T1) has Date/Time and Pressure value columns and Table2(T2) has also Date/Time and Info values columns. T1 is showing pressure change through time, for instance: 21....
MmVv's user avatar
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Automated Table Of Contents - Adding Details from Last row of related page

Good Day, Does anyone have recommendations on how to reference a cell with the worksheet name in it and add it to a formula that determines the last row with data in it on that worksheet. I've used ...
BradR's user avatar
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Confusion with data validation (list)

Hello cordial greetings I am a bit confused, I need to perform a data validation in cell C7, so that the days correspond to the month set in cell C6 and the year found in cell C8. The data is recorded ...
Camila Sanchez's user avatar
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Is there an excel formula to calculate all "like" entries from two criteria across two cells?

I'm putting together a personal budget and have added a tab to track daily expenses. I've allocated a "code" against a type of expenditure, and then a "sub-code" for more specific ...
EL1085's user avatar
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Cell referencing change with filter

I am quite new to Excel and just figuring out how to do things. I have a question about cell referencing between sheets. Say I have on Sheet1 this table: DIMENSION VALUE X 0 Y 1 Z ...
MOA's user avatar
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Look for Date values in embedded in strings

I have a value in a cell that might have a 2-digit month and 2-digit year value embedded in it, and I need a function that would return TRUE if that is found. Sample input data: sCa!1220LB6qHZbCnsEE ...
Mark Stewart's user avatar
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Extract multiple columns with single dynamic array formula

In Excel 365, how can I select non-contiguous columns from a range using a single dynamic array formula? Consider data in columns A:E as follows: Entering =XLOOKUP(G1,A1:E1,A2:E11) into cell G2 ...
bkraines's user avatar
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Excel workday function to skip custom array of holidays

I am trying to use the Excel "workday" function to assist with handling a large list of public and organisational holidays when scheduling education courses in a multi-state country (Australia). ...
Gondy's user avatar
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Excel - Create 'Next' after spill range

I may be reaching the extent of excel's capabilities without getting into VBA (out of my depth). I need the "Product Collumn" (Collumn B) to automatically populate (Spill) the subsequent ...
Kuhrta's user avatar
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How to return unique, ordered data in Excel?

Last year I asked the following question. The formula has been working great. But I've been asked to provide some additional information that I can't quite figure out how to add. My input data now ...
Harlan's user avatar
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Median calculation of IFS function returns #VALUE! error

I need to calculate the median number of construction days for multiple projects across multiple markets and based on whether the project is completed or not. Examples ROW A = Markets ROW B = Days in ...
Richard Turner's user avatar
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Identifying "bad" data combinations in Excel 365

I have a spreadsheet of employee data (time charged to projects and customers) that is tens of thousands of rows long. Each month, the file is updated to include the most recent month data. Each row ...
MarcG's user avatar
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Dynamic Dropdown, MS Excel, Use on Multiple Rows (MS365)

Goal Using Excel table ("Claims") to track claim statuses, have dropdown values in certain columns (in Columns C, D, F, G) in which the dropdown values for Columns D, F and G are Dynamically ...
psycoperl's user avatar
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How to copy the format of locked cells in Excel?

after the latest update of the Microsoft 365 package to the version 16.0.16227.20202 (32-bit), I am no longer able to copy paste the format from and to locked cells. In the previous version (16.0....
Sator's user avatar
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Why doesn't my Excel 365 does not cover the "LET()" worksheet function?

My Excel account information shows me I'm working with Office 365: However, the LET() worksheet function is not covered, as you can see: What do I need to do in order to get this function to work? (...
Dominique's user avatar
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IF Function Not Populating Correct Data in Excel 365

I am completely stumped as to why this formula is not working properly. To provide backstory, I am trying to randomize a DMS grid coordinate, for example: 2339**01**N05005**51**W. I only want to ...
Anthony Rodriguez's user avatar
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How to drag a cell reference formula down a column, but move the cell reference across a row

I am trying to drag a cell reference formula down a column, but have the row value increase as the formula is dragged down. For instance, in the shot below, cell B3 has the formula "=I3". I ...
Chris Curry's user avatar
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Use FILTER function to "Include" match against an Array and not one value if possible

I'm currently trying to filter some data. I have two sheets, one with the users name, e-mail and their function within the company and another with the same e-mail and then which mailboxes they have ...
Bryant's user avatar
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