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Questions tagged [wordpress]

Popular blogging engine – mostly considered off-topic. Questions about belong on WebApps.SE. Questions about installing and maintaining WordPress belong on WordPress.SE

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413 - Failed to load admin-ajex.php (Nginx + WordPress + Divi)

I am running Wordpress 5.2.2 dockerized on nginx 1.13.1 with PHP Version 7.3 When I try to activate/download a premade theme from Divi I get 413 Errors like: jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:4 POST https://...
Alexander Fink's user avatar
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How do I give myself permissions to edit files in my Wordpress theme via FTP?

I am using Filezilla right now to edit my Wordpress JS and CSS theme files since I prefer to use Atom to edit than the default Wordpress text editor, however I am getting a Critical file transfer ...
Kevin Lu's user avatar
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PDF Media Upload with Wordpress

I have a WP installation on IIS that won't let me upload a PDF to the media section, but it has the following weirdness: I can upload a smaller PDF (~22KB) Can't upload the larger one (~4.2MB), even ...
Kyudos's user avatar
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Wordpress won't upload images correctly

I just transferred a website's files to a new directory and took it live. Wordpress suddenly won't upload images all the way, just a blank square showing up. I can see the image, however, if I click ...
Raechel's user avatar
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IIS Url Rewrite Wordpress

I have 2 servers on an internal LAN, a Windows 10 Pro PC running IIS (http://windows10-pc on the LAN), and then I have a Raspberry Pi running Apache 2 (http://raspberrypi on the LAN). Both servers ...
John Ernest's user avatar
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Chrome displays "Deceptive Site Ahead" despite proper SSL certificate

I have a WordPress site that I am hosting on DreamHost and when I visit the site in Chrome it displays a "Deceptive Site Ahead" message. The website is I tried disabling ...
Grant Kopplin's user avatar
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Zip file from Docker volume

WordPress is running inside a Docker container. I want to create a separate image which will use cron to automatically create the backup of WordPress files and database. I am confused that what is the ...
Arslan Liaqat's user avatar
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phpmyadmin error The server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not correctly configured)

I have an online server(Ubuntu) on which I have installed xampp. And then installed WordPress it has been almost 7 months everything was fine. Previously when I updated some post or added more number ...
mishracodes's user avatar
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Second VirtualHost returns "This site can’t be reached" - Wamp

It's a mystery. I've created a second VH to use with WAMP. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/client/sitetest/web/" ...
Chere's user avatar
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How to fix Wordpress links not pointing to site URL when being accessed through Traefik?

I have a Wordpress site running as a Docker stack. If I access it directly through DNAT (using a valid IP address just for this site), everything works well. If I try to access it through Traefik (...
Rsevero's user avatar
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huge log generate in WordPress websites

In the past days, some WordPress websites generate huge error_log in public_html! all websites have cPanel. in all websites that have this problem, those error logs are the same content. PHP Warning:...
serversetup co's user avatar
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nginx and php-fpm returning 404 on static content

I am trying to have nginx on container 1 connect to the php-fpm running wordpress on container 2 on port 9000. It seems to work for dynamically generated content, such a post, but static content such ...
Farhan Yusufzai's user avatar
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I installed Wordpress on my localhost and when i'm trying to view my own site it throws a 404

I installed Wordpress on my Computer with MAMP. and when I'm trying to view my own site by clicking "View Site" I'm coming back to the root file directory instead of seeing any kind of a site. can ...
Meir's user avatar
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How to fix the character encoding problems after using filezilla?

I have the following problem: I used the filezilla application to get the files of a page through FTP to backup them in case it needs to be restored later. If it were to restore the site with the ...
anayarojo's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't reach WordPress installation after changing IP address for domain

I had a WordPress site located on a VPS, say the VPS's IP is At Namesilo I bought, for example, and bound it to A few days ago my old IP – – ...
yangl's user avatar
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