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OS grub page not Loading

My laptop was working fine, with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04, when suddenly the grub page stopped loading. Whenever I switch on the laptop, I get the company's name (Asus in this case), with the Intel ...
Lakshmi Narayanan's user avatar
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GRUB unknown filesystem error after managing Windows 7 partitions

I'm using Debian and Windows 7 located on one HDD, in dual boot. Windows 7 had two partitions (system partition C: and general-use partition G:). Recently I've cut the G partition in size and created ...
Ponyman's user avatar
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Windows 7 partition disappeared from hard drive

I had a windows 7 and Debian 7 install and I've been using the computer fine for almost a year. A couple weeks ago I tried to load Windows and realized the boot option in grub was missing. After ...
Xeoncross's user avatar
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Cloning Linux and Windows from two separate disks to a single SSD

Backstory TL;DR: cloned OpenSUSE from /dev/sda2 to /dev/sdc1, Windows 7 from /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdc2; formatted /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb1; reconfigured GRUB2 and installed it on /dev/sdc; OpenSUSE loads, ...
XNRL's user avatar
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error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'

Recently I tried to exit out of a game client (Diablo 3) and my computer completely froze up. I tried to use Ctrl+Alt+Delete to force it to close after about 3 minutes and got no response. After ...
avorum's user avatar
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trouble loading any OS's

I am having some problem installing OS's. I don't have any OS running on my laptop right now. I recently deleted all my partitions and data on the hard drive. Now i want to install windows 7. but ...
ABHAY KHARE's user avatar
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GRUB doesn't show up when second hard drive is present

I just finished messing with Windows 7 + Linux Mint dualboot and finally got it to work. Grub handles the booting. It works as expected as long as I have only my main hard drive connected. When I ...
Martin Melka's user avatar
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4 answers

Replace a laptop hard drive (Ubuntu and Windows 7 installed)

I have Sony Vaio laptop. The laptop came pre-installed with Windows 7 OS. Later I installed Ubuntu 12.04 and Grub. Now the hard is showing early signs of failure. How can I replace the hard disk ...
Gaurav Agarwal's user avatar
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How to restore Ubuntu broken partition after Windows 7 install

I previously had a Windows 7 partition and a Ubuntu partition. When I formatted and reinstalled Windows 7, somehow the Ubuntu partition got corrupted. I can't open it and recover my files even with ...
user304177's user avatar
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Remove Ubuntu completely from my computer and install windows

I installed Ubuntu in my machine after formatting my computer. It is now difficult to remove and restore my Windows. The problem is that I can't boot from my Windows CD. I select the option to burn ...
Josiah's user avatar
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Create live mulitbootable flash drive with linux and windows7

So recently I have been having some trouble with my laptop, been getting bsod... So I thought, instead of carrying my external around with me and risking it becoming damaged, why not create a ...
user2699451's user avatar
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Can't boot into Windows with Grub | Debian install

I have Windows 7 installed on a second harddrive, and I just installed Debian on my first hard drive. Sadly, the bootloader (grub2) is not picking up my existing Windows installation, and I can't ...
Charles's user avatar
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How to install MBR on to harddrive

Little bit of background... And i may be incorrect. Someone before me, installed the MBR on one hard drive & the Windows 2008 OS on another ard drive. So when the hard drive with the MBR went ...
user2421464's user avatar
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Can't boot operating system

I have a 1TB hard drive containing Windows 7 Home Premium and another 0.7TB hard drive containing Ubuntu Studio. After I installed Ubuntu, I got the new GRUB boot screen, and I wanted to remove it and ...
anders287's user avatar
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Dual Booting Kali Linux with Windows 7. Atheros Killer E2200 not found + 2 different HDD

I'm having trouble installing Kali on a MSI GE70 2OE with a SSD HD and a standard SATA HD. I've installed W7 on the SSD, and then partitioned my SATA in two parts: One 800Gb for W7 and another 200Gb ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can't access Ubuntu or Windows after shut down the Ubuntu

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Windows 7 as partition. I was using ubuntu for some time and tried to shut down. But it doesn't shown shut down dialog box. So I again tried to shut down from top right ...
Chris J's user avatar
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Does my computer fail to boot because I removed RAM?

I have a dual-boot (Windows 7 64-bit and Linux) system. A couple weeks ago I doubled my RAM from 4GB to 8GB. However, the new RAM was causing all sorts of boot problems with both Windows and Linux, so ...
pbhuter's user avatar
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unable to boot windows or linux, grub rescue

I recently set up a dual-boot on my laptop with windows 7 and linux mint. Then I deleted the partition which linux mint was on, that turned out to be a very bad decision. When I try to boot I get: ...
Magn'us's user avatar
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Windows startup errors/GRUB "gone" [duplicate]

My problems: Windows 7 is not working and GRUB is "gone". This is what's happend: Note: my OS is in Norwegian so I tried to translate it as good as I can. I'm on the internet when there come up a ...
lordriq's user avatar
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3 answers

Change Windows 7 Boot Configuration Data from Ubuntu?

I have a Dell workstation that had Windows 7 installed on it. I added a second HD and installed Ubuntu to that using WUBI. This worked fine as a dual boot system for a long time but then the primary ...
Aphoid's user avatar
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boot error: unknow filesystem. GRUB rescue

I've been struggling with a problem for a few days now, and hope some of you can help me out. I'll just explain what happend breifly. Well, I have an AMD E-350 APU HTPC, which I use for media center ...
Martin's user avatar
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Will Truecrypt replace my grub bootloader?

I use the grub bootloader to dual boot win7 and ubuntu. now i want to use truecrypt to encrypt my windows disk. if i do this, will my grub be gone?
clamp's user avatar
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How to reinstall Windows MBR with no Windows listed?

There is nice article how to reinstall windows MBR: however there is a catch. I have Windows system, but when I go with repair mode it is not shown and as the ...
greenoldman's user avatar
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trouble with graphics card and other partitions after reinstall of windows 7

I recently reinstalled Windows 7 and have found myself in a pile of problems that I can't find any record of anywhere. If this is the wrong place to post this type of problem I apologize. When I ...
avorum's user avatar
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Unable to boot into windows after removing Linux

I had Linux Ubuntu and Windows dual booting from my computer. I used partition manager to remove the Linux Ubuntu partitions, now I can't get into Windows. The machine loads in to a command prompt ( ...
Ananth's user avatar
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Computer not finding hard drives on boot -sometimes-

Computer specs: Mobo: Gigabyte ultradurable 3 - GA-970A-UD3 Processor: First gen I7 3.2GHZ Ram: 8GB Kingston DDR3 1066 Video Card: EVGA NVidia GTX 460 1GB Hard Drive: 500MB 7200rpm x2 (can't remember ...
todd.pund's user avatar
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Grub2 physical boot selector or restart into

I am using Grub2 to select between Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I was wondering how I might be able to communicate with Grub2 with a physical switch to tell it which I want. I have plenty of experience with ...
Stoopkid's user avatar
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Can't boot Windows 7 from Ubuntu 12.04 boot menu and vice-versa

I have installed Windows 7, then ubuntu on a 64 bit laptop and I have an issue with dual boot : Windows does not see ubuntu partition, and grub displays "Invalid EFI file path" as described on a ...
UmNyobe's user avatar
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how to boot into windows from grub rescue?

everyone. I used to have linux mint 15 , ubuntu, and windows 7 dualbooted on my samsung E300. I did so using the following video: Afterwards, after ...
techgenius101's user avatar
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How to remove Grub Rescue?

Okay, before you flag this as duplicate, let me explain my exact situation. I had Win 7 installed on HDD1. I then installed Ubuntu on HDD2 as dual boat using unetbootin. Then, I installed a fresh ...
Vitaliy Isikov's user avatar
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Add Windows boot entries after installing Ubuntu?

I have Windows 7 on its own bootable hard drive, Windows 8 on its own bootable hard drive and Ubuntu on its own bootable hard drive. I'm using the BIOS to manually select on which hard drive to boot. ...
Rick Diaz's user avatar
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Kali Linux & Windows 7 : Switching Grub to MBR

I'm trying to install Kali Linux (i386) alongside Windows 7 (x64). I have prepared suitable free disk space and placed Kali there. The last thing done by installation was to prepare GRUB. whole kali ...
Azaz Dobiwala's user avatar
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Windows 7 not showing on Grub 2 list

I have Linux Mint and Windows 7 installed on two separate drives. I have bounced between the two all day (initially trying to get mint to show in the windows boot list, and now working on getting ...
Alex Stevenson's user avatar
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Disabling Windows Boot Manager And Using Grub2

All, I'm in a wierd situation, I would like to use grub2 to boot my Ubuntu, Windows 7 (old) and Windows 7 (new). I purchased an SSD and installed Windows on it. My old Window installation still ...
Constantin's user avatar
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Using Windows bootloader instead of GRUB2

I installed Ubuntu onto a partition on my SSD along side an install of Windows 7. However, after booting the PC continued to boot into Windows without offering Ubuntu as an option. I found a solution ...
John's user avatar
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How to delete the bootloader

I dualboot my pc, windows 7 64 bit, and some linux distro, nowadays i'm using crunchbang. I once had a problem, i lost my bootloader so i created one using easybcd. Later on, i installed a linux ...
Lynob's user avatar
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Does rebuilding the BCD affect the MBR?

I'm dual booting Linux Mint and Windows 7, and windows 7 is having a "device inaccessible" error preventing it from booting. I'm using grub for my MBR. From what I understand, the BCD is what ...
Nathan's user avatar
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how to install Windows Bootloader to MBR?

previously i had dual boot sytem with windows 7 and ubuntu. i tried removing ubuntu by formatting my system to factory condition using in-built recovery as i dint have external drive for that. but ...
ANTRIX's user avatar
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Grub is not loading properly

So, I am fiddling with a Windows 7 and Linux Mint 15 dual boot setup for hours now. I have the following hardware setup: HD1: 15GB SSD, unpartitioned HD2: 1TB Disc Part 1 (sdb1): 100GB NTFS with ...
janoliver's user avatar
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How to make Windows 8 BCD show boot menu instead of booting directly into Windows 8?

I have Windows 8, Windows XP and Ubuntu on my computer. And I am completely disappointed of modern logic of Windows 8 BCD. Say, I need to boot into Windows XP. Steps I must perform: Select "Windows 8"...
Danatela's user avatar
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How To Get Windows To Stop Assuming Precedence Over GRUB?

I have a SATA hard drive with an MS DOS MBR partition table, an ext4 Linux-based OS, an NTFS Windows 7, and an extended partition. I was happily using my ext4 partition for quite some time, but grew ...
Kyle Hawkins's user avatar
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Windows 7 cannot get C/H/S values

Alright, so I'm a bit of a novice at this kind of stuff, but I had a CD version of Solaris and decided to install it on the disk it came on. I put it into my Windows 7 computer and did all that stuff ...
TheNerdyCoder's user avatar
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Linux AutoNeoGrub0.mbr is corrupt of missing? [duplicate]

I've been trying to get my windows boot manager working so I can boot both Windows 7 and Linux. Currently, I can boot both, but only run when I click on "Windows 7" in the boot manager (Linux will run ...
Bradley Mitchell's user avatar
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Can't access BIOS or boot my Windows [duplicate]

I had Ubuntu 12.04 + Windows 7 installed, I didn't like Ubuntu hence I deleted the partition. But I forgot to fix the MBR. Also I cannot access the mutiboot option using F12 at startup. So when I ...
Tie Lon's user avatar
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GNU GRUB - Misaligned display/screen

I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 with Windows 7 - and upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 recently - Ubuntu installed the GRUB (version 2.00-7ubuntu11) boot menu. When I first got Ubuntu, I changed the default OS ...
comp500's user avatar
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Windows option is missing in Dual boot Grub loader

I installed Windows 7 and then Ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop. After installing, when I restart, GRUB didn't load. Instead, it straight away went to Windows booting as if there's Only windows available on ...
balu mahendran's user avatar
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Change default option on dual boot screen

I want to know how I can change the default selected option on the GNU GRUB dual boot screen displayed on system start-up. I have a Windows 7 and Ubuntu dual boot PC. Currently there is a countdown ...
Rynardt's user avatar
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Windows 7 not booting after GRUB installation

I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10 with GRUB. GRUB managed to pick the Windows 7 installation up fine however if I select the Windows 7 option at boot, it will go to a DOS screen with 2 characters, e (...
JohnHoulderUK's user avatar
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Deleted Linux partitions but still get grub error and cannot boot into windows 7?

I had Windows 7 and Linux on a RAID0 disk- I deleted Linux, now when I boot I cannot get into Windows 7. I just get a grub error. If I try and use the Grub Repair tool and put that on a USB stick to ...
user997112's user avatar
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Installed Lubuntu as dual boot to Windows 7 and now Windows won't load

Last year when I installed an SSD in my laptop, I partitioned off a few GB to try dual booting to Linux. At the time, I was able to set up Ubuntu on that partition and used EasyBCD to manage the boot ...
techturtle's user avatar
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