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How to overwrite text on specific line in Batch [2nd Duplicate]

I have already tried this: { @echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a" <nul set /p"=This is ...
01maxzie's user avatar
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Windows: Kill processes by arguments [closed]

I'm on Windows 10. I want to kill all processes that have the word "foobar" in their command line arguments. How can I do that in the terminal, without touching the mouse?
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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How to reverse these commands in cmd?

I have some problem with Virtualbox and I found this site and it tells me to run these commands: mountvol X: /s copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y bcdedit /...
khoa's user avatar
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How to unzip a multitude of .gz files with windows command prompt

I have a system that must accept and send data 24/7, and runs 3 instances of itself on 3 different virtual machines (nicknamed _1, _2, _3 for later use). In the logs the timestamp of the traffic is in ...
László Dercs's user avatar
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Is it possible to block .exe with a certain Company/File Description/Size from being run on Windows?

Is it possible to block .exe with a certain Company/File Description/Size from being run on Windows? Basically trying to block this one file, but the end user could rename the file, and I don't want ...
Michael L's user avatar
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Windows 10 Resists Configuration of Drive Letters by Logon Script

Windows 10 is resisting configuration of drive letters by a logon script calling net use. The script is a .bat file and has been placed variously in: c:\windows\system32\grouppolicy\user\scripts\...
ebsf's user avatar
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How to disable Windows built-in keyboard using command [duplicate]

Is there a way i can disable the Windows built-in keyboard via Terminal Preview, Just like how i can accomplish the same thing on Ubuntu with thee command xinput disable <key> ?
Arduino_Sentinel's user avatar
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ReFS Block Cloning - Use command line to copy a file and use block cloning

The Resilient File System (ReFS) introduced block cloning, see Let's assume I've a 128 GB ReFS partition and I've a 8 GB ...
Wollmich's user avatar
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how to prevent Windows OS password resetting methods e.g. utilman.exe

I came here because topic is serious about my windows system, here is last day somehow I abled to reset my windows password by doing.. This Windows Commands Using bootable Windows OS Open Commands ...
Jason0011's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify where .tmp file is created when updating an archive with 7zip command line?

When updating an existing zip file from command line, 7zip makes a copy of the existing zip file in the same directory and renames that copy with the suffix .tmp# where # is an integer. Question: Is ...
Argyll's user avatar
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How do I open the WSL CLI on Windows 10?

How do I open the WSL CLI on Windows 10? I installed WSL on my Windows 10 system, but I have no idea how to access the WSL CLI. All the tutorials on the internet assume that the CLI is already open.
manymanymore's user avatar
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Access denied when adding key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE using bat file, adding to HKEY_CURRENT_USER works fine

I need to add a new registry key to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsRunTime\AllowedCOMCLSIDs. I tried running a following bat script: @echo off REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
cooktheprogrammer's user avatar
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Command line runas to really, really run as administrator [duplicate]

I am logged on as user and want to "runas" to run some command script as administrator. This does not work: ">runas /user:administrator mybatch.cmd" : mybatch.cmd executes but ...
Shares Games's user avatar
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Easily disabling and enabling a monitor in a multimonitor setup

I have 2 external monitors, and 2 laptops, one work one personal. I switch the primary monitor between my work laptop(usb-c) and personal laptop(hdmi) through the monitor menu. When I'm on my work ...
TeabagD's user avatar
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rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 does nothing

Originally, my question began a little differently: When I am using BigBox (Launchbox), I choose the "Sleep" option, and it kept putting my laptop to hibernate. I could not wake the machine ...
NL3294's user avatar
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