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Questions tagged [visual-studio-code]

Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform source code editor from Microsoft.

0 votes
1 answer

I can not start Microsoft Visual Code on Ubuntu 22.04 anymore

I use Visual code version 1.85.1. Even after downgrading to version 1.79.2 Visual Code does not start. I neither get a message why I can not start Visual Code. Does anyone have a suggestion how to fix ...
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1 answer

Disable Cmd + Hover to jump to definition in VSCode on macOS

In VSCode, whenever the Cmd key is down and I hover over a function definition, the editor automatically jumps to that definition. This incredibly annoying since I might press Cmd whenever I want to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Initiate download from Excel

I have a spreadsheet that contains a column of URL addresses to photos. I would like to download all or selected photos to a location on my computer that I specify. I'd appreciate any suggestions or ...
5 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio Code: Use keyboard to jump to first error from terminal output

When compiling code using the integrated terminal in VS code (not the "Output" or "Debug Console"), it appears to identify anything as a link that has the format <file path>:&...
6 votes
3 answers

VSCode autocompletes Typescript angle bracket generics, as if they were xml tags

I have a super annoying issue. When I'm writing some typescript, and I define a generic like export interface MyInterface<T>|, then as soon as I have typed the closing > then VSCode ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why I can't change the prompt in VSCode's terminal?

I am trying to change the prompt in my VSCode's terminal. My OS is MacOS Monterey 12.6. I use the zsh and I change the PS1 in .zprofile,such like this. Then I use echo to test.The others can work ...
1 vote
1 answer

VSCode wont run code

Screenshot of error that I get The term 'gcc' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify ...
1 vote
2 answers

unwanted code hints (prettify.css) in vscode

where are these coming from I have disabled all extensions. I am pretty sure that there is no prettify.css or base.css among my project files and yet I am still getting these code hints. How can I get ...
1 vote
2 answers

VSCode is asking to open external website every time I open it

Every time I open Visual Studio Code, the dialogue box shown on the image below comes twice asking me to open an external website which is very irritating during work. Can you please help me how to ...
11 votes
3 answers

In VS Code, how can I search in both file names and file contents at the same time?

Is there a way to search in the currently opened folder for a certain string not only in file names but also within the files themselves? I know I can use Ctrl+P to search in file names, or Ctrl+Shift+...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I prevent the Snyk extension in VSCode from scanning code automatically on save?

I am using the Snyk extension in VSCode, and by default, it runs a code scan every time I save a file. This is slowing down my workflow And I only want to scan the code manually. I have looked through ...
0 votes
2 answers

Can't SSH to remote server when using public key - Could not establish connection

I added my EC2 instance to the configuration file: Host EC2-Instance HostName User ec2user Port 22 IdentityFile C:\Users\myuser\Documents\ec2_instance.ppk But I still get "Could not ...
5 votes
4 answers

Visual studio code integrated terminal path different than normal terminal

I am on MacOS Mojave and I can't figure out why visual studio code's integrated terminal has a different path variable than the normal terminal. I have checked that VSCode opens /bin/bash (echo $...
1 vote
1 answer

Meaning of letters in VSCode Pull Request Extension messages [closed]

I am a (happy!) user of the VSCode Pull Request extension, but unfortunately I was unable to find a complete explanation of the meaning of the letters in the left-pane: when I am reviewing a PR, along ...
2 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio Code behind Proxy Failed to Load jsconfig.json from Schema Store

Created a jsconfig.json to define a JavaScript project within Visual Studio Code. Once open the containing folder with VS Code, VS code raises a problem: Problems loading reference 'https://...

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