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Questions tagged [sysinternals]

Usually refers to applications from the Sysinternals Suite (eg. Process Explorer, Process Monitor, RAMMap, ...)

0 votes
1 answer

Which processes are accessing CD/DVD drive?

I'm trying to install StarCraft 1 on my Windows 7 machine, but it's taking forever and it sounds like the DVD drive is thrashing. Is there any way to see which processes are reading from the DVD drive?...
xdhmoore's user avatar
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“Strings” utility including linefeed (LF) and carrier return (CR)

I want to filter a large file (a raw partition image) for strings (an accidentally deleted text file). The normal "strings" utility (Linux GNU strings or Windows sysinternals strings) does not count ...
MartinPosider234's user avatar
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Huge number of strange entries reported by SysInternals' autoruns on my Win7 Ultimate pc

I have been searching for an answer to this for about a month, but without success: A Huge number of strange entries are reported by SysInternals' autoruns utility when I run it on my Windows 7 ...
Hector Evans's user avatar
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Running command on remote windows server and add results to a text file

I am trying to find the installed version of a piece of software on a lot of servers (800+). The command is: "dsmqver -f 2" which returns output like "Version:" I have been trying to ...
RazziaDK's user avatar
8 votes
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What does "I/O Reads or Writes" and "I/O Read Bytes or Write Bytes" mean?

In Task Manager (and Sysinternals' Process Explorer) there are columns called "I/O Reads", "I/O Writes", "I/O Read Bytes" and "I/O Write Bytes". So what do these counters mean exactly? What else, ...
skr3am's user avatar
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Is there a GUI or context menu for Windows Explorer for PsFile?

PsFile is a great tool for closing network files that have been held open for some reason on another machine. This happens a lot with Office files, often because the user just left the file open and ...
Jason Clement's user avatar
2 votes
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Run a scheduled task that can update the desktop background wallpaper without causing a foreground flash?

I like how certain Windows themes rotate through various images, but I also like to use BgInfo to write out various machine info to the desktop wallpaper image. I created a customized BGI file and ...
travis's user avatar
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Portmon - Portmsys.sys not found

I've been wrestling with Sysinternals' Portmon utility and am trying to get it working under Windows 8.1 64-bit. Initially it would not start - it gave "Error 2" and exited, as detailed in this Stack&...
rossmcm's user avatar
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Can I use PsExec or similar tool to determine if a remote PC is already logged in?

I'm writing a utility which lets you remotely run a test application on network PCs. I plan to use PsExec to remotely launch the application on each PC but I need to check The PC is reachable The PC ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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TrueCrypt dismount on Windows 8.1 keeps prompting: "volume contains files or folders being used by applications or system"

I have a volume mounted by TrueCrypt. All works fine, except when I try to dismount it (after verifying I don't have any application or explorer using anything in it). Every time I click the Dismount ...
Very Objective's user avatar
12 votes
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Could not start PSEXESVC service on [MachineName]: Access is denied

I'm trying to use PsExec to start a process on a remote machine. I posted this question on SO, but I realized it's probably better suited here. I also have spent a few hours trying to figure this out, ...
Sean Cogan's user avatar
11 votes
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SysInternals Desktops not launching Chrome

I'm using Desktops from SysInternals on Windows 8 and experiencing a problem launching Chrome. Even if I go to the exe of Chrome it will not launch in anything but the first Desktop. Does anyone know ...
Crowie's user avatar
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Why is high repurposed standby memory a sign of memory pressure?

I've been watching an older episode of defrag tools, where Andrew Richards explains RAMMap ( At 24:45 he mentions that repurposing ...
Samuel's user avatar
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"Access is denied" to Admin when using Sysinternals Contig to defrag the $LogFile metadata file

I have folders with hundreds of thousands, to over a million files and subfolders in each parent. I'm reading that the NTFS log file may be responsible for slow file creation and other actions. How ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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Strings.exe does not see Cyrillic

Sysinternals utility Strings.exe does not see Cyrillic strings despite the fact that it works with Unicode. Does exist any utilities or libraries that really can extract all printable Unicode strings ...
SerG's user avatar
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capture output of runas command cross domain

I want to run the sysinternals tool psloglist to get the event log of a server that is on another domain. If I run runas /netonly /user:DOMAIN2\USER psloglist \\TARGETSERVER Then a new command ...
rob's user avatar
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Defrag NTFS $LogFile

I have the super descriptive "my computer is slow" issue. In resource manager I notice that c:\$LogFile access times are continuously around 800 ms, and I suspect this is causing much of the slowdown. ...
Martijn's user avatar
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How may I suppress the pslist (un)welcome lines?

How may I suppress the pslist (un)welcome text lines seen here? 2>NUL need not apply, since I want error output not suppressed.
ChrisJJ's user avatar
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Sysinternals - Streams access is denied error

I am using streams.exe to remove blocking of game by Windows but it is showing me "Access is denied" error although I am running the command with administrator. Article (that one I am following) : ...
Muhammed Talha Akbar's user avatar
30 votes
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MKLINK vs. Junction.exe

SysInternals has a program junction.exe that creates Junctions (aka. reparse points, aka. symlinks) in Windows. However, Windows also comes with a mklink which seems to do the same thing. Is there a ...
abelenky's user avatar
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in ProcessExplorer what is the difference between remote address = and *:*?

In Process Explorer when I select a process click on "TCP/IP" tab it shows 5 columns: Protocol, Local Address, Remote Address, State, Service. Under Remote Address, I often see entries such as 127.0.0....
J Smith's user avatar
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Windows sessions: Process Explorer vs. Logonsessions.exe

In researching a problem with an API call that is limited to particular sessions, I found some information that implied when you use runas to create a process as another user, a new security token is ...
Bart Silverstrim's user avatar
6 votes
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Changing colors of Process Explorer

I want to make my Process Explorer dark. I managed to change all colors except these very bright columns: How can I change these bright colors to something dark?
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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What does the path '\REGISTRY\A\...' in Sysinternals Procmon log mean?

I use Sysinternals Procmon utility to monitor the registry access by some programs. Most log entries have the Path property starting from HKCU\… or HKLM\…, that corresponds to the registry hives ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
4 votes
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Internet Explorer 10 doesn't seem to work with Sysinternals Desktops

I heavily use Sysinternals Desktops version 2 to manage multiple desktops. In the past, I used Internet Explorer 9 as this was the only web browser I found that could function across multiple ...
James Johnston's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a way to reset the toolbar minigraphs in Process Explorer?

Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer includes in its toolbar some minigraphs showing recent usage history for CPU, Memory, and so on: These are nice. However, an inadvertent click on the 'thumb' of ...
AakashM's user avatar
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How can I determine which operations or processes prevent screen saver and sleep mode

My desktop will not enter sleep mode or fire up the screen saver. To troubleshoot, I have run procmon and procexp from sysinternals in order to determine if some event is making the system think it ...
Fred's user avatar
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Huge memory usage in Nonpaged Pool

I have a one-year-old iMac with 8GB RAM running a bootcamped Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. The following memory analysis with Sysinternals RamMap.exe leaves some questions open: What could be the ...
Jonas Sourlier's user avatar
8 votes
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How to unlock files using handle.exe and process name?

I tried Unlocker 1.9.1 but it doesn't work correctly for me on Windows7 (worked ok on Windows XP) and also I tried LockHunter x64 and reported a bug but .... LockHunter actually unlocks the ...
Radek's user avatar
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USB-keyboard & mouse powered off in windows-7

I have a problem with a pc where usb devices are not getting any power as soon as windows starts up (it works in preboot). This pc has no ps/2, so there is no chance for input, also not in secure boot ...
sinned's user avatar
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