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Questions tagged [svn-server]

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Filtering my svn repo. How to find the space hogs?

Our SVN repo has gotten quite fat and it needs to diet. I dumped it and filtered the obvious culprits. Going through the fourth round of filters and the dump file is still morbidly obese. Is there a ...
The Altruist's user avatar
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SVN Repo Migration shows huge difference

We have recently migrated SVN Repository from Server A to Server B using the below steps. Using svnrdump we have taken the backup. svnrdump dump > repo1.dump And ...
Vivek's user avatar
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Redirect subdomain to Docker container using NGINX

I have NGINX set up on Centos 7.5, listening on port 80, and directing the traffic to a Gunicorn server. That is the main purpose of this server, and these are are locally installed applications, no ...
Shovalt's user avatar
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Launch of daemon for subversion server fails, but works in shell

I am trying to setup a subversion server on OS X (Sierra) using the subversion provided with Xcode Server. I followed these instructions for setting up a daemon to automatically start svnserve. My ...
not2savvy's user avatar
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VisualSVN Server, how to list users?

I have about 60 VisualSVN Server repositories and few sub-repositories in my VisualSVN Server and I need information on users assigned to each repository and permissions assigned to them. Listing ...
mohammed's user avatar
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SVN Server config for not allow same message commit from client

I had setup SVN Server for my group work. And now, I want user could not commit code to Server with the same messages. Is it possible to format comment from client like: *.*.*.* ( If user ...
Neo's user avatar
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How close to 1:1 is SVN server storage usage vs pulled down content size?

Say I pulled down 100GB of content from a VisualSVN server. Can I make any inferences about the space that is used on the server itself to store that content? If it is all compressed I would imagine ...
Enigma's user avatar
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Can't get websvn working

I am trying to setup websvn but I get an error when I try to access the repository: svn: E175002: Unexpected HTTP status 405 'Method Not Allowed' on '/svnrep/workspace/history' svn: E175002: ...
RegedUser00x's user avatar
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How to autostart svnserve on reboot and specify the default svn path?

I'm trying to transfer a working subversion Ubuntu server to a CentOS server. Right now I just use svnserve, since I see no need for running it as an Apache module. I installed svn on CentOS with ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Visual Svn Server: How to restrict edit by specified IP Address

I want to enable only a specific IPAddess to edit (add, delete, update...) my visual svn server, but all others IPAddess must be able to read... I believe it is necessary a change like this in the ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
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Can't log in to SVN server

I have an SVN server on my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian). It has a project under the directory /welcome, and I want to add users to it. My users would be admin with password admin and user2 with password ...
Harlandraka's user avatar
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Where is my project located on the SVN server?

I have a SVN server on a remote Pi, I have SSH access to it. I use it mainly to store revisions of web projects that I do, so I wanted to set up a continuous integration environment, so that every ...
Harlandraka's user avatar
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SVN Automatically updating working copies

Is it possible to set up subversion where when someone commits an update to the repository, all working copies that are checked out get updated automatically? Thank you in advance
Jim's user avatar
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Apache Won't Start, SVN unable to connect

I am unable to connect to the SVN server. It has become apparent that this is because Apache won't start. On the server, Commit won't work, Import won't work, Repo browser won't work. On my local ...
User.1's user avatar
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What user does SVN use to access files on Debian? (no repository found in ...)

I am setting up SVN on my Debian server, trying to get it to run through svnserve and not through WebDAV/Apache. As root ... I set up the base directory: mkdir /var/svn I first create the ...
SQRCAT's user avatar
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How to change SVN server IP address in client system after a checkout?

When I checkout my project into my local system the IP address of SVN server is 192.168.5.x. Because I have a DHCP server in my network, now the SVN IP changes to 192.168.5.y. When I try to commit I ...
Yashwant's user avatar
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Trying to find the path for subversion

I've installed a module for a thecus N5500 NAS that allows me to run svn and websvn directly on the nas. The path to the repository on the NAS is /raid/data/svnrepo and I've copied the files from my ...
Jack's user avatar
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how to use svn and netbeans for a shared hosting with cPanel control panel

I have a website hosted in a shared environment. I have seen people using svn with netbeans as ide which will update directly to the server and we can checkout (download the same from a different ...
Jayapal Chandran's user avatar
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What's the principle behind OpenSSH subsystems (or command= option)?

In OpenSSH one can declare a subsystem in the configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) or force a command such as svnserve to be executed by including this in the authorized_keys line for a ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Installing SVN on OS X Lion Server

Can SVN or git be set up on an OS X Lion Server? How does Lion server work along with other services outside its control? If I wanted to install WordPress, or MAMP or SVN, how would it be done on ...
user773578's user avatar
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How should I change to svn protocol instead of http

My current path of svn server is http://file/repo/test but I want use svn protocol instead of http svn://file/repo/test to do a SVN sync what I need to do. Please help.
HellBoy's user avatar
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Protecting a SVN server

For various reasons we are finding it increasingly difficult to work with remote workers. We are a very small developer shop and it's becoming impractical to do manual merges on a daily basis. So we'...
user35072's user avatar
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SVN on fileshare - user cannot commit - cannot open file 'txn-current-lock'

I have several SVN repositories on an Windows network fileshare. The user has full control, read, write, and just about every other permission that can be added. When trying to commit he gets the ...
trycatch's user avatar
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shell script post commit hook that just does date > /tmp/post-commit.log nothing is written to log file

I installed svn server with apache 2 on ubuntu 10 i have created a with a single 2 lines of code repository/hooks/ #!/bin/sh date > /tmp/post-commit.log nothing is ...
Jason's user avatar
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Can't connect to svnserve on localhost - connection actively refused

When I try to connect using Tortoise to my SVN server using: svn://localhost/ Tortoise tells me: "Can't connect to host 'localhost'. No connection could be made because the target machine actively ...
RMorrisey's user avatar
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VisualSVN Server working through IIS on 443

What I have: Here is the context. I have an Windows XP Pro machine where I have installed the VisualSVN Server (which is using Apache behind). I configured VisualSVN Server to use the secured port ...
leoinfo's user avatar
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I need something like an EEE box, only with RAID 1

I need a silent, tiny computer which I would use as an SVN and LAMP server (only for development at home, not as a production environment). I need RAID 1 to ensure the safety of my data. Could you ...
Wabbitseason's user avatar
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On an SVN repository, can you ignore all extensions except one?

Our need is to store only axcrypted (.AXX) documents in an SVN repository, and we want to prevent accidental uploading of the non-encrypted documents. Is there a way to do this on SVN server? We ...
SteveGSD's user avatar
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