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Keyboard shortcut for Service in OS X doesn't work outside of application focus

I have created a service for music application for next and previous track buttons on my keyboard. Problem is when i click on music application and press the keyboard shortcut it works, but when I ...
Mohammad_Hosseini's user avatar
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How to tell service open in a new tab instead of windows - OSX Safari

In this article there's the solution I was looking for, however, I would like to open in a new tab instead of a new window, how should be the text? Google translate client for OS X ... on run argv ...
Themind's user avatar
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Service doesn't work by shortcut for single selected folder in Mac OS X

I've created a service using Automator in Mac OS X 10.9 (and earlier in 10.8) to copy full path names of selected files and folders in Finder. Also I've assigned shortcut for this service in system ...
dmitry1100's user avatar
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Can I create a service in Automator that will run without having a file selected?

When creating services in automator, the topmost options is "Service receives selected..." Is there a way to create a service that just works on the currently open finder window, without having a file ...
DudeOnRock's user avatar
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Keyboard shortcut for Service in OS X doesn't work

I just wrote a script through Automator to make a keyboard shortcut under the title "New Finder Window Home": on run {input, parameters} tell application "Finder" activate make ...
ToNoY's user avatar
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How to create a service to zip files in Mac OS X Lion

I have to create services for two different use cases: Mark a folder or file and zip it using an archiver tool such as rar7zip. Mark a text and open a translator app. I've been trying to use ...
user49204's user avatar
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How do I set up a OSX service to delete the first page of a PDF?

I frequently receive PDF files where the first page is either empty or is just a cover page for which I have no use. Can you suggest a quick and efficient way (Applescript, Service, or ???) for me to ...
Maiasaura's user avatar
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Context menu item to lock/unlock files in Finder more quickly

I can change the file locking ("read only") status in a file's context menu: There's no menu item for this. How can I create a Finder (context) menu item to set, remove, or toggle this flag more ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
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Mac Automator Save to Current Directory

I am creating a basic Automator service so that I can select a group of images and resize them for our CMS. The thing that keeps messing me up is that I can't find a good way to make the resized ...
rschapman's user avatar
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Open a PDF from within Preview in another Application using Services

I've started using Papers for organizing my pdfs. All I'd like to do is to add a Service that I can access from Preview that will automatically open the pdf in Papers. From there, I'll either read it, ...
physicsmichael's user avatar