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How to run website locally? [closed]

Windows 10 OS basically I want to run a php website offline, in my PC-locally, so that i can use it without internet. Is it possible, to run locally as an offline-app please tell me basic steps to ...
new's user avatar
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Can't connect to MySQL from PHP script running on the PHP builtin server (localhost)

I am trying to connect to the MySQL service provided by XAMPP (screenshot) through a PHP script that runs on the builtin PHP server (I started the server through php -S localhost:4242 in the folder ...
Darius V.'s user avatar
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What is causing my home LAMP server to wait about 57 seconds before serving up a web page?

I should preface this all by saying that I'm certainly not a sysadmin, or even a web designer. I've searched for an answer but most answers I've seen have to do with WAMP and DNS. Not my particular ...
tripleman's user avatar
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Cannot access WAMP over internet

I have installed WAMP 3.2 on Windows Server. I need to access the phpmyadmin running on localhost of wamp over the internet from anywhere. After googling things, i found the modifications in httpd-...
java bee's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does start command in cmd windows10 put another start in the newly opened window with php?

What I was trying to do is, I want to run a local php server and then open http://localhost:8000 in chrome. I made a bat file in my windows 10 OS for this. Here's my first attempt: php -S localhost:...
user31782's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Cannot access localhost/phpmyadmin: (HY000/1130): Host 'localhost' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server

I just installed XAMPP. When I first opened phpMyAdmin it worked fine. Since then I created some users, but then when I restarted apache and MySQL I got the error message below when trying to access ...
HaakonFlaar's user avatar
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How to get localhost using PHP 7.2 on Mojave?

I'm trying to get PHP7.2 working on localhost, but phpinfo() keeps saying 7.1.19 is in place while ~php -v tells me PHP7.2.18 is in place. I run ~php -v it says: PHP 7.2.18 (cli) (built: May 2 ...
user2037412's user avatar
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Different PHP version in localhost folder

I have a Wordpress site which will not work with PHP 7. The dozens of other sites I have on my local machine are all fine with PHP 7. How can I change the PHP version in one folder on my localhost ...
Bwizard's user avatar
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php -S localhost:8888 creates local server in terminal but browser shows 404

in terminal: Melindas-MacBook-Pro:MelindaSterne Melinda$ php -S localhost:8888 PHP 7.2.17 Development Server started at Thu Apr 25 13:39:37 2019 Listening on http://localhost:8888 Document root is /...
Melinda Sterne's user avatar
-1 votes
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http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php “Says site can’t be reached”. Apache fail to start

I am using Antergos. I have installed a lampp stack with PHP 7.2.8, for the last couple of days my apache has been not starting, when I check httpd status I get(screenshot below) Click to see the ...
Kelvin Cayman's user avatar
0 votes
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php cannot run but display the whole script

I've installed wamp64 for windows 10 Apache 2.4.27 PHP 5.6.31 MySQL 5.7.19 I have save my php script like trial.php, but the when I run, localhost/trial.php It came out the whole script.
jannahas's user avatar
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Is it necessary to set up apache, php and mysql?

I am developing mean-stack websites on my Mac. So I will need to use http://localhost:3000/..., https://localhost:3000/... to test the websites, and eventually http://localhost/localFile and https://...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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A browser cannot find a file on localhost

OS Linux Mint onto VirtualBox I've installed PHP like in this manual, When I am trying to test PHP and go to http://localhost/testphp.php it gives ...
Dirty Hippy's user avatar
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How do I configure PHP to run locally?

I have attempted to configure my system to run a PHP server. I'm running Windows 10, and using IIS. I've gone through the Windows Features and turned on the Web Management Tools under the Internet ...
Will's user avatar
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Test whether PHP is correctly installed on my Mac

I use Homebrew to installed the php 5.6, I followed the guide from Homebrew to enable Apache and PHP (such as uncommenting the httpd.conf file), then I can successfully access to http://localhost/ and ...
Yang Xia's user avatar
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