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Questions tagged [osx-snow-leopard]

Use for questions referring specifically to versions of OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard. Non-version-specific questions related to OS X should be tagged with [osx]. Questions about Mac hardware should be tagged with [mac]. Questions about running OS X on non-Apple hardware are generally considered off-topic.

3 votes
2 answers

Misconfigured external monitor on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3

I have an external monitor (specifically, an HDTV) hooked up to my 2.53GHz 13" macbook pro. This display works fine and I use it with my mac in clamshell mode (eg. with an external keyboard/mouse and ...
6 votes
3 answers

Mac OS X 10.6.5 Right Click at cursor position

I want to right click where the focus is not where the mouse cursor is (eg. the blinking text cursor or on a file) using only the keyboard. I've tried mouse keys and it right clicks at the mouse ...
2 votes
2 answers

Java compiler error: Can't open input server /Library/InputManagers/Inquisitor

I am trying to compile HelloWorld in Java under Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and I get this compiler error: java[51692:903] Can't open input server /Library/InputManagers/Inquisitor It happens ...
30 votes
6 answers

How to stop OS X from switching input method (keyboard layout) automatically?

After using the wireless keyboard that comes with the iMac, I have switched to a MS Ergo Natural 4000 one. Surprisingly I had to install extra software as OS X could not work out which keyboard I had. ...
3 votes
1 answer

OS X can connect to Windows machine, but can't access shared folders

I can create new folders on my Windows XP machine, set them to "shared". On my Mac, I pick Finder → Go → Connect to Server → smb:// → Connect → Name / Password. ...
1 vote
4 answers

Eclipse NullPointerException at getFontList

Eclipse doesn't start anymore. I get a dialog box that points me to a log file with the following entry: !SESSION 2009-12-08 08:49:16.263 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse....
0 votes
1 answer

Can not share DVD drive from one Macbook Pro to another

I don't know the specifics of CD/DVD drive sharing on OS X, but my understanding is the following: I have two Macbook Pros, one late-2007 with a damaged DVD drive and one early-2011 with a fully ...
28 votes
6 answers

Remove Spotlight icon from the menu bar

How do I remove the Spotlight icon from the Mac OS X menubar? Note, I don't want to disable Spotlight (I use it). I just want to remove the icon.
8 votes
1 answer

Enable SMB file sharing on OS X - "Incorrect Password"

I have a Mac running Snow Leopard connected to an Active Directory domain. I can share folders on the Mac and view files from Windows without problems. When I try to enable my Mac account for write ...
11 votes
6 answers

How to change the default screen sharing / VNC port number on Mac OS X?

Is there any way to change it from the default 5900 to some other port?
27 votes
6 answers

How do I control the system volume on OS X with a keyboard without media controls?

I'm using a PC keyboard on Mac OS. I can use the menubar to control the volume, but are there any keyboard shortcuts I can use to change the system volume? Or perhaps a simple script or solution I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Adjust base volume on a Mac OS X

Currently, when using headphones on my MacBook Pro, the volume goes from completely silent at 0 bars fairly loud at 1 bar (6%) very loud at 2 bars (13%) and everything above is painful. (Unless I, for ...
6 votes
2 answers

Where are Mac user account passwords stored?

How can I access the encrypted value of a local user account password in osx? Would it be possible to check against it or even copy it to another account?
1 vote
2 answers

What is an easy way for users to remotely change their passwords on mac os x snow leopard servers?

I have been entrusted with our little snow leopard server. It is supposed to work as an FTP server - and does (hooray). Now, I have given the six or so people in our team usernames and passwords to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Mac OS X is not detecting USB Wi-Fi adaptor

I need some help regarding hardware configuration. The [built-in Wi-Fi module?] of my Mac stopped working so I bought a USB Wi-Fi adapter, but I am not able to figure out how to configure it on Snow ...
30 votes
2 answers

How can I put a newline in my zsh prompt without causing terminal redraw issues?

I'm trying to fix a minor (but annoying) issue with my zsh prompt. The problem I'm seeing is that when I'm using a terminal in a GUI OS environment (for example, or iTerm 2 on OS X 10.7.2)...
11 votes
6 answers

Can you toggle function keys on / off with a keyboard shortcut on OSX?

I know you can toggle this option on and off in the System Preferences screen for 'keyboard' but I'd like to know if I can do it via a shortcut as I do it all the time.
38 votes
9 answers

How can I change the system font size in OS X?

I'm using a Mac Mini on big flat-screen TV for playing media. The small font size is really annoying when sitting far away. Is there a way to increase the system font size in OS X?
62 votes
17 answers

Can't type the tilde (~) character in Mac OS X

This is a new problem that I did not have a few weeks ago. I have a Logitech Illuminated Keyboard running on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). The problem is that I cannot type a tilde (~). Instead when I ...
41 votes
19 answers

Disabling mouse acceleration in Mac OS X

I've been looking for a solution to the unusable mouse problem in Mac OS X for ages. I've tried a gazillion programs and fiddled with every setting there is or there can be added. So far, I haven't ...
8 votes
2 answers

Show/Hide Application Icon in Dock

Is there away to toggle an Application Icon in the OS X Dock? Specifically I was hoping to be able to use the 'deafults' command to toggle something within the given application.
19 votes
13 answers

How to print screen in Remote Desktop Client (RDS) on Mac OS X?

I'm using version 2.1.0 of Remote Desktop Client on my MacBook Pro with Mac OS X Snow Leopard (version 10.6). How do I use the fn or cmd call to simulate a print screen on the remote system?
4 votes
4 answers

Text Over SSH Buffering

I'm always SSHing to servers, sometimes it's over TOR, sometimes it's a server that's far away and the latency is really high. Is there a way to buffer my key strokes locally before they are sent to ...
27 votes
4 answers

How to mount an encrypted ext3 filesystem under OS X?

I know how to mount an ext3 filesystem in OS X with MacFUSE and fuse-ext2. But how can I mount an encrypted ext3 volume? I have Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard" running.
13 votes
7 answers

Make search by file name default in Finder

In Finder when I type something in the textbox the default is to search the whole mac in the contents of the files. I was able to change the default to search the current directory, but didn't see an ...
7 votes
4 answers

Switch the keys caps lock and shift

Is there a way to switch the shift key with the capslock key? I have a problem with the shift keys, and I would like to use the caps lock keys, instead of the left shift key. Mac OS X settings allow ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is it ok to work with files, while Time Machine is backing them up?

Currently, my Mac is backing all my data up. At this time, I working ... Is it ok, when I move/change files during backup ? Or, I will have side-effects later ?
0 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to run Google Chrome in kiosk mode on Snow Leopard?

Is it possible to run Google Chrome in kiosk mode on OS X, specifically Snow Leopard? I cannot find a way of doing so currently. Am I missing something?
5 votes
3 answers

Set default browser used to open links from SeaMonkey

I use the email client provided within Seamonkey. However, I'd rather use Firefox to open links within email messages, however by default emails are opened in the Seamonkey browser. I would really ...
4 votes
2 answers

MacBook not connecting anywhere via VPN

I was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot this issue. I have a handful of VPNs set up on my MacBook (Snow Leopard) which I know are working, but today when I tried to use them I get the ...
6 votes
3 answers

How can I set custom key bindings and key macros on Mac OS X?

I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard, from Leopard and I was using an awesome app called Spark that let you remap your keys, set scripts/macros and even had repeat functionality. However, this app ...
46 votes
8 answers

Why doesn't echo support "\e" (escape) when using the -e argument in MacOSX

When I try to print out some colored text using ANSI escape sequences via the built-in echo command, it seems that the \e escape sequence in the string I provide is interpreted literally instead of as ...
8 votes
2 answers

In OS X, how can I view the calendar from the clock?

In OS X, is there a way to view the calendar by clicking the clock icon in the top right corner of the screen? (Similar to how in Windows you can just double click the clock in the bottom left corner ...
19 votes
7 answers

Google Chrome constantly asking for Keychain permission?

My Google Chrome installation on Snow Leopard is asking for access to the keychain any time I go to a site with login information... This happened really suddenly - I've restarted and tried different ...
10 votes
7 answers

How can I remap my Caps-Lock key to Escape (for Vim) in Snow Leopard?

Obviously, in Linux I can use xmodmap. On Leopard, I used an InputManager called PCKeyboardHack. But InputManagers are now broken. How can I preserve my sanity and keep on using Caps Lock to Escape ...
6 votes
1 answer

Resume interrupted file copy Mac OS X

My laptop froze up in the middle of a (large) file copy from my desktop (over a simple LAN). The copy operation was about 2/3 complete when this happened and I was just wondering how (if at all) I can ...
2 votes
3 answers

What's the easiest way to bind F19 to open the calculator (on a Mac)

I currently use Quicksilver to open the calculator when I hit F19. I am afraid Quicksilver will die someday. What is the best way to get this functionality after Quicksilver gives up the ghost? Is ...
46 votes
5 answers

"sudo: port: command not found" after installing MacPorts on Snow leopard

I have attempted to install MacPorts in order to upgrade my Rails version so that I can work my way through Agile Web Development with Rails, PragProg (4th, 2011). I have followed the directions in ...
16 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to change the delay before the dock appears in OS X on Mac?

I would like to change the delay before the (autohidden) dock appears when I mouse over it. There is currently a short delay before it appears, and I would like to make it a lot longer (one second ...
0 votes
3 answers

Macbook Pro unable to use the internet while connected to IPSec VPN

Short Question Is there something I am missing when setting up a Cisco IPSec VPN connection that redirects all traffic over the VPN? Background When I am connected to the VPN, I can browse our ...
265 votes
27 answers

What can I do to stop the Play / Pause button from opening iTunes?

In Snow Leopard the Play / Pause media button (on the F8 key) opens up iTunes. How can I disable that? Preferably keeping the old Leopard behaviour, so I can use it to control other media applications ...
3 votes
4 answers

How Will Mac OS X Snow Leopard Upgrade Work?

I am relatively new to Mac OS X. I got my MacBook in January, and I have never experienced a new version of the operating system. I am wondering if I should simply upgrade my install to Snow Leopard. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Self Built MacVim on OSX 10.6 doesn't open a GUI window

I've noticed the MacVim downloads page has stopped uploading pre-compiled snapshots for OSX 10.6 (only 10.7 is supported now, with 10.6 considered LEGACY). I'm still using 10.6 and wanted to build it ...
15 votes
2 answers

GNU Screen Copy mode blocks execution?

I use GNU Screen's scrollback/copy mode. So I hit Control-A [ to enter copy mode, scroll up to the section I care about... and then I forget. However, it seems like leaving GNU screen in scrollback/...
9 votes
7 answers

Mac OS X Shortcut Maximize window

Is there really no way that I can maximize or unmaximize a window in Mac OS X with just the keyboard? (Currently using 10.6.3)
2 votes
2 answers

Dell V105 printer and OS X 10.6

I am trying to get a Dell V105 printer to work with my iMac. It is running 10.6 and I have installed all the drivers on the Snow Leopard disk. I believe there is no official Dell driver but I have ...
0 votes
1 answer

MKV to M2TS muxer for Snow Leopard

I currently use the tsMuxeR for Windows within a VM on my Mac to mux MKV to M2TS to play on my PS3. tsMuxeR currently doesn't have a version that works with Snow Leopard, and I have not had any luck ...
0 votes
4 answers

Is there a away to make a chromeless Terminal on Mac OS X?

Is removing or modifying the chrome-bar (topbar) of an OS X window possible? The window in question is the window from
0 votes
2 answers

How to spy on a Mac from a PC

I have a desktop running Windows 7 and a Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. If someone is using my Macbook Pro, and from my Windows 7 machine I want to see what they see on their screen, is there a ...
24 votes
7 answers

Application-specific default keyboard layout in Mac OS X

I know how to change the keyboard layout in general, but I want certain applications to always open with a specific layout, not the same for all of them. For example, I'd like Firefox to open with a ...

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