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How can I turn off extra mail sent to administrator?

I have a server-config Mac mini set up at home. When I had Snow Leopard on it, I had started setting up a mail server, but left it in a half-configured state of some kind. I've since upgraded to ...
Carl Norum's user avatar
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IMAP: keep junk out of INBOX

I have mail system properly configured. Spam mails are tagged as expected but they all fall into INBOX. Now I need them to go directly into the INBOX.Junk folder. How this can be done? ps. I have osx ...
spajak's user avatar
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Is there a free Mac OS X MS Exchange e-mail notifier?

I have searched high and low for a simple menubar / background notifier for an MS Exchange account, preferably something that could connect to Growl, but no luck. If you know of such a thing, I would ...
Philip's user avatar
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Thunderbird Automatically Get (POP) New Mail, Via the OS (Mac OS X)

I want the OS to check for new mail using my POP account in thunderbird without having to manually start thunderbird (its ok if thunderbird automatically starts as a windowed process and doesn't just ...
Jordan's user avatar
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My Mail Index is 1.3GB. How can I reduce this?

My Leopard machine is choking on's index, bursting CPU utilization past 90% for sustained periods. I noticed my Arq backup program keeps re-uploading a single 1.3GB file, and I have come to ...
editor's user avatar
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Offlineimap OSX Snow Leopard - All but one account sync, but Gmail sync crashes on duplicate file?

I am setting up Offlineimap and Mutt on OSX Snow Leopard. I am almost done and have 5 accounts working/syncing. However, my main Gmail crashes every time I try to sync it! I don't know what is ...
rabbit on rails's user avatar
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How can I catch mail that my development server is generating so I can view it, but not send it?

When I was developing on a PC, I used a program called PostCast ( to act as my local SMTP server and catch any messages that my web applications generated. It then had a ...
Chris Bloom's user avatar
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Visual feedback indicating selected sender address for new compositions in Entourage?

I send emails from two addresses using a single Entourage 12.2.4 client. One of them is a personal work account and one is an administrative account. It's very easy to send email from the wrong ...
Stew's user avatar
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How do I get Mail to show desktop alerts when I get mail?

How do I get Mail to show desktop alerts or start bouncing around when I get mail?
TheLearner's user avatar
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Setting up an Exchange account on Snow Leopard

I am trying to setup an Exchange account in the Mail application on Snow Leopard. I've set it up on my iPhone and it works perfectly. However, I am unable to do so in the Mail app. I've entered all ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent to Enigmail for

I like using, but I'd also like to have encryption/signing options. Is there a plugin like Enigmail for Thunderbird? I'm on Snow Leopard.
Hank Gay's user avatar
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iPhone-link Sync in Apple Mail

Is it possible to setup an iPhone-like sync with Mail on Snow Leopard? Currently it downloads all 18000 messages from Gmail (IMAP) and when I delete a messages, it isn't deleted from Gmail. Can ...
Nimbuz's user avatar
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How do I move a pop3 account in apple mail to use Exchange on Snow Leopard?

I have a pop3 email account set up in Apple Mail and now that I have upgraded to Snow Leopard, I would like to make it an Exchange account. How do I change that account to use Exchange, making sure ...
Austin's user avatar
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