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are page tables under utilized in x86 systems

I was recently looking at the page table architecture in x86 and x86-32 machines. x86-32 paging architecture: x86-64 paging architecture: In x86 for example, we use 10 bits as offset into the page ...
deepak arumugam's user avatar
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4 answers

Is Shell a daemon?

A Linux daemon is a program that is started as part of the init process. It is not associated with a terminal. So almost all Linux systems which boot to run level 3 will wait for user to login at the ...
SRaj's user avatar
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Dual Boot: Can disabled tools be re-enabled after the dual boot is complete?

I'm a little new to linux. I notice on some dual boot tutorials they'll ask you to disable several things in order to proceed with the dual boot steps. For example if you have windows pre-installed, ...
Phillip's user avatar
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I am having trouble understanding pipes and their implememnation in xv6

I am studying Operating Systems on my own from the MOOC lectures available online and wanted to work on xv6. I was reading the Documentation on xv6 and in chapter 0 when it is talked about pipes (pg. ...
Shubham Sharma's user avatar
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1 answer

At is scheduling the job but not executing the commands under it

Please help me solve my issue on at command. I am giving the below command and it is not executing. # at now at> ls -l > txt.txt at> <EOT> job 1 at 2016-04-27 11:31 when I try to ...
Raghaha's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the need for a text editor in an OS for humans or the system? [closed]

From Wikipedia: Text editors are provided with operating systems and software development packages, and can be used to change configuration files, documentation files and programming language ...
Honinbo Shusaku's user avatar
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3 answers

What does "based on" and "derived from" mean in Operating Systems context? [closed]

I have been reading about *nix history and the more I read the more I get confused. I am reading terms like ... is based on ... or ... and ... derived from .... etc. A concrete example ...
Koray Tugay's user avatar
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69 votes
11 answers

What is the relationship between Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, Debian and Android?

What is the relationship between Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian? I suspect they are all Operating Systems that are based upon one another - similar to how Windows is based on DOS. Is my suspicion ...
IremadzeArchil19910311's user avatar
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2 answers

Understand what is happening in Linux with ps, top, and free

I'm running my java program on a 12 cores 24 thread machine. They have several processes that are running simultaneously. It seems that I performed too many processes so that the whole tasks made the ...
Marcus Thornton's user avatar
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Directory and segments in Multics operating system

In Multics OS there are different access rights in the access control list for segments (execute, read and write) and directories (status, append and modify)(book). How do segments correspond to ...
Fatime's user avatar
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61 votes
13 answers

Is Unix not a PC operating system? [closed]

I am doing my bachelor's degree at a university. In a written assignment, the professor posted the task: "Name three PC operating systems". Well, I went on an included a variety of OSes (Linux, ...
Tobias Boschek's user avatar
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1 answer

Linux Mint VM in VirtualBox freezes with DISKFULL error

Disk partitioning guide for Linux Mint Debian This guides shows me how to partition my HD for Linux Mint. I'm trying to install Mint as a guest client on Windows 7 hosted VirtualBox. I used to let it ...
Kingston Town's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What percentage of computers today are *nix based? [closed]

Do you know some source that has statistics/estimations about this? Any sound guesses?
Lazer's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

What is the difference between Unix and Linux? [duplicate]

I want to know what the actual difference between Unix and Linux is. Do they share the same kernel? Is Linux built on Unix? Do programs written for Linux work on Unix and vice-versa?
Xinus's user avatar
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