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GPG subkey seems to have different password

I have recently created a new OpenGPG key with Thunderbird and exported it to use it with gpg. However, I cannot decrypt anything outside Thunderbird because my subkey - which is used for encryption - ...
JoJota's user avatar
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Convert GPG private key to QR code?

How can I generate a QR code from a OpenPGP/GnuPG private key on Windows 7? Context: I created a private key pair on a Windows computer and want to import the key to my phone. The phone app has ...
get_going's user avatar
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How to convert gpg4win's binary to ascii, with Notepad++

I can reliably convert gpg4win's ascii to binary using Notepad++ option "Base64 Decode" (credit: James K Polk). Works every time. But when I attempt the reverse, i.e. convert binary to ascii, it ...
get_going's user avatar
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How to convert gpg4win's ascii to binary?

gpg4win can save and read encrypted files in two forms: Binary with .gpg extension Base64/ascii with .asc extension Is there a way to convert the Base64/ascii output to binary? I tried with Notepad+...
get_going's user avatar
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2 answers

GnuPG: Add passphrase to passphrase-less key

I've created my PGP keypair using an online site. The thing is, I didn't provide a passphrase upon creation; The site didn't make supplying a passphrase mandatory. Since this key is passphraseless, ...
Miguel Nogueira's user avatar
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Do I need a PGP key?

I've recently got familiar with the concept of OpenPGP public-private keys, and how to use GnuPG tool to manage PGP keys. I have three questions: 1- Is it necessary for me to have a PGP (or an ...
Hedayat Mahdipour's user avatar
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When should I backup my primary OpenPGP key?

When should I backup my primary OpenPGP key? I recently generated an OpenPGP key using the following setup (output of gpg2 --list-keys): pub rsa4096/KEYIDSC 2017-10-19 [SC] uid [ultimate] ...
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8 votes
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How to use GnuPG to get the smallest possible output (symmetric encryption)?

I'm trying to produce very small OpenPGP-encrypted files that can be embedded into QR codes. However, in comparison to for example OpenSSL, GnuPG seems to produce very large results for a simple ...
Daan Bakker's user avatar
-3 votes
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Remove unnecessary under-the-hood GPG public key cryptography

Background: Some existing programs, such as git-annex (git-annex encryption) and pass, delegate cryptography to GPG, "a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard". More ...
Matei David's user avatar
1 vote
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GPG2 Encryption - No public key error

When I generate my keys using gpg2 --gen-key and then I try to try to encrypt the file using gpg2 --batch --yes -r [email protected] --always-trust --homedir . -e test.text I get an error "...
Steve Ward's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How does public/private key cryptography work, who generates the key pair?

I have a requirement to encrypt a file, get it to an external partner who will then decrypt the file using a key. My "basic" understanding is that I can generate the public and private keys, encode ...
Steve Ward's user avatar
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2 answers

GPG4WIN Keys and Transferring them

I have installed and have generated a keys that will allow me to both sign and encrypt files. On windows it uses the (KDE) / Kleopatra Certificate Manager - Version 2.1.0. What is the ...
DevilCode's user avatar
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