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How to create a shortcut to a VPN connection?

I have a VPN connection that I'm using heavily. I'd like to setup a shortcut to quickly connect/disconnect this connection. How can this be done?
ripper234's user avatar
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Why does "Windows Games Explorer" attempt to access the internet whenever I launch a game?

I'm running Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate (64-bit) and the OS is making some undesirable and unidentified calls to the internet. Whenever I launch a game (in this case Unreal Tournament) I notice Windows ...
WackGet's user avatar
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No internet access on Windows 7

I have a strange problem with Windows 7. It all started couple of days ago. On my Dell XPS laptop I have two network interfaces, one LAN one WLAN. When I power up my computer I have a small yellow ...
Vnuk's user avatar
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Wireless and Wired network interfaces Windows 7 route table

I have my laptop connected to wifi for internet and Ethernet for private network. I want to be able to connect to both. I know that my private network range is 10.x.x.x so I added a route rule to ...
Amr Eladawy's user avatar
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Tool to easily block Internet access completely for Windows?

I would like to block Internet access for my own machine. This is so that no apps can talk to the outside in the time frame I want it to. I know a firewall can do this but I don't want to install one. ...
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
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Windows 7 PC can't find Windows Vista PC

I have two PCs that connect through a wireless router, a Windows Vista Business Edition PC and a Windows 7 PC The Windows Vista PC is able to find the Windows 7 PC in the Windows Explorer Network ...
user823527's user avatar
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Outlook won't reconnect after switching networks

Problem On a corporate network, I have outlook on my work laptop. I can run it fine on both wifi and through an ethernet cable. The problem is if my laptop is running through wifi and then I place it ...
Eric F's user avatar
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Can't access Microsoft websites after logging in with my Live ID

The problem When being logged out, I can see the Microsoft web pages. I have trouble accessing Microsoft websites after signing in with my Windows Live ID. For many pages I try to access, it ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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Cannot enable network icon in the taskbar

For some reason I cannot see the network icon in the taskbar any more. When I go to "Turn system icons on or off" the network and action centre icons are off and grayed out so I cannot enable them. I ...
DenisY's user avatar
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Windows 7 x64 Network Adapter Fails

Recently I have begun to experience problems with my network access using Windows 7. The computer crashed after waking up from sleep and has not been able to access any network via ethernet since ...
user avatar
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Make windows not remember network password? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: how to get windows to forget a network password? is there a way to change the settings so that Windows does not remember the network password after it connects, so that upon ...
user avatar
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Mapped network drive not visible in Explorer (Win7 x64)

I've not seen an answer that hits my issue on the head. I've got one computer out of 60 that will not map one network drive. It actually maps but never shows up in Windows Explorer. I can Y: in the ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Cannot launch application on Wifi Connection

I followed the instructions on the answer to: How to launch a command on network connection/disconnection? . Basically, I want to kill uTorrent when I connect to a specific network. Has something ...
Menelaos's user avatar
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How to enable mDNS on Windows (7) [duplicate]

What do I need to get multi-cast DNS on Windows (7) including the Windows box announcing its name in the .local domain? I am not so much interested in the service discovery part. It would be nice ...
Jan Hudec's user avatar
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I have a windows VPN connection but it has "No Internet Access". How do I get it WITH internet access?

I have been doing research on this topic for days, I have a windows 7 Ultimate machine running on a blazing fast internet. I set up a VPN on that machine, and would love it if the VPN can share my ...
DearMusic's user avatar
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Why does my cursor speed slow down when my system is under intense network usage?

On some occasions of computer usage, my mouse acts very strangely. Whenever my computer is under intense network usage (i.e. watching an online video, downloading an application, patching a video game)...
opop9266's user avatar
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How to prefer mobile connection over proxy?

I have win7. I have proxy connection and also mobile connection via my Android phone(via USB port). I want to connect to internet only via mobile connection so I specified no Proxy in my browser (...
heftos's user avatar
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How to route traffic to one specific NIC when two are installed

I have a PC with 2 NICs installed and I want to utilize both, in my office table there's a 2 port patch panel. 1 port is for internet, and the other for internal access. When both my NICs are active,...
user1933824's user avatar
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MAC address spoofing not working in Windows

In Windows 7 I tried setting my MAC address by changing it via adapter properties (Locally Administered MAC Address), but ipconfig /all still shows the old address, even after rebooting. Any hints?
xyzzyrz's user avatar
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Change Windows VM (Virtualbox) Mac Adress

I need to change the mac address from a GUEST Windows 7 box running in Virtualbox. I know you can go to Virtualbox admin (in the host) and change the settings for that VM, but I need to do it from the ...
dorphalsig's user avatar
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using lapotop as hotspot using windows 7 [duplicate]

I'm using windows 7 with a wireless internet connection and i want to share the internet to mobile devices.for this I set a "set up a new connection or network " in network and sharing centre in ...
Katz's user avatar
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monitor internet bandwidth on LAN

I'm on a office network and there are around 12 PCs that are connected to a switch and then to a Prolink Router. Now the Internet connection is very slow and I'm the one who manage all the computers. ...
Imesh Chandrasiri's user avatar
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Alert when someone connects to my PC

I'm sharing various folders on my Windows 7 PC. When I go to the Computer Management section, I can see if there are any open sessions in my shared folder. When I connect to the PC from another ...
XSL's user avatar
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Cannot connect to wifi, but can connect through wire

Today in the afternoon I started experiencing a strange problem with wifi connection on my laptop (in the morning it was still working fine). The problem is that I am not able to connect to internet ...
jcxz's user avatar
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TCP/IP networking working as expected, but can't access Windows Shares

I am trying to fix a Windows 7 Pro SP1 (32 bits) computer. I have a weird problem. It was working fine until two days ago (didn't do anything weird in that day), and suddenly windows network (...
Pablo Santa Cruz's user avatar
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10013 No socket could be created error, however nothing is listening on that port

While attempting to start a Cherrypy Python webserver server after a reboot, I received the error: error: No socket could be created -- (('', 8000): [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to ...
March Ho's user avatar
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File and printer sharing option keeps disabling itself

Details I'm using windows 7 home basic SP1 ,and I have couple of courses on my pc ,I wish to watch it on my iPad vlc media player Earlier I had achieved this on an Android device ,where I had ...
Chemist's user avatar
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Online computer not responding to pings

I was doing a bit of scanning on my network lately. I knew all the hostnames of each computer connected. But whilst pinging one of them ping returned Request timed out.. This is strange as I know the ...
TheBrenny's user avatar
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Connect to VPN before Windows 7 starts

I am building a laptop with Windows 7 SP1 x64 which will be used by a remote user. The laptop needs to be locked down so they can only do their work and nothing else. It will have a VPN connection ...
Reado's user avatar
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Windows 7: measure mobile broadband connection traffic only - built-in tool? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Software to report internet traffic for home user I have a WWAN module in my laptop which Windows 7 recognizes as mobile broadband connection. I would like to see how much ...
Oliver Hanappi's user avatar
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3 answers

Windows Network Connection Speed Property

Consider this rough network drawing: +-----------------------------------+ | Router - DHCP Server | |-----------------------------------| | Gigabit LAN ports |...
dtmland's user avatar
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Win7 won't mount WinXP share

For quite some time I have had an old WinXP server, with a couple of shared folders, and a Win7 client, accessing those shares. It used to work flawlessly up until 2 weeks ago, when there was a black ...
user1129682's user avatar
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How to prevent Windows 7 using VPN gateway by default?

Yes, I am aware of this question. However, I have tried following the answers to the question, and they don't work for me. If I uncheck "Use default gateway on remote network", RDP simply refuses to ...
Jez's user avatar
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Network Copy to Windows 7 File Share Fails and Kills Network Connection

I have a Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium machine that I use as a file server. This machine is wired to my DLink DIR-655 wireless router. I share a disk with guest access on that machine. The network ...
Jim Fiorato's user avatar
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PCs in the same network can not communicate

I have 2 PCs. 1 Windows 7/64 bit. 1 Windows Vista. Both are connected to the same router accessing the public network. Both can access the Internet. Problem: None of the PCs can ping each other. ...
user65971's user avatar
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Unable to detect Wifi signals

Recently my old wifi adapter broke, so I had to buy a new one. Eventually I got around to it but it doesn't seem to work. I have bought one from TP-LINK, returned it for the same issue as I'm having ...
Pim's user avatar
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Is it possible to log a program's network activity in Windows 7?

Does anyone know of a program or way to log all network activity to a specific program on one's computer (program and/or service)? I know I can see this "live" in Resource Monitor, but I'm wondering ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
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How can I disable internet for a specific interface in Windows 7?

I have two NICs on my machine, one which connects to my network and has my internet connection. The other connects to a buddy next doors network with his internet connection. I don't want Windows ...
MGSoto's user avatar
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Change Broadcom Wireless adapter MAC addres to any address

I need to change my MAC address of Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter to address of my choice - I need to mask myself as another device in the network. The conflict of the devices will not happen. Under ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Windows 7 Network dies after sleep mode

I have a windows 7 machine and everytime it comes back from sleep mode the network connection has been lost and needs reconnecting. I have checked the power settings for my network card and it is set ...
Simon Foster's user avatar
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Cannot access the shared folder

There is a shared drive in our university where anyone can share files. I had mapped this as a network drive on my computer earlier but cannot access it anymore. I am using Windows 7. When I put the ...
LifeH2O's user avatar
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Multiple Wi-Fi cards and Internet connections on Windows 7

I have two Wi-Fi cards and two separate Internet connections. I connect to the Internet with both of them but one does all of the Internet transactions (and I have not seen any place where I can ...
Dpp's user avatar
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Find out what programs are heavily using the network

Currently, I have a process on my Windows 7 system which is saturating the incoming broadband internet connection (75Mbit/s) and almost completely saturating the 100Mbit network controller. I cannot ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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Incorrect or Non Existent DNS server on laptop (Windows 7)

I've been trying to fix this issue for a few hours now, and have ran through a large number of troubleshooting lists. Yesterday my laptop connected to my home network just fine, today it connects, ...
JonathonG's user avatar
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Weirdly I can't ping my Gateway from linux virtual machines

Assume the following Situations: Gateway IP : Host IP (Win7) : Guest 1 on this Host (VMWare-Linux-Kali) : Guest 2 on this Host (VMWare-Win7) : Gateway is a ...
TheGoodUser's user avatar
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Can you share a LAN printer from a Windows 7 homegroup to a Windows Vista domain?

I have a work laptop computer at home running Windows Vista that is on work domain group that it uses when it connects to a work VPN. The laptop is on a local LAN that has a connection to the ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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Is a Windows 7 homegroup(workgroup) and a Windows Vista Domain compatible?

Can a Windows 7 computer connect to a Windows Vista domain? Can a Windows Vista computer connect to a Windows 7 homegroup(workgroup)?
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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Remote working: Should I join Home PC to company domain?

I work from home and my PC is one the company bought for me. I connect to the company network with VPN (Shrewsoft VPN Connect if that matters). A fellow coworker (one who also works from home) ...
ray023's user avatar
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Run exe from network share, with/without admin privileges?

I'm trying to run a Win7 exe that's on a network share (a Linux CIFS server). The share was created by a non-admin (see Windows 7 problem to access shared folder). I can read and edit and write ...
Camille Goudeseune's user avatar
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Logon failure unknown username or bad password when connecting Windows 7 PC to Windows XP PC

I connected a new Windows 7 PC over a network to an old XP PC. I wanted to copy some files from the XP box to the new one, but kept getting getting an error: Logon failure unknown username or bad ...
Jonathan Sayce's user avatar

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