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How are (NetBIOS?) names being resolved on my network?

Firstly, i have little understanding of Windows Network Discovery, and how NetBIOS operates. I don't like it, and i try to ignore it. I have a server on my LAN, which (among other things) is acting as ...
M_D's user avatar
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How to avoid frequent sequence of Wireless security stopped - Wireless security started - Wireless security succeeded?

I have a second hand laptop Lenovo T470 where already Windows 11 is installed on it. When using it for some time, I can see the WLAN symbol disappear and reappear shortly afterwards. When executing as ...
user7468395's user avatar
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Security risks of using Hyper-V to split tunnel under VPN connection on host

I have figured out a way to "split tunnel" using Hyper-V. My VPN uses a LAN on the host instead of a virtual adapter (I don't know how it works). Anyway, I configured a Hyper-V virtual ...
Guanyuming He's user avatar
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Windows Firewall Does Not Block VMs From Accessing Port 135 on Windows 10 Host

I have a newly setup Windows 10 device with VMWare installed, and the guest OSes will be designated malware analysis playgrounds with (limited) network access. However, I cannot get the Windows ...
Zevin Zenph Zambori's user avatar
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Get-NetTCPConnection Owning Process is equal to zero

I have a process making malicious connection (as detected by my router). I am trying to identify which process is it, but when trying to list connections I get a OwningProcess's PID equal to zero 0. I ...
vinalti's user avatar
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3 answers

is there a way to tell if a windows PC is online if I know its IP address?

Is there a way to check if a remote Windows PC (not working as a server, just a personal PC) is online on the internet if I know its IP address?
user1701283's user avatar
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passing internet thru Linux machine

recently, I have been running into a lot of DDoS attacks while playing some online games. in an attempt too stop these attacks, I plan too have my secondary Linux machine act as a passthrough in which ...
JOSEPH JECK's user avatar
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How to config Windows Defender Firewall for VSC?

Installing VSC (Visual Studio Code) on Windows 10 at home. Believe private should be checked as I'm at home and private network is more secure than public. Why public is checked by default not the ...
Jeb50's user avatar
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Am I a possible victim of a DNS poisoning or MIM attack?

I recently ran a BitDefender AV scan which picked up and cleaned the GenericKDZ trojan - a very nasty infection which includes a keystroke logger. I am adamant about security - always changing default ...
SwS's user avatar
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Is it safe to use SMBv1 client/server after patching it, on Windows 10?

As you may know, after numerous ransomware attacks, Microsoft decided to disable SMBv1 by default on Windows OS's. However despite releasing a patch (MS17-010) to address those attacks, it seems that ...
red-o-alf's user avatar
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Remote WMI keeps returning Access Denied

I'm having trouble in configuring a WMI to work remotely. Every time I try to connect, I keep getting "Access Denied" error. It is a Windows 10 Enterprise, has no domain, operates in ...
marxin's user avatar
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rundll32.exe making outbound TCP connection

I've been attempting to harden my network, and have taken some extra security precautions for the sake of learning, as well as.. to be secure. I've recently formatted and re-installed Windows 10, and ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Explorer.exe making outbound TCP connection to Akamai

I've just noticed that my c:\windows\explorer.exe executable has attempted to make an outbound connection from localhost:49844 -> It seems that this IP is registered to Akamai, ...
John Hammond's user avatar
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Using Windows 10 v 1507 Safe or not?

In my company, the pc's are running Windows 10 Enterprise but most of them are running v 1507 the very first from 2015. Anytime the tech support has to set up a new PC for someone, they install the ...
David Kent's user avatar
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XAMPP + wordpress - run a local secure intranet server on W10

I discovered XAMPP recently, and was intrigued by how easy it is to have a server up and running on Windows. I also installed Wordpress on it, and it was a breeze; in few steps I have my wordpress ...
rataplan's user avatar
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Netstat showing IPs not in our internal range - security issue?

Running netstat -r we got results as below. Our IP range does not include what the netstat results show, namely the .155 portion. Active Routes: {removed irrelevant results} ...
SKidd's user avatar
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For Windows 10 update, what are the IP address for firewall?

I have strict network where windows 10 updates failing because of strict firewall settings in Cisco/Juniper. What are the microsoft ip ranges for windows 10 updates?
YumYumYum's user avatar
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Windows Firewall whitelisting applications

I'm having a few difficulties setting up my office computers. I am trying to block all programs from accessing the internet, with a few exceptions: 1) Web browsers should be able to access only a ...
Aurimas's user avatar
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How to browse the net safely with Windows computers?

I have Windows 7 and Window 10 laptops. I'm thinking of a bullet-proof way to protect the computers from network threats such as the ransomware attacks that have been running wild during the last few ...
PkP's user avatar
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How to hide or disable "allow PC to be discoverable on this network"?

How to always hide or disable "allow PC to be discoverable on this network"? I've created a scheduled task to take care of that which means this prompt is not only unnecessary it's also a security ...
Clacers's user avatar
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Are home users vulnerable to the wcrypt malware "outbreak"?

Let me see if I get it all right... Hackers are exploiting the vulnerability that was leaked from NSA files using wcrypt(all other the news today), which seems to be a worm virus: it searches for new ...
Yuri Borges's user avatar
27 votes
12 answers

How to block everything (all incoming and outgoing internet access) except those applications are in firewall white-list?

Is it possible to auto block all applications incoming/outgoing internet connection except for example Firefox with default windows firewall? I would like to block everything, even including windows ...
Mojtaba Reyhani's user avatar
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Suspicious GET request running in background in interval using iexplore.exe [duplicate]

When I was running fiddler I've discovered that I have a suspicious GET request running in background that's using iexplore.exe. It runs every couple of seconds and has encoded data in the request URL ...
Dominik Serafin's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to safely browse internet in a business computer and network? [closed]

Let me specify. I work as internal administrative software developer in a big business. The problem is: We have to use their workstations and their network is unlocked (Not firewalls, blocked urls, ...
Fuczi Fuczi's user avatar
1 vote
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Provide an individual user with access to a specific web-site for windows-base IT [closed]

At work, I need access to youtube to watch some training material. My request to IT was denied on the grounds that it is not suitable for business use, however when I questioned them about this I got ...
code_fodder's user avatar
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How is the Firewall taking priority over other applications when the PC first boots?

How is the Firewall taking priority over other applications when the PC first boots? How is the priority given,is it through a kernel driver? I'm using Comodo Firewall and I see that the Spotify app ...
microwth's user avatar
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How can a user defend themself if they were victim of Arpspoof?

Question background: I was testing my internal home network using arpspoof. The result was I got positive and I was able to listen to HTTP traffic using tools like sslstrip. The Arpspoof command ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
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Create it so I don't have to login to windows when I am connected to a certain wifi network?

How can I make it so if I am connected to a certain wifi network that I don't have to type in a username and password into the computer. But when not connect it requires a username and password. I am ...
James Smith's user avatar
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How to find which process made this network requests [duplicate]

I was running fiddler and suddenly I see requests this requests to hxxp:// and hxxp:// But no process is shown. How do I ...
AEonAX's user avatar
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How to classify a share on a server as local network (to avoid loadFromRemoteSources)

I have an (.Net 4.5.1) application that is often run from network shares (i.e. \\server\someshare\application.exe). Unfortunatly this does not always work unless I add the line <...
adrianm's user avatar
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Is it safe to use TOR on windows? [closed]

I mean, can I be hacked just by browsing regular sites (not the hidden services) with TOR browser bundle running on a Windows system?
roger's user avatar
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Can 'ping' requests still be used for a DoS attack?

I was reading this question, and couldn't help noticing this part of one of the answers: On the Internet, ping of death is a denial of service (DoS) attack caused by an attacker > deliberately ...
AStopher's user avatar
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Windows method to detect ARP Poisoning in my local network (LAN)?

(This question comes from this thread, and is intended to remain as a reference question/answer pair for more generic ARP network detection not limited to WiFi, or without the need of the specific ...
Sopalajo de Arrierez's user avatar
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What are the recommended internet security measures to take? [closed]

I have built a special-purpose server, the only purpose of this server is to download some data from a remote(internet) data feeder and then do some data processing. The only internet connection I ...
user2188453's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to block all ethernet traffic destined to any MAC address other than the gateway?

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate. I want to be invisible on the LAN. It means that other hosts on the same LAN must not be able to see my computer. Based on this comment, I want to block all ethernet ...
kiss my armpit's user avatar
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How to secure a Windows ME system connected to the internet? [closed]

I am about to re-install Windows ME on an old Dell Dimension 4300. The computer is connected to the internet via a 2Wire 3600HGV DSL modem/router. What do I need to secure the computer? Do I need a ...
Frank's user avatar
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How to quickly Enable/Disable Internet Traffic so that it ONLY goes to ONE program?

What Firewall program (preferably free) can I use to quickly enable/disable internet traffic so that it only goes to one program? For example, sometimes I need only one program (Program X) to be ...
ProgrammerGirl's user avatar
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Windows: How can I reproduce exactly the same blank-password security but with non-blank password?

Having read in Set a Blank Password in Windows XP To Protect the Computer from Internet Attacks : "Using a blank password (or no password at all) makes your computer more secure because Windows ...
Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин's user avatar
2 votes
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How to firewall a VPN connection in Windows 7?

I have a VPN connection to a private VPN server in another country. I don't want any internet packets to leave or enter my laptop unless they are going to or coming from the VPN server's IP. Is ...
seticruncher's user avatar
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Is it safe to rely on network connection icons at the notification area?

Is it possible for malicious software to hide the real notification icons, putting fake icons that indicate there is no data data transmission occuring when in fact there is data transmission occuring ...
Hernán Eche's user avatar
3 votes
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Can a file being copied over my LAN be sniffed?

I'd like to know if a file (PDF, JPG, or whatever) that I copy with .NET code between two computers in my LAN can be easily sniffed and obtained. If so, what would it take to do it? How trivial would ...
silverCORE's user avatar
42 votes
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How to block all traffic but one IP in Windows Firewall?

I'm trying to use Windows 7 firewall to block all outgoing and incoming traffic, from all IP's and for all protocals, except for UDP to and from one particular IP address. The reason why is because ...
thegreatdane23's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there any security concerns when using Windows' default workgroup?

Are there any security concerns one should be aware of if you're using Windows' default workgroup as the workgroup? (Or is worrying just tinfoiling?) Should it be commonplace to rename the workgroup ...
Jari Keinänen's user avatar
7 votes
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Why can't I connect to the wireless network after the network password was changed?

My family changed the network password and some other network settings after new computers were brought into the house, because apparently they wouldn't work with the settings or password we had. (...
7777's user avatar
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Does Windows 7 Home Premium remember network share passwords?

One of the most annoying limitations of both Windows XP Home and Vista Home Premium was they did not remember network passwords after reboot. Vista even had a 'remember password' check box which did ...
Chris Mayer's user avatar