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198 votes
13 answers

How can I make the Windows VPN route selective traffic (by destination network)?

I want to use a Windows VPN but only for a particular network, so that it doesn't take over my entire network connection. e.g., Instead of the VPN becoming the default route, make it only the route ...
Legooolas's user avatar
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Does the traffic go through my company network when I browse when connected through SSL-VPN

I work for a company which is not in my country. The enterprise intranet is in a different country. We do not have many employees in my country - so everyone works from home. When we need intranet ...
user93353's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Stop VPN being used on internet traffic on Win 7 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I make the Windows VPN route selective traffic (by destination network)? How To Use Local Internet Connection To Access Internet While Still Connected with VPN I am ...
Jon's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have 2 different VPN connections simultaneously on the same machine? maybe on different network interfaces?

I am setting up a new cluster in my new workplace, and I am still administering another cluster in my last work place. Basically I am "copying" the configuration of the first one to setup the new one. ...
Danduk82's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Routing all traffic over VPN on Ubuntu Linux

After having spent now hours troubleshooting, trawling potential solutions on this site and others, and I am resigned to beg the advice of my betters. I am working to route all network traffic on an ...
deftfyodor's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Linux: routing based on domain names

On ubuntu 16.04, I would like to route my traffic either through the direct internet eth0 or my VPN tun0 based on the domain name entered into the browser. The reason being local sites are either slow ...
Twifty's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to use a Windows PC to share multiple network connections?

I have a Windows PC (Win 7). It has a couple different network connections, including one that connects to a VPN, and one that connects to the Internet. I want to share both of those connections with ...
Tacony's user avatar
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2 answers

Problem with persistent routes and VPN connection in Windows 7

My home PC has a VPN connection to my office. The office network is firewalled, with a secure zone on 192.168.0.* and a DMZ on 10.0.0.* From outside, routes to a public IP - say 1....
Dylan Beattie's user avatar
6 votes
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Using Wireguard to essentially give a machine in local network a public address from VPS

I am working on the home project and would like to give my machine essentially the public IP address that is assigned to my VPS in the cloud. At home I have a public IP address and I have set up the ...
JohnDow's user avatar
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Route only certain IP range with VPN connection

We are using FortiClient to connect to one of our client's VPN. Unfortunately, FortiClient is routing all the traffic over VPN as default. We have found a way around it, for Linux. After connecting ...
Atais's user avatar
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Routing a particular subnet into a VPN tunnel

My network looks like this: I'm trying configure my router so that the subnet ( is routed over the VPN tunnel (tun0) on the gateway/router. While at the same time clients on the ...
moonmoon's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Setting up bridged OpenVPN server with single public IP NIC

I've been trying to set up a bridged OpenVPN server without much success. I've got VPS running Ubuntu with one NIC, which has assigned static public IP to it. I want to be able to have a couple of ...
Tomasz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to chain two OpenVPN servers?

I'm wanting to tunnel two VPNs, using OpenVPN. So, the client would connect to the first VPN and would be redirect to the second VPN. (These are all VPSs, I don't have physical access to it as it will ...
anonimou's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I route requests for an entire subnet over a VPN connection on Ubuntu?

I have an Ubuntu machine connected to a VPN, with the IP address I want to tunnel all the requests for 172.16.1.* through the VPN, but nothing else. If I try to use sudo route -net add ...
Joe Altair's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Access Client side LAN on VPN server

Till now I have managed to installed OpenVPN server on DigitalOcean and OpenVPN client on Raspberry Pi. My Raspberry Pi's OpenVPN IP is which I can ping from OpenVPN server. Now this RPi is ...
Bhushan's user avatar
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In split-tunneling, how do I configure OpenVPN so that it uses domain instead of IP based routing rules?

I live in a place where Google/Facebook/Twitter and a few other websites are not available from accessing. OpenVPN is a great tool to overcome this. Originally, I must have OpenVPN running all the ...
xczzhh's user avatar
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0 answers

DHCP option to control interface metric

For some reason Windows is using only one interface for local network broadcasting (the one with lowest metrics). When client connects to VPN network, i want it to make new network preferred for ...
Tomo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Wireguard Client With Two Interfaces - Use one Interface for Wireguard

I'm trying to configure a Wireguard client currently set to route all traffic through Wireguard to only route one network interface through Wireguard. Ex: The Client has both wlan0 and eth0 interfaces ...
Thomas F.'s user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Route VM traffic through VPN, but not host traffic

I have a VPN service that I pay for, and I would like to route traffic for a (virtual box) virtual machine thorough it, but not traffic from the (linux) host. The VPN service uses openvpn. I have a ...
ben_re's user avatar
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Wireguard (Client) not working with Windows IP forwarding turned on

I have an issue using WireGuard client on windows. When I'm trying to connect to WireGuard server, there are no pings, no domain resolves - nothing. WireGuard shows that I do send like a 1GB/sec of ...
EasyMoney322's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to ensure Internet access is only via VPN [duplicate]

I have a Windows 7 machine with a regular wired Internet connection, configured via DHCP. It has a VPN connection set up. How can I ensure that Internet access is allowed only over the VPN? That is, ...
EM0's user avatar
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LAN over wireguard?

As far as I understand, WireGuard is point-to-point and does not have a server/client architecture. However, I would still want to use a centralized server in order to by-pass firewalls and deal with ...
Tim's user avatar
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What is "push route" used for in OpenVPN?

I have an OpenVPN server set up on my Raspberry Pi, when I installed it the guide I followed said to add a line like: push "route" so that the server would let the client ...
DaRk_St0rM's user avatar
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Linux ip route / ip rule with fwmark and iptables -j MARK --set-mark

I just need to re-route all user traffic directly to specified gateway (different from the default one) and bypass all VPN and other routing rules. Let's start it from scratch (reboot the system), No ...
iNio's user avatar
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Skype doesn't connect through OpenVPN [closed]

I have an OpenVPN server running on a VPS. When I connect to the VPN using the redirect-gateway option to route all traffic from the client through the VPN, Skype loses its connection. As soon as I ...
David Z's user avatar
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Access local network resources remotely using OpenVPN

I've been banging my head against the wall on this for a week, so thought I'd finally turn to the experts. Much appreciated for any help. [Note: originally posted this on ServerFault, was told this ...
Q A's user avatar
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Routing between 7 (seven!) subnets, 2 of them have dynamically assigned IPs

I am using RaspberryPi (Raspbian OS) in an extremely complex routing scheme, which I could manage until number of subnets was five :) Currently, I have the following interfaces, as shown by ifconfig: ...
xmp125a's user avatar
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3 answers

AWS OpenVPN Routing

I have a OpenVPN AS instance (AWS). I am trying to route traffic from my VPC ( to home ( What works: I can route ALL traffic from home ( via ...
Benjamin Jones's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to run a web server on my PC without static ip

I have two related questions: 1- When I see my global IP address in a website like, which is for example X.X.X.X, I think this is not only mine, and a lot of people who ...
Mahdi Mohammadpour Fard's user avatar
3 votes
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Peering two sites in a VPN: DIY mode with twin Raspberry Pi

I have two sites, A and B, like shown in the diagram below +-+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | |OTHER DEVICES | ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Route all internet traffic through Wireguard peer

I have a Wireguard server S and two clients : A & B. All are on different networks. Only S is reachable. A and B can only connect to S. I want to route the Internet traffic of B (an optionnaly S) ...
Dev0110's user avatar
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Raspberry pi as access point with vpn

I need to connect my phone to office network while at home. Installing a vpn client on the phone is not an option. I followed this tutorial to get an access point working with an rpi : Configure a ...
Gautam's user avatar
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Use Windows 'Mobile hotspot' with OpenVPN

I've set up an OpenVPN server, and my PC successfully connects through it, routing all traffic through the server. My end goal is to have my Android phone's traffic also be routed through the server. ...
Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I set up Windows 7 VPN so that only sites blocked in China are routed through VPN?

I'm in China behind the Great Firewall using a VPN service provided by a friend so didn't get blocked in the VPN crackdown in January 2015. Since VPN can slow down traffic a lot I'd like to only ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Change PPTP control connection's TCP port number

I have some Windows 7 clients that connect via PPTP to a CentOS server, but I would like them to use a port other than 1723 for the control connection as that port is not available. Is there some way ...
caesay's user avatar
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How to Route traffic through a VPN that is only available through another computer on the network?

Network 1 has 2 computers, PC1 and PC2. PC1 has access to a VPN. PC2 Does not. Is there a way that PC2 can route its traffic through the VPN on PC1? a possible Idea that I came up with would be ...
JHixson's user avatar
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How to route all traffic (even to the openvpn-server itself) over the VPN itself

So I have a server with the public IP address of (for example). This server is running an OpenVPN server, plus a bunch of other stuff that is listening on the public IP network device ...
Matthew Rathbone's user avatar
3 votes
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OpenVPN client can't reach a box on server's LAN

I can't seem to figure this out. The server runs on a VPS with private networking. I need to reach another VPS on the same datacenter from the client via the OpenVPN server. The server's LAN IP is 10....
slak's user avatar
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wireguard client to client communication does not work

I had a CentOS 8 Stream wireguard server, which allowed me to play LAN games with friends. Since i updated to Rocky Linux 9, i cant communicate with other clients any more. To clarify: client to ...
Marc's user avatar
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Routing traffic through custom tap device en-route to internet on linux

I have a VM that is using a tap device (tap2) and my goal is to filter all the traffic in/out of tap2 using a custom program written by me that runs in userspace. The topology I came up with routes ...
Shriphani Palakodety's user avatar
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Connecting to wireguard on localhost

I want to be able having 2 wg interfaces on same machine and tunnel traffic from one to another. Every setup I found is basically begin with "setup your server peer on dedicated instance" but I need ...
gudvinr's user avatar
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How to route vpn traffic so it can only use ssh

I want to make an SSH connection e.g ssh [email protected] -p 22 SSH connection can only be made when connected to VPN tunnel. I can connect to VPN tunnel like this echo PASS | sudo openconnect --...
Godhaze's user avatar
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How to bypass VPN for local networks in Windows 7? (static route not working)

I want to access my local network 192.168.1.* while the VPN (connected via Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client) is active, I tried the following command but no luck route -p add mask ...
Edward's user avatar
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OpenVPN server to use another VPN tunnel to forward internet traffic (listen tun0)

How to create VPN tunnel to tunnel? On my my server 1 there is working OpenVPN server but I would like to redirect traffic to another VPN. Client can already connect to Server1 by VPN but how to ...
sukkis's user avatar
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openvpn connection without forwarding all traffic

I am trying to connect a client to a vpn network without openvpn forwarding all my traffic into the network. The point being is I want to be able to connect and communicate with all the other ...
user419541's user avatar
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Allowing internet connection through VPN

I had created a VPN income connection in windows 7. Everyone connected can see my local files and all, but I would like them to also be able to use my internet as well. my computer IP is 192.168.1....
DearMusic's user avatar
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Share VPN connection and normal internet with mobile device over WIFI

I have a PC and Mac that I have running on a VPN for work. The VPN is only required for traffic to a sepecific set of servers (not all my internet traffic is routed over the VPN). The vpn is made (on ...
Anton's user avatar
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Manually Setting Interface metric priority of Network Adapters not preferring lower metric route on Windows

After Connecting to Cisco VPN AnyConnect, Now I have two network interfaces having set same default routes, but with different metric values. Even after manually changing/raising the metric value of ...
Ashish Kataria's user avatar
3 votes
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Yet another routing issue in OpenVPN - Cannot access local machines while on VPN

This is probably going to be quite a lengthy post because I want to make sure I don't forget anything. This is likely a very trivial issue but I can't figure out what's wrong with my setup. Scenario ...
user1301428's user avatar
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openvpn - How to set client to use local gateway? aka use connection for resources on its network only

sorry for this question, i tried to find a solution but nothing. I want to configure clients to use local gateway, not server's one. I just need to configure clients in way that they can see each ...
gerpaick's user avatar

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