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The ping command fails when I try to ping my CentOS 7 VM’s own interface

I've built a CentOS 7.3 VM using VirtualBox. This VM has the following interface: [root@localhost ~]# ip addr show enp0s3 2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast ...
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1 answer

Unable to communicate between guest OS in VirtualBox in both

I was wondering that can we connect guest os in virtual box via internal networking like physical machine networking. So I created two guest OS having Kali in one vm and windows in another vm, and ...
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0 answers

Linux virtual machines cannot connect to each other via virtualbox network

I have created two linux virtual machines in virtualbox, one for server and one for client. But these two cannot connect to each other via virtualbox network. The pings are not reachable after giving ...
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0 answers

Ping between Ubuntu guest VMs on VitualBox

Running VirtualBox 5.0.10 in a Windows 10 (64bit) host, I've created 2 guest VMs - Both Ubuntu 15.10 (64bit). Looking for a setting that will allow the 2 guests to ping each other and also connect to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Using IPv6 link-local addresses to ping between VMs in internal VirtualBox network

I'd like to test this network configuration in fully virtualized enviroment, while I don't have access to physical lab. I am using 2 VM Guest machines (Guest OS is Archlinux), each configured with ...
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1 answer

host win10 can ping guest centos6 but centos6 cannot ping win10?

I use Wifi at home and my Virtualbox network mode is bridge adapter + promiscuous centos 6 network information is Winows10 can ping guest centos6 and I can use secureCRT to conncet to centos6 ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can't ping on CentOS when second adapter in virtualbox is enabled

When enabling second adapter for host-only, I cannot ping annymore it tells me unknown host but if I ping with the IP address it just works. so the problem is when I want to install a software via YUM ...
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1 answer

Cannot ping from guest to host and viceversa with VirtualBox, CentOS 6.7, Windows 10

Cannot ping from guest to host and viceversa. Guest is CentOS 6.7, default minimal installation + updates. Host is Windows 10 running VirtualBox 5. Both machines configured with static ip addresses ...
1 vote
2 answers

ping using mac addresses or link local ipv6 addresses

I have 4 Virtual Machines (Ubuntu 12.04) running on a host that is also running Ubuntu 12.04. The Virtual Machines are named: switch-vm vm-1 vm-2 vm-3 Below are the network settings on switch-vm: ...
0 votes
2 answers

Can't access my computer after installing VirtualBox on it

There was a similar question 2 years ago, but everyone confused guest/host OS. After installing VirtualBox on my Windows 7 box, I can no longer ping it or access it from anywhere within the LAN. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Network between three guest OS on linux

I need to create a network between three guest OS (ubuntu), one of them have to be smth like router between two others. See scheme below: [A] eth0(ip>(net1)<--eth0(ip [B] eth1(...
0 votes
1 answer

Local addresses unreachable, remote addresses work

I experienced strange behaviour on my employee's Windows7-Box. I was working via Putty in a local headless Virtualbox (running LXLE and connected via Virtualbox's host-only network adapter) and ...
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1 answer

Ubuntu VM pinging each other with Internet

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and installed the Virtualbox from the Ubuntu Software Center. Later on, I installed three (3) Windows XP Virtual Machines. I'm trying to get all of the three VMs to ping each ...

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