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How do I store my music collection in their new(-ish) location on macOS?

When I check the size of my music collection (Ventura; Music 1.3) $ du -hs ~/Music/iTunes 131G /Users/sam/Music/iTunes $ du -hs ~/Music/Music 61M /Users/sam/Music/Music I see that all the ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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Prevent from starting on F8 (play) button (osx 10.15)

I want to control Spotify using the function key media shortcuts, but opens instead of Spotify playing (even though Spotify is open already. How can I prevent from listening to ...
mynameisnotallowed's user avatar
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Delete currently playing song from iTunes

Is there anyway to make a global shortcut, via Automator or anything, so I can quickly delete currently playing song from iTunes? I know how to delete a song from iTunes. What I want is to create a ...
Biguá's user avatar
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Apple Music skipping through songs

Few days ago I noticed iTunes skipping through songs. I didn't really understand what was happening so I started investigating: Different networks make no difference no problem with my router / ...
Fabio Poloni's user avatar
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Moving iTunes tracks with all metadata

I would like to move some iTunes tracks out of my iTunes library and off my machine while preserving all the associated metadata in the process. I'm hoping to accomplish this in a way that things like ...
NeuroBear's user avatar
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How do I make my iTunes library read-only?

I have a huge iTunes collection and have been researching this for a while but cannot seem to find an answer. Basically I would like to leave my iTunes collection open so that people can select their ...
OnkaPlonka's user avatar
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How do I delete songs not in playlists in iTunes?

I have lots of music in iTunes, but there's tons of crap I never listen to just taking up space. Is there a way I can easily delete all songs not in a playlist? All the music I have put into ...
jackcogdill's user avatar
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How to share a music folder between OSX and Windows?

It's a question for OSX & Windows 7 users who jump between one system to another. I'm on Windows now, and I've got this music folder in my main hard drive. I'm planning to buy a Mackbook Pro soon ...
Ldx's user avatar
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Using iTunes to access all your music on a NAS but keeping the library.xml local... Is it possible/how? (Mac OSX))

I've pushed across my whole music collection to my Buffalo Linkstation NAS recently. This is the entire iTunes folder including artwork, music, library.xml, the whole kaboodle... (I have iTunes in ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Lightweight iTunes Home Sharing client

I have both a MacBook Air & an iMac on the same network. I'm using my iMac as the host with my iTunes library on it & it's being shared with Home Sharing. I'm wondering if there are any ...
Jayphen's user avatar
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What's the best way I can import/display lyrics for iTunes on a mac?

I'm currently using iClip Lyrics, but apparently it's being discontinued. It can't import lyrics from certain lyrics sites (such as wikia) because they've used some javascript/iframe mix to make copy/...
Jack Chu's user avatar
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iTunes 9 on Mac skips during play

Since I've upgraded to iTunes 9 certain songs play ok but other songs skip during play. I tried downgrading to iTunes 8 but to no avail. I've tried other music players and some have the same problem ...
thethinman's user avatar
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8 answers

Control iTunes from Spotlight (or similar)

Is there some sort add on or program that lets me easily change (and choose) songs using keyboard shortcuts (or perhaps Spotlight)? The ideal program would add iTunes indexing to Spotlight and allow ...
Josh Hunt's user avatar
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How can I get AB repeat functionality on iTunes/Mac OS X?

I'm wondering if there's an A-B repeat feature on iTunes, a quick google found nothing, but I was hoping there was a plugin or maybe a separate app that provided this. For me it's useful for ...
Jack Chu's user avatar
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5 answers

Why do some songs in my iTunes library stop prematurely and go to the next song?

For the past couple of weeks a whole bunch of the songs from my iTunes library stop early and skip to the next song (just as if it was at the end of the song). Although the point where it skips varies ...
Josh Hunt's user avatar
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