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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

A spreadsheet application by Microsoft. Use this tag along with [vba] if your question involves programming Excel in VBA, and with [worksheet-function] if it involves an Excel formula or worksheet function. Also add the the specific version tag (e.g. [microsoft-excel-2019] or [microsoft-excel-365]) as features and functions may vary between them.

8,888 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I "Use Destination Theme and Link Data" in PowerPoint (MS Office 365 Business)

I want to select a table from an Excel file and paste/link it into a PowerPoint presentation with the destination theme, so that if the Excel file is updated, the corresponding PowerPoint presentation ...
Filip's user avatar
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Excel - Insert rows by shifting cells down - without format loss - Change default shift operation

I have an excel sheet as shown below. As I don't have privilege to paste image, it is uploaded as link I would like to insert the highlighted records on top of the rows shown. When I select all the ...
The Great's user avatar
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Extract Array Formula from data with multiple criteria

I have the following table containing Laptop details (Laptops) Name | RAM | CPU =========================================== Laptop Example 1 | 4 | Intel® Core™ i3-8130U ...
mcclosa's user avatar
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Pie showing % spent with overlaid line showing % of timeline elapsed

I give a regular budget update to a customer that prefers a pie chart. The chart indicates how much of the total budget has been spent (full circle=total budget, slice 1 = expenses to date. Thus the ...
Freebrownies's user avatar
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Strings turn to gibberish when opening excel

I'm working at a company that have a running web-app for accounting management. I've recently received a complaint regarding exporting a report via email in excel format (the report contains ...
Asaf's user avatar
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Connect additional column in excel to a Data source table

I have a PowerApp which I use to add items (rows) (from an inspection) to a list in Sharepoint. This sharepoint list I import in Excel using "Get Data" and the whole sharepoint URL, etc. In Excel I ...
tuliptrader's user avatar
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Excel error charts and drawings

I'm experiencing an odd issue with Excel. Whenever I open an Excel file (both xlsm or xlsx, Office 365) I receive back an error message about drawings and I cannot see any chart or drawing inside, ...
Slowhand's user avatar
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Why Does Excel ReCalc on Open

I am trying to determine what causes a workbook to calculate when opening. I know the basics: volatile formulas closing workbook without calculating I have a 15MB workbook that we have used for ...
Hasib_Ibradzic's user avatar
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Excel: Formula that supports more than 15 digits

My formula is follows: {=TRUNC(SUM(IFERROR(LEFT(A1:A600,FIND(" ",A1:A600)-1)*10^(MATCH(RIGHT(A1:A600,2),{"KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB","BB"},0)*3),0))/(10^(INT((LEN(SUM(IFERROR(LEFT(A1:A600,...
Smekeri BezPrezimena's user avatar
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Linked pictures are duplicating themselves almost like a mouse pointer trail when I move the group they're in

My linked pictures are duplicating themselves almost like a mouse pointer trail when I move the group they're in. I have them grouped with some charts (15 on the sheet) I have a few pivot tables on ...
T-Rez's user avatar
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Office 365 Excel crashes when copying worksheet to new workbook

I need to make reports by copying multiple worksheets to different files using Office 365 Business Excel. I can't use Office 2010 or 2013 because of organisation's policies. Configuration: Windows ...
Andrius's user avatar
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Insert data to database using Excel VBA is not working

I have a macro that will upload data from multiple workbooks to the database. Table will differs based on what type of value/data being inserted. I have there tables. I can insert value in the first ...
user10236952's user avatar
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How to change default format of Excel which apply to all new Excels Workbook

Basically There are two settings which I want to change from default behaviour of Excel. Changing Default Column width In Excel, Currently default column width is set to "8.43" for every new ...
Amit's user avatar
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Sane way to edit with Excel formulas?

Is there any sane way to work with large and complicated Excel formulas? For a simple =IF(A1>B2);C3;C4 or something similar, just having it chained behind each other is OK, but if we are getting ...
JC_CL's user avatar
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Need Auto Increment number beginning with Alphabet in Excel

Suppose I have a number ED000071, I want the next numbers to be ED000072, ED000073, ED000074.........ED999999, EE000001. Could someone please help me to write a formula for this in Excel?
Tamil's user avatar
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Excel: formula to find a date between two dates based on some cell value

I'm working on a huge data and I need to fetch data based on a cell value and a date. I do realize that my task can be done through a macro but I want a simple formula rather. Problem: I have two ...
aCoder's user avatar
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4 answers

How to more efficiently use Tortoise SVN diff for large Excel files?

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Tortoise SVN diff lets me find the diff between two excel files. The cell which is different is highlighted in red. It works for small excel files. But I have ...
Noel's user avatar
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Excel for Mac conditional formatting not working (at all)

My Conditional Formatting button stopped working (MacBook Air, MacOS Mojave 10.14.2, Excel 2016). This is true for existing files with the formatting done previously, and new files. None of them are ...
Sedge's user avatar
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How can I reload an Excel spreadsheet using a different encoding?

Someone shared an Excel file with me (.xlsx, not .csv). Looking at the data in Excel it's obvious that the file is encoded using UTF-8, but Excel is interpreting the data as Windows 1252 encoded text. ...
Michiel van Oosterhout's user avatar
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Stuck in the excel formula for duplicate removal

=IF(COUNTIF('PRDA Data'!S$2:'PRDA Data'!S2,'PRDA Data'!S2)=1,'PRDA Data'!S2,"") This formula is used to eliminate the duplicate from another sheet. Now the issue is Duplicates are removed from the ...
Arvind's user avatar
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Excel Character Encoding - Cell showing one thing, while text export includes new character

I have an interesting situation in Excel 365. I one column I have phone numbers of my contacts. By looking in a cell it looks like this: +xxx‎31417728 But when I export file as text file TAB ...
gdolenc's user avatar
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Excel: How to automatically store data gathered from a website scrape?

I have set my workbook to retrieve data from a website which gives prices of stocks. It refreshes hourly. I then have some cells that make calculations based on the stock prices using a simple ...
Stove's user avatar
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How to disable a macro, with another macro in Excel VBA?

I have 7 macros that prevent a user from copying and pasting in a workbook. However, now and then I want to be able to copy and paste. Is there a way to disable these macros with another macro ? I can ...
PeterH's user avatar
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Excel 3D Flat Map

I am trying to display some data on the flat version of the 3D map. But unfortunately the map cuts off down the middle of the pacific ocean so half my data is on one end of the map and the rest on the ...
Amatya's user avatar
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Convert large data set to rows of comma separated lists

I have a large amount of data (41k+ rows) that is exported by the company's sales management system, assigning each salesperson to a zip code in the United States. It looks like this (every column has ...
Bryan Wojciechowski's user avatar
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Find position of first uppercase character in excel string

I need to find the position of the first uppercase character in an Excel string. There are lots of resources on the web that have the same (or effectively the same) solution for this: =MIN(IF(ISERROR(...
pateksan's user avatar
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Excel for Mac Version 16.18 is dividing my numbers by 10

Excel has just started dividing my entries by 10. If i type '2' in a cell it writes 0.2 and so on. I have no idea what i changed that caused this to start but would love some help to fix this?
CityChick's user avatar
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Prevent MS Word Linked Tables from using Sharepoint Link

When I shift+F9 on a table in a word document I've linked to a local excel document, it seems to prefer to use the sharepoint web address rather a local or relative address. How do I force MS word to ...
addohm's user avatar
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Excel prepends extra line (but not carriage return) in mult-line cells

Sometimes I use ALT + ENTER to make multi-line cells. However, Excel often appears to prepend an extra line for some reason, even though it's not an actual carriage return. Usually, you can adjust ...
YetAnotherRandomUser's user avatar
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It is possible to create grouped charts in Excel?

I have many variables with the same time scale, Is there any way to create a grouped chart in Excel? Something like this:
Roga Lu's user avatar
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Format chart colours based on series values

Is it possible to format the colours of a bar chart with a single series based on their values, i.e. anything over 50 would be green, anything below would be red? What I currently have to do is a ...
PeterH's user avatar
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Annoying warning message while doing Ctrl + c on Excel

It's been a while I have been getting a warning message that pops up on Excel when I do Ctrl + c or right click + copy The message says: There's a problem with the clipboard, but you can still paste ...
Diego Braido's user avatar
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Excel Mobile (Office 365) equivalent of CELL("filename")

I'm trying to create an excel workbook that can work on all platforms including mobile and web. The only problem is the following: I want to use the sheet name in a formula. Is there a way to access ...
Wouter Mellema's user avatar
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Excel VLOOKUP function giving the incorrect value. Can somebody identify mistake?

I have been using the VLOOKUP function a lot in Microsoft Excel but these last two days have been rough. I have been trying to "match" the state population with the state name. I was able to use the ...
piza25's user avatar
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Is there a way to mark/tag an excel cell?

So I'm trying to build a C# program that reads data from excel cells. I thought it would quite efficient if I could implement a mechanism that searches an entire excel file and only reads from the ...
Vktr's user avatar
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How do I make Excel tab through merged cells in a protected sheet?

I am having a problem with how tab selection in an Excel sheet behaves on merged cells when the sheet is protected versus when it is unprotected. I have a merged cell that is two rows high. When the ...
MackM's user avatar
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How to prevent deletion of cell content in online Excel?

an office clerk asked me if there would be a way to prevent deletion of a cell in online Excel. (Ms Office running from her workstation). I have no clue but the question appears interesting. Context: ...
Samy's user avatar
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Sort datetime data by time only

I have an excel document with hourly energy consumption. They are listed in order but I am trying to group them by each hour. Right now it looks like 5/1/17 0:00 5/1/17 1:00 5/1/17 2:00 5/1/17 3:00 5/...
Gigi Dawn's user avatar
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Excel - updating linked cells from the clone

I work with a pricing spreadsheet, which has hundreds of inputs, but in reality I only tend to work with 5 or 6. I want to create a summary worksheet where I only have the inputs I want to ...
superhands's user avatar
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Pivot Table won't show correct data relating to the row names

I'm trying to create a pivot table to tell me how many people are coming to different parts of a bachelor party. When I select the "Row Labels", I select that of "Coming Zorb" as they are the same ...
Andy Renz's user avatar
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Excel highlighting selected cell

I'm currently working in Excel a lot (MS Excel 2016) and searching for values. In the search result if I'm clicking on an entry, in the background automatically the cell is selected. Unfortunately ...
PaulEdison's user avatar
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Excel: referencing a table cell

In Excel I have a table, with the first column acting as a unique identifier (I make sure there aren't duplicates). I want to be able to reference a cell of this table's first column so that: - if I ...
user1945293's user avatar
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Conditionally display decimal point (not places) in Excel

I'm trying to mimic the way a "general" cell shows a decimal point only if there are decimal places, but I want thousands separators which "general" doesn't provide. I'm using a custom number format ...
StackOverthrow's user avatar
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VLOOKUP() to a Table on a different worksheet returning an #N/A error

I have 2 tables, daily entry and summary My formula in BQ20 of the summary table is currently: =IF(VLOOKUP(BQ5,Table11[DATE],1,FALSE),VLOOKUP('SUMMARY (NEW)'!B20,'DAILY ENTRY'!A:H,8,FALSE),"") ...
Nao's user avatar
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MDS Excel add-in multiple entities in one xls file

We have a couple of issues that might be bugs. At least we cannot find any fixes or help on the web. We have an Excel sheet with a sheet per Entity. All data comes from the same MDS. First problem ...
buhg's user avatar
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How to paste HTML headings into Excel

In a previous answer (vba - html table to excel worksheet) about parsing/pasting HTML table contents into an Excel sheet, wbeard2 shared this very helpful, illustrative piece of code. He/she notes ...
Reservist72's user avatar
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Replace WORD text for specific cell value in Excel using VBA

I am kind of new here and I am also new to VBA. I need to replace a specific cell value in a WORD document. I have the replacing part of the code done, but only for a specific text. I need to replace ...
Ricardo Albuquerque's user avatar
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In EXCEL, How to automatically fill a cell with the same color from another cell, combined with an IF/THEN formula?

My template involves three cells, but only one cell needs help (the 3rd). The first cell will equal either $0 or something greater. The second cell will be greater than $0 or be blank. The third cell ...
James's user avatar
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What is the easiest way to insert data with the wrong decimal separator into Excel?

I have a lot of situations where I need to quickly insert/import numeric data into Excel. I have no personal preference for either ',' or '.' as decimal separator. However, the data I import sometimes ...
dimpol's user avatar
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Auto-update Excel cell size in response to dynamic content

Context: I have a sheet with a drop-down with different categories. The sheet also has a table whose information updates depending on what category is selected from the drop-down. Some of the ...
KTG10's user avatar
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