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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

A spreadsheet application by Microsoft. Use this tag along with [vba] if your question involves programming Excel in VBA, and with [worksheet-function] if it involves an Excel formula or worksheet function. Also add the the specific version tag (e.g. [microsoft-excel-2019] or [microsoft-excel-365]) as features and functions may vary between them.

8,888 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 answers

How to sum values in one column excluding cells with duplicate text values in a different column?

I have a basic issue at hand. In the following exemplary table with one text-value column and one number-value column: A B juice 5 peanuts 2 walnuts 3 juice 5 pineapples 8 I want to sum the ...
Chris's user avatar
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How can I reset Excel window position?

When I open an Excel spreadsheet, often (not everytime / on every document / ...?) the window opens with a configuration I've apparently used at some point: Almost as wide as the screen Almost as ...
Bowi's user avatar
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How to do an Excel formula for a hyperbolic curve

I'm looking for a way to create a hyperbolic curve. See this sample: I've entered a start and end value in the yellow cells and the formula should fill in the cells from B2 to B19 automatically. ...
jiggy1965's user avatar
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How can I highlight the current row in Excel 365?

I am currently working with Excel files with a lot of rows / columns. It is hard to see in which row I am as the change in gray is too subtle. Is it possible to get a border around the current line + ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Open Colon delimited file from command line in Excel

I want to create a shortcut or a command to open a file that uses a colon : as a delimiter in excel. I know via the UI I can click "From Text/CSV" select a file click Import select a ...
Jim's user avatar
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How to calculate average number of days, hours and minutes in excel

Can anyone help me please to calculate the average number of days, hours and minutes in excel? It is to calculate the average time taken to complete maintenance jobs. To start I merged the date and ...
Rachel Hayward's user avatar
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Retrieving data from API in Excel 2016 ProPlus

I have an Excel document and I want to retrieve this data using this API (JSON) toolbar From these buttons from the ...
Octavian Niculescu's user avatar
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Excel Pivot Table Calculated Field depending on Column Name

Is there a way to create a calulated pivot field, which calculates an average value of some columns depending on the the column name? I have there a pivot table which has year columns and I want to ...
Michael Uray's user avatar
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Change Excel file pivot source Data across multiple sheets

We have 2 files one a register with Data, the other a report file, which does the reporting, using the data from the other. I want to move and rename the register file, and have the 50 odd data ...
Jason Murphy's user avatar
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Filling PDF Forms

I work at a law office that does a lot of work with USCIS which means filling out A LOT of PDF forms with our clients' details. This is often extremely tedious and repetitive, hence my desire for ...
Marrow's user avatar
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Try to use name manager as bar chart data but show error message

Here is the screeshot and message Anyone what is the problem? ChartMonths =OFFSET(Formula!$A$1,,,COUNTIF(Formula!$A$1:$A$100,”<>”)) ChartValues =OFFSET(Formula!$B$1,,,COUNTIF(Formula!$B$1:$B$...
hkguie's user avatar
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In excel, how do I add X multiples Y years to a specific date once that date has passed?

What formula should I use to automatically tell me my customer's next contract renewal date? Example: My customer has a policy that renews every 3 years, say 15-Feb-2021. I'd like the output of the ...
Bill's user avatar
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VBA code to move unique values from one Excel document to another Excel document with several sheets

I'm a total noob and basically don't know any VBA but I would be grateful if someone could help me out! I try to be as clear as possible. Every month I download an Excel file from Dynamics 365 (with ...
QuarterlyReport's user avatar
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Excel 365 - Name box contents is flashing

I've just noticed that in my Excel instance, the content of the 'Name Box' in the top left corner is flashing regardless of which cell I am in, or whether I have selected a named range using its drop-...
ICSOTSecurityEngineer's user avatar
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Compare the results of a formula in one column with the actual number billed in another column to determine that they are the same or not

I need to ensure that the result of a formula in Column Q is the same as the number in column R. So at first I tried a simple =Q5=R5 but the result was always false because Q5 is a formula =(P5/100) ...
Sue Bowman's user avatar
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Working in multiple languages/locales

Is there any way to set the locale I want to use for a file in Excel? This is my situation: I normally work in multiple languages, which means different numbers, currency, dates representations, etc. ...
Federico Nafria's user avatar
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Excel Chart to not show columns with blanks

I find this is a difficult question to name/describe, I have searched similar to the above but I've not managed to find anything that quite addresses this specific situation. We have financial data ...
Daniel-Barnes's user avatar
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Conditional Formatting based on date and another cells data

Struggling with some conditional formatting and I really don't understand why as it's something I've done numerous times before. I have dates in Column F I need these to change if 6-11 months has ...
Trik's user avatar
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in microsoft excel how to define a default language for columns

Hi I'm working on a dictionary and need to have English words in one column and Persian translation in another. but it takes time changing language every time I want to type the English and Persian ...
ali noori's user avatar
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How would I extend this Excel 2019 formula for every other row

what formula would I use if i wanted to extend this out to D543? =AVERAGE(D7,D9,D11,D13,D17,D19,D21,D23,D25,D27,D31,D33,D35) thanks!
Gottfried Fisch's user avatar
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Copy cell data from MS Word table to Excel based on value of cell

I have a rather large Word questionnaire. It has several similar irregular (meaning some rows have merged cells and some do not) tables in it. I need to read each table for 3 specific values and take ...
The Rev's user avatar
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Keeping track the filenames of images loaded into an Excel spreadsheet

It is quite easy to extract images from an Excel spreadsheet. For example, one can change the extension from xlsx to zip and go to a relevant subfolder. However, the filenames therein are generic ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Why don't have I the choice to create a drop down list in data validation?

I have already created many drop down list using data validation but for a few days now I absolutely can't. I don't understand what may have changed nor how I can get it working back? When I click on ...
DataValidation's user avatar
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Can excel calculate permutations of numbers given a condition?

Disclaimer: I know how to program this in a programming language and I bet I could sweat through VBA as well :) but I am explicitly looking for a way on how Excel or add-in operations like the "Solver"...
Samuel's user avatar
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Excel: Default Date Formatting in Workbooks

This is driving me potty! To be clear, this is not a UK vs US date format question. Whenever I enter a date in a workbook, either a new one or an existing one, I will type it in either: 17/02/2020 ...
BiggyG86's user avatar
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Create a "clock plot" in Excel

I'm not sure exactly what this kind of chart is called, but I'm going to call it a "clock plot" Basically I want to use it to visualize events that happen at certain times of day over say the course ...
audiFanatic's user avatar
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How to invert a heatmap in 3D Maps?

I'm using MS Excel's 3D maps tool to plot a bunch of coordinates to a real-life map and forming a heatmap. The map tells the density of some variable in different points accross the city, using X and ...
DannyTalent's user avatar
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How to auto font like Word

In MS Word, if you type in Japanese, the font automatically changes to Japanese font such as MS Mincho or MS Gothic, depend on your default asian font. Then, if you type non-Japanese words, the font ...
user avatar
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Excel 365 copies cells as image

I just started to see a weird thing in Excel 365. I want to just copy-and-paste some cells, (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) but it pastes them as an image, instead of cells with their content. Is there some setting ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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Designing student monitoring sheet

I want to design a monitoring Excel sheet to keep track of my students' progress. It should look something like this: In the example picture, I'd be interested in assessing each student's performance ...
LocoVoco's user avatar
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I am unable to enter 6E029 in a cell in Excel

I am unable to enter the text from 6E000 to 6E999 in Excel. Every time I enter this it is taking exponential form. How can I format this to actual text?
Vamsi Inguva's user avatar
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Matrix from 3 columns with values (not sum)

I'm want to show values in a matrix instead of columns, but can not figure out if this is possible in Excel... Have 3 columns with values and want a matrix where there might several values in one ...
Mhjortkjaer's user avatar
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Import csv file in excel scrambles characters

I'm trying to import a csv file that I created myself out of a python script. I'm struggling with encoding. The csv file is encoded in utf-8 with unix style line endings. TI"m on a german macos ...
daeda's user avatar
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When was a VBA Macro last modified

I want to tell when was my macro was was last used. I have a macro that updates all the time and it's on different computers, so from time to time it's harder to track whichever of the macros is the ...
AG9's user avatar
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Excel default date when dd/mm entered

In Excel when i enter a date into a blank cell (General format) as, say 7/15, the cell changes it's format to "Custom: m-ddd". How can i make doing this default to the standard default date "*3/14/12"...
Bill L's user avatar
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Dynamic named range referencing table changing to static ref in chart

I'm using Excel 365. I have a table on a sheet called Clinic. I've used a table so that the End Of Week formula (=row above + 7) copies down when data is added to a new row. | End Of Week | New ...
Darren Bartrup-Cook's user avatar
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Search for a String and Move 2 Values in that Row to New Sheet

I am looking to create a graph that shows each Area's score total (which is a row's columns D-I summed) vs. the date listed. My data is shown in the picture. What I would like to do is search for ...
RJG's user avatar
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Saving Charts with Multiple Series in Excel and PowerPoint

Context I'm trying to create a multi-series chart/infograph to display total number of sales for the day as compared to the average. The chart consists of three series: Series 1: The base bar graph ...
aLearningLady's user avatar
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Is it possible to do calculations with Microsoft Forms results?

Hello and thank you for your time. I am surprised I was not able to find this answer already online, but I am using Microsoft Office Online and need to do calculations automatically in a separate tab ...
talker90's user avatar
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Splitting text with very specific whitespace into rows in excel

I have a large list of products that I need to import in a clients site. The data I was given is structured terribly though. To be specific, the product categories are spaced apart using white-space. ...
Bas M's user avatar
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Excel - Line Graph a specific day of the week

I have a daily sales spreadsheet for the entire year - Weekday, Date, Orders, Guest, Sales in Columns (365 rows - one for each day). (There is more data to this table, and it is formatted and imported ...
Jamison Boucher's user avatar
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Autofill dates on selected rows

How do I go about autofilling dates on selected rows, example shown below. I'd like to autofill weekdays in selected rows to keep the continuation in dates. ╔══════╦═══════╦═══════╦═══════╦═══════╦═══...
Kuja's user avatar
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What formula in macro can I use to show a value as dd:hh:mm, exceeding 31 days?

When using the format for dd:hh:mm Excel gives us, it is not possible to show an amount of days greater than 31. Using the following formula in macro is not possible =INT(C5)&":"&TEXT(C5,"...
Den's user avatar
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Linear X-axis with non-linear data points in Excel

I am trying to draw a chart in Excel using the following data: ------------ | x | y | ------------ | 1 | 1.5 | ------------ | 2 | 3.0 | ------------ | 4 | 5.9 | ------------ | 8 | 11.0 | -------...
didaz's user avatar
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Excel Chart - X-axis values stopping at a certain point

I really hope someone can help me with this as it's driving me crazy. I have a chart in Excel which is based on a series of dynamic named ranges. When I update the source data, the table extends and ...
Steph's user avatar
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How to get text in multi-row merged cell always visible (when at least one of its rows is visible)?

I have merged a lot of rows in Column A (e.g. 100 rows) and added a relatively short text in that cell. Then, I have data in each row in Column B. Is there a way for Excel to always show my Column A ...
Vince's user avatar
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Excel chart complex custom number format

I have an excel chart that is controlled using slicers. The numbers in the y axis range include negative numbers, positive numbers upto 100+ million dollars. The axis has been formatted to display ...
user1060110's user avatar
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Excel Snap to Grid Not Working Properly

When I have 'snap to grid' enabled in excel, it sometimes still does not place shapes exactly on the grid lines. Is there a way to fix this? Because it is messy, and will cause problems when moving ...
TechnicTechnician's user avatar
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VBA - screen brightness self increase/decrease

The Problem: Screen brightness of my laptop randomly decreases and then slowly increases back. This has happened since I've used a macro that fades my User Form in-and-out. I regretted even using ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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Error when trying to get data from SQL to Excel

I'm have an issue with Excel reading UniqueIdentifier columns from a SQL Database. In excel, I go to DATA > GET DATA > FROM DATABASE > FROM SQL DATABASE. Login and connect to the sql database just ...
tim frey's user avatar

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