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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

A spreadsheet application by Microsoft. Use this tag along with [vba] if your question involves programming Excel in VBA, and with [worksheet-function] if it involves an Excel formula or worksheet function. Also add the the specific version tag (e.g. [microsoft-excel-2019] or [microsoft-excel-365]) as features and functions may vary between them.

8,888 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Turning off "Drag Fill Series" in Excel

I am ideally looking to only turn off the drag fill series functionality. I only want the user of my sheet to be able to drag COPY down. I turned the feature off in settings, which disable ALL drag ...
Koto's user avatar
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How to setup a CSV web datasource

In Excel, I can import a CSV from the web as text by simply pasting in the URL as a file name, but when I ask Excel to update, it has stripped the URL and tries to find a file on the local hard drive ...
tovare's user avatar
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Excel Pivot Table with external Data Source parameter is not saved with workbook

I have a pivot table in an excel 2007 workbook that links to an external data source. The query is along the lines of "exec procedure @param=?" (using an ODBC connection to sql server 2005). I am ...
Andy Robertson's user avatar
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How to have a cell calculate only once

I have cell N29 calculating some values based on streaming data. Once a condition is met in cell Q29, the calculation or final value should be passed to cell O29 and no longer calculate in either cell....
Marco's user avatar
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File in use when it's really not

I am running Windows 7 Professional 32 bit on a Server 2008 network. I am getting a weird issue with an excel document where I open it up one morning, update it, save and close, the next morning I ...
C-dizzle's user avatar
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Pivoting concurrent start and end times into timeslots with Excel 2010 PivotTable

I've got a table of processes and their respective start and end times (calculated from the start time and duration), listed by the process ID: Run ID Duration Start Time End Time 200878 464 ...
blendmaster's user avatar
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Convert time to decimal equivalent it Excel / Emacs

I'm trying to create a chart of my times for my runs (e.g. 25:30, for 25 minutes and 30 seconds). How could I convert this "analog" time to the decimal equivalent (e.g. 25.5 minutes)? The problem is ...
Kyle L's user avatar
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Labelling points in a plot in Excel with customized label

I want to label a plot's points in excel with neither the x nor the y variable but a label that is in a cell where the row happens to be. So for example, if I have the following table data: 1 1 a ...
Flethuseo's user avatar
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Number format for text export from Excel

Basically I am exporting a block of columns from Excel to text file. that might look similar to this in Excel: 0 34.3 22.555 56.8970 34 Now I want that to look in the text file as: 0.000 34....
kaushik's user avatar
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Excel: #NAME? appearing when linking/referencing other spreadsheets/workbook cells

I'm updating a spreadsheet that refers to data in another worksheet =NameofWorksheet for some reason I get #NAME? in some of the cells, even when the actual path is correct. The only way to overcome ...
RocketGoal's user avatar
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How can Excel dates default to short-date format when the year isn't typed?

When typing dates into unformatted (General format) cells, Excel will change the format to a custom date format, but I'd rather it just stick to either the short or long format. Examples: 11/28 ...
melds's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Freezing when entering data into a spreadsheet with multiple formulas

When working in spreadsheets with multiple formulas, if users enter data into a cell then leave the cell, Excel freezes for a few seconds to a couple minutes. The time varies depending on which ...
Blair's user avatar
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How to remove a macro button added by customized ribbon in home tab?

I have added a macro button in an excel sheet by customize ribbon and have assigned some VBA code to it to do some particular task. The problem is that when I open any new workbook, Excel shows that ...
ramji's user avatar
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Remove Seconds from Excel DateTime field value

I need to remove the seconds date part from my Excel DateTime field that looks as follows: 7/8/2014 4:17:59 PM I tried to format the cell to : mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm This displayed the cell in the ...
user3340627's user avatar
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Cell showing decimal but Formula Bar showing Percentage

I have never seen this before. I have decimals entered into the cells. I changed the formatting of the cells to PERCENTAGE, however the cells remain decimals, but it now shows percentages in the ...
Paul Wright's user avatar
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Stacked Area Chart Excel, 3 Series Negative Problems

I am trying to create a chart similar to this original chart. I'm having troubles with the negative values. The red area falls negative when I chart it as a stacked chart. It seems like it should be ...
SilverSamwise's user avatar
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Part number generator

I am trying to make a part number generator for a large project at school. I need the ability to use the function =RANDBETWEEN(0,999999) to generate a portion of the part number. The problem is the ...
Charlie Stabler's user avatar
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Excel If function throws error even if there cant be anything wrong am newish to excel and tried using a simple If function. The problem? As soon as I enter Parameters into ...
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Bubble Sort (or Similar) Excel VBA with single and multivariable criteria: Solve for lowest sum

Long time lurker first time poster. I'm working on an Excel project to solve for the best (lowest value) combination of vendors and achieve full criteria coverage. The exercise is fairly simple for 95%...
Nate Z's user avatar
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convert excel spreadsheet with format to markdown

I want to convert a spreadsheet table with basic formatting (bold, script) to MD (markdown) format. I know howto convert a table to Markdown but it losses the basic format and i need to preserve it. ...
Daniel Perez's user avatar
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Copy text into Excel, Fixed Width, where data starts every 40 rows

I have data from a text file I want to import into Excel. The text data is grouped in blocks of 40 rows with headings. After about 12 rows the new set of data starts again with headings. There are ...
Nathan Schofield's user avatar
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Macro issues in Excel365 with Smooth Scrolling

I was asked on Stackoverflow to take my question here instead. When creating an Excel file in Office365 including macros that increase and decrease value in a cell depending if you click up or down ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Why does certain data imported from Word into Excel have yellow font, but not in Word?

Students fill out some tables in Word, and they must occasionally use a certain color font to get full credit. I'm using VBA to import their data and the color of their font from their submitted ...
Starnes Student's user avatar
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Change PivotChart source from one PivotTable (external data source) to another PivotTable (table/range)

I have a PivotChart in Excel 2016 that is currently based on PivotTable-A. PivotTables A and B are identical, other than the fact that they have different data sources: A's data source is an ...
User1974's user avatar
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Change PivotTable source from external data source connection to table/range

In Excel 2016, I have several PivotTables (and corresponding PivotCharts) that use external data sources. The data sources were created via Microsoft Query (an Excel mechanism) and have complex SQL ...
User1974's user avatar
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How do you create a new custom preset page size in excel

Microsoft excel does not let me create custom page size outside of the preset ones (word lets you make your own size) now this is annoying since we occasionally print in long (8.5in by 13in). Notice ...
DrakeJest's user avatar
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Excel: Create truly blank cells from formula so that they wont show up in a pivot table?

So I've had a look at similar answers but they're not working for me. Basically I have a lot of related charts of monthly data, and I'm wanting to plot them on a chart that only shows up the current ...
CORCSIR's user avatar
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How to create dynamic sheet references with cell text in Excel

I am working with a large workbook and I want to drag formulas across to reference the title of their column with the corresponding sheet of the same name. In this example: =VLOOKUP($B3,'04.22 NE'!$B$...
Tarryn's user avatar
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How do I hide arrow filter button on only some columns in a formatted table?

I have a formatted table that works as intended. However, for visual reasons I would like to hide the filter buttons on the column headers that don´t need it The Headers I have are: | Project Name| ...
CJH's user avatar
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Excel - Lambda's helper MAP() function not valid

Ever since 2021 I've had acces to the newer lambda's helper functions among which was the MAP() function. All other helpers like BYROW(), BYCOL(), SCAN() and REDUCE() amongst others are working fine. ...
JvdV's user avatar
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Is there a way to make 'edit' mode the default while editing series data in Excel charts?

When editing a series for a chart in Excel (2017), the default mode in the dialog boxes for series name, x values, and y values is 'enter' mode. When I use the arrow keys in the box it adds a cell to ...
shiva's user avatar
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Need to display costs with 1/10 cent values in superscript

I'm working with prices similar to those of gasoline at the pump. I have prices that look like $3.799. I can rounddown(A1,2) to get 3.79 and 1000*(Round(A1,3)-Roundown(A1,2)) will get the 9 but I can'...
Sean Powell's user avatar
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Excel: Multiple Selections in one drop down/one cell possible--perhaps using a listbox?

The current problem I have has to do with tagging multiple categories to an a list of items in Excel. A rough example is shown below, with the second column being the CONCAT column that takes in data ...
Ender_Bee's user avatar
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How to persistently use R1C1 styling in Excel?

I want Excel to be permanently labelled using R1C1 notation for cell positions. However, the changes I make by going to File > Options > R1C1 setting only work as long and the project is open. ...
Real Noob's user avatar
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Return count 1,2,3,4.... for duplicates in a column

I have a column with duplicate account #, and the number of repeats is different for each account. I'm hoping to formulate a column that returns 1 for the first instance, 2 for the second instance, 3 ...
P Khiev's user avatar
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Excel 2021 does not show spreadsheet

I am using Excel 2021 on Windows 11. It has been working until today, but when I opened a file, it stopped showing the spreadsheet. Screenshot: It's not about zooming issue. It is possible to enter ...
guest's user avatar
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Highlight row if any value in the row cells is changed only today

I have a shared sheet called "Daily Status", people update their respective rows daily, I want to highlight row if it is not updated today. For example below sheet, 2 out of 3 people updated ...
Sameer's user avatar
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How can I set the column width on a given column in multiple opened Excel files at once?

I have 10 opened Excel files. Each of them contains one spreadsheet. How can I set the column width on a given column in multiple opened Excel files at once? I use Excel 2205 on Microsoft Windows 10.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Microsoft excel: Finding start and finish times where several time periods they overlap

I hope someone can assist.... I need to get the start and finish time of overlapping times. For example my first column's time periods are: 8:00 - 10:00 12:00 - 14:00 16:00 - 18:00 The second column ...
VickyBez's user avatar
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Can we add tags in any spreadsheet software like we can in Notion?

I’m working on long tables (like a database or repository, no mathematical function) and I need to refer a few cells in another sheet And also use some tags for each row. I know in Notion, you can ...
Bluebug's user avatar
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Getting an error code 0x800704cf when trying to sign in to excel 365

Everytime I open an excel file, it prompt me to sign in because my cached credentials have expired and every time I try to sign in, it give me a message that says it doesn't look like you're ...
Paulo's user avatar
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Excel macros won't run from shapes or buttons

Using Excel 365. My workbook has macros which are linked to buttons or shapes on several worksheets. The macros work if I run them from the Macros dialog, or the VBA editor, but when I press a button ...
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar
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Excel charting numeric values as labels

I am trying to represent ages of a population as a bar chart I've ,ade itby using a pivot tabel so I've also split the bars by sex. Excel is charting the age as a data label, but I want to treat it as ...
HelpStupidUser's user avatar
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How to get a return of specific column and relative row in Excel and use it in other formula?

For example, when I insert this formula ="E"&ROW() in a certain cell, I get E52 in return. Then I want to use this formula within a formula =IF(("E"&ROW())="EXAMPLE&...
John Doe's user avatar
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Merge rows with different date values

my list has about 1000 users with multiple entries with different values like row 2-10. I want to merge the values ​​for each user on a single line, like in the following example rows 13-17. Example ...
Eisenhauer's user avatar
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Excel not detecting proper amount of cores

Has anybody came across how to get excel to detect the proper amount of cores when on a high core count machine. I have a EPYC VM with 32 cores assigned, and Excel only detects 2 for some reason. When ...
dustovich's user avatar
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Excel PivotTables: How to have a hierarchical collapsible list with varying levels

When I try to create the above using a PivotTable, I get the blank cells as expandable levels as well. So for example Item A has 2 blank sub-levels and Item E has 3, when they should have none.
Braden Cutajar's user avatar
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Loading UTF8 CSV files generated on a Mac into Excel on Windows: does not recognize encoding

When I generate a UTF8 CSV file in Excel (or some other way) on Windows and then open it n Excel, I expect it to ask me to choose the right encoding. I got a UTF8 CSV file that was generated on a Mac. ...
I Z's user avatar
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Excel rows of data suddenly disappeared after undoing deletion of unrelated rows. Version history suddenly blank. Get my data back?

I have been editing an Excel workbook for 6 days. The workbook is saved in sharepoint and also marked to always be kept on my laptop. I have saved this .xlsx file dozens of times in the last few days. ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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Colorblind: Change Excel parentheses color in formula bar?

Does anyone know of a way to change the color of parentheses in the Excel formula bar (in macOS)? To make formulas more legible, cell ranges and parentheses are color coded in Excel. I'd guess the ...
Unrelated's user avatar
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