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Questions tagged [lxc]

LXC short for (Linux Containers) LXC is an operating system-level virtualization method for running multiple isolated Linux systems (containers) on a single control host. LXC is the userspace control package for Linux Containers, a lightweight virtual system mechanism sometimes described as “chroot on steroids”.

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1 answer

How to disable lxc container login prompt on centos 7

I have created an LXC container on CentOS 7. Every time I do sudo lxc-start -n mycontainer I'm greeted with a login prompt: ... [ OK ] Started Console Getty. [ OK ] Started Command Scheduler. [ ...
Nagev's user avatar
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Empty passphrase created ssh key-pair refusing empty passphrase when authenticating [closed]

After @Sarke help I reach that solution: Here the fixed version, the original broken version cant help nobody. About why I need to be able to SSH from one container to the other it that i need ...
Mark's user avatar
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LXC: how this network works?

I don't understand why I can ping between 10.0.3.* and 192.168.1.* if are in different subnets. I search for it but I don't find any that clarifies it to me. I would appreciate any help, docs, ...
limit2001's user avatar
5 votes
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htop memory usage does not add up with process list

I am using lxd to run multiple containers and having trouble reporting the memory usage: both htop and free shows high memory usage but the list of processes that uses memory is very short and doesn't ...
user60177's user avatar
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How to create a linux container which inherits the hosts root file system, possibly with zfs?

What Hopefully the question in the title makes sense. I am wanting to create a low overhead (therefore no virtual machine) copy of the host operating system, with it running in a linux container. I ...
hak8or's user avatar
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PREROUTING to LXC container with iptables

I've set up two containers with lxd, one with haproxy, pointing to the other with nginx. I want my server's incoming traffic on port 80 to go to the container with haproxy. This is the rule I've ...
user3459805's user avatar
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Running containers on top of QEMU

I have a testing setup I'm trying to migrate to using VMs rather than bare metal as much as possible. The existing setup is structured to run everything within containers (LXC, specifically), and it ...
Jacob Kopczynski's user avatar
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Internet access from LXC containers in proxmox 5.1 on VirtualBox

I've installed a Proxmox VE 5.1 on a VirtualBox in macOS (10.12). The guess OS, Debian Strech (Proxmox is built on debian), has 2 "physical" network interfaces (configured from VirtualBox), Host-Only ...
Roberto's user avatar
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Is there a way to redirect traffic to another port in the event that the service listening to the original port is unresponsive?

This is a rather specific question, but it is one I haven't been able to find an answer to. I'm running a set of services on an LXC container in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, specifically game servers. However, ...
Shigbeard_'s user avatar
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Accessing LXC root User

I am new to containers and am trying figure them out. I cannot figure out how to log in as root user on the container. I cannot get it to accept the temporary password or to change the password. (...
user371793's user avatar
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Prevent LXC container from remounting host file system

Recently, I started looking at LXC as a virtualization platform. I have already created a container, and set it up to use via libvirt. This works so far, but when I shut down the container, /var/lib/...
user4759923's user avatar
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Tee causes format problems at console when running lxc-attach commands in session

I use tee to capture output of an install script to a file in the usual way. All is fine except when there lxc-attach commands executing in an LXC Linux container. For example (see attached ...
gstanden's user avatar
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How to ssh from one lxc container to another?

I'm trying to experiment with a small virtual cluster of machines to learn hadoop. I'm using LXD for this purpose. I've installed ssh servers on each vm and now need to connect from one vm to another. ...
user14660's user avatar
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Copy files from LXC to host machine

I'm new to containers. I have a LXC container running on a remote linux machine. All I found online is how to copy files from host to LXC container. But how can I copy files from a running LXC ...
Tina J's user avatar
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LXD container on GlusterFS

I'm trying to add a container created with LXC (v2.0) into a GlusterFS (v3.12) mount. So I tried to mount /var/lib/lxd/containers prior to creating the container, obviously I got the error message ...
mignz's user avatar
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Unable to SSH to LXC Ubuntu container

I'm trying to connect from a CentOS host to my LXC Ubuntu container and it fails with this error: packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe The CentOS I'm using is: ...
radicaled's user avatar
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LXC: Linux devices don't work within container

With Debian lenny I am desperately trying to get LXC working (Debian kernel 3.16 and LXC 1). One big issue is the use of device nodes. I use lxc.autodev and lxc.cgroup.devices.allow and my config ...
divB's user avatar
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existing filesystem error on adding old btrfs storage volume into new ubuntu lxd install

lxc storage create default btrfs source=/dev/sdc error: Failed to create the BTRFS pool: /dev/sdc appears to contain an existing filesystem (btrfs). ERROR: use the -f option to force overwrite of /dev/...
Kundarsa's user avatar
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Group containers in LXC

It's possible to group lxc containers in some kind of hierarchical folder structure? I means set a group_containers folder in /var/lib/lxc in such a way you could have /var/lib/lxc/container_1 /var/...
Rafa Cuestas's user avatar
2 votes
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Forcing Ping to Egress When Destination Interface is Local (Debian)

I am running a Debian-based Linux container under Proxmox 4.4. This host has five network interfaces (though only two come into play in the problem I'm having). While I am shelled into this host, I ...
Dave's user avatar
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Multiple instances of an application on the same X server?

I'd like to run multiple instances of firefox in lxc containers, using ssh X forwarding: ssh -X container-IP firefox It works perfectly if this copy of firefox is the only one. If I previously start ...
user avatar
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Resolving names of LXC containers on the host

On Ubuntu 16.04 server edition, after launching an LXC container, it can only be referred to by its IP address. Enabling the .lxc domain in dnsmasq doesn't seem to help, and tutorials available only ...
Dragan Espenschied's user avatar
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How to make cmake find installed packages

I am trying to use cmake to compile a program and it needs to use lxc, I run the cmakelist with cmake .. and it returns -- checking for module 'lxc' -- package 'lxc' not found. However, if I run apt-...
Tyler's user avatar
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How to run openvpn in a LXC container inside debian host?

I am running debian stretch on my host and I try to configure openvpn inside an Ubuntu xenial LXC guest. Because openvpn needs a tun device, I followed guides such as
omega's user avatar
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How to set up networking for lxc containers in OpenStack?

I am working on a setup of OpenStack using LXC containers for virtualization. I can launch instances (at least the instance log reports so). However, I can neither ping them nor connect to them via ...
Martin's user avatar
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Cannot run C++ webservice (using libhttpserver) as systemd service, everything works correctly when running from terminal (as same user)

This is my systemd unit file (almost identical is used to run Meteor webservice and it simply works): [Unit] Description=SomeService [Service] ExecStart=/opt/myapp/app WorkingDirectory=/opt/myapp [...
MobileDevelopment's user avatar
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Bridge needs IP on host when bridging lxc containers?

I have the following setup. Bridge on host machine called br0. No IP address set. LXC container called router, which is attached to local network and br0, its task to route between the two. LXC ...
user7282391's user avatar
4 votes
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Unable to do 'yum install' inside LXC container on CentOS 7

I am trying to create CentOS container inside CentOS 7 and host my application. But I am unable to install anything inside container. If I do 'yum -y install nodejs' i got below error Loaded ...
sudheer KB's user avatar
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Difference between an LXD Ubuntu container, and a Docker container with an Ubuntu image?

I think this question was already asked here, and this question was referenced, but it doesn't really answer. So I'll try to ask more in detail. Let's say I have an LXD container running an instance ...
devil0150's user avatar
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mock build fails with "sh: /usr/bin/python2: No such file or directory" even though file exists

I'm trying to install tornado using mock, from the source rpm, in a Centos 7 lxc container: mock -r epel-7-x86_64 python-tornado-4.4.2-3.fc26.src.rpm Everything seems to go well until it stops with ...
Nagev's user avatar
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