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Preserve incoming interface for answers in openwrt router

I have a Openwrt router with three interfaces: interface br-lan: IP: in a LAN network ( interface eth1: IP: a WAN network ( with Internet access....
Maxfer's user avatar
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OpenVPN and IPTABLES - How to assign lan (vpn) gateway to clients

I am trying to set up my openvpn network but I have a problem. My LAN configuration is as follows: main router Zyxel acting as gateway (vdsl connection) and access point; openwrt router ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Redirect all http traffic to static address in OpenWrt on Raspberry

I have an ISP router with IP I installed OpenWrt on my Raspberry PI 3 B. Raspberry is connected to the ISP router via ethernet On the Raspberry I configured 2 networks: wan wifi ...
firegloves's user avatar
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OpenWRT: Redirect traffic for single clients to different gateway

I am currently reversing a wifi toy. To analyse the devices protocol I would like to redirect its traffic to a linux machine (kali). Then I am using sslsplit to peek into the ssl traffic (CA.cert is ...
Schr0nk's user avatar
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Preventing connections to specific host on LAN

I have a NAS running a web app on port 8081, with IP, and a reverse proxy server (separate machine) with IP In order to access the web app (which I wouldn't want to expose to ...
Manchineel's user avatar
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Captive portal (nodogsplash) stops working if iptables - hashlimit rules entered (OpenWRT)

I have setup a hotspot device with openwrt. It has nodogsplash installed for hotspot functions and iptables for limit bandwith. When i was testing speed limit script, hotspot was disabled for testing ...
Selim Akpınar's user avatar
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OpenWRT, iptables and ipset rule for redirect destination host to another ip?

How to redirect destination host to another ip? This rule don't work: iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -m set --match-set redirectsites src,dst -j DNAT --to-destination ipaddr Could you explain, what ...
Kvartu's user avatar
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iptables can't match https traffic

I got a WiFi router(xiaomi HD) with customized openwrt OS and I added some iptables rules trying to count https traffic, but it seems the rule can't match https traffic. Here are the rules(on router)...
jack.teng's user avatar
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Properly block ports on openwrt

I want to block certain protocols to be used, and I do this by blocking their ports such as 53. I tried to edit /etc/config/firewall adding: config rule 'stopdns' option name 'stopdns' ...
pomur's user avatar
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TLS Handshake resets for some web sites when using OpenWRT router

Currently I'm facing a very strange issue with my router. I have TP-Link TL-WDR4300 rev. 1.7 running OpenWRT 18.06.1. The problem originally started 1-2 months ago, when I had OpenWRT 15.05, and the ...
Andrey Sapegin's user avatar
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Linux IP tables on Open-WRT: forwarding vs stateful packet filtering

I followed the Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, 5th edition's complete example for iptables. The stateful packet filtering has allowed me to print remotely on my MakerBot, but I could ...
quaternionist's user avatar
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OpenWRT port redirection

I have an OpenWRT router. What I need to achieve is a port redirection within my LAN zone. What I mean is, every time I hit local address on port 40413 it should to be redirected to
Bastian KG's user avatar
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Server substitution. Emulating internet server

I have two networks sequent networks both hidden under own NAT -> -> Internet I have a TCP server on and a client on A client does a TCP ...
Pheu Verg's user avatar
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iptables PREROUTING and POSTROUTING doesn't seem to forward any packets (OpenWRT)

I am trying to mirror all packets sent or received by Device B and send them to Device A for logging. I have an OpenWRT acting as a wireless access point, and I have issued the following commands to ...
Ian Riley's user avatar
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Can I encapsulate or alter UDP length?

While packet capturing on a game server I noticed my connection is sending a constant stream of UDP packets all of which roughly 64 bytes in length. How can I merge these packets to send a stream of ...
MrTod's user avatar
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iptables: changing destination for specific network host

honestly I don't know much about iptables but I'm facing this issue and I'm committed to solve it with iptables The thing is that I want to change the destination ip for another just to one specific ...
William Añez's user avatar
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IPTables scenario explanation (How does my log rules are being hit?)

I have the iptables rules bellow from my OpenWRT router, I can not understand the scenario, in which my two logging rules are being hit (inside zone_wan_dest_REJECT and zone_wan_src_REJECT), because -...
Mohammed Noureldin's user avatar
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ddwrt to openwrt; blocking a host name or domain based on mac address

I'm a recent convert from ddwrt to openwrt. On ddwrt, I could use the lines below to block the amz address for my firetv. I tried doing this on openwrt, but I can still access the address. insmod ...
snapplex's user avatar
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assign IP to tinyproxy on OpenWrt

I have installed tinyproxy on OpenWrt and now I want to make rules for iptables that match traffic from tinyproxy. I want to mark this traffic with set-mark and route it to different routing table. My ...
userbb's user avatar
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Openwrt in bridge mode - ebtables kernel error

I have a setup at home as follow: DHCP clients -----> (wifi)(bridge) Openwrt -----> (eth)Main Router The device I'm using is TPlink MR3020 with Barrier Breaker and I tried to set up ...
Enes Aldemir's user avatar
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Troubleshooting port forwarding

I'm trying to run a web server from my home network, but I have some difficulty reaching my server from the WAN. If you have an idea where the problem could lie, or need more information, please let ...
David's user avatar
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Create rule in OpenWrt LuCi, apply saved iptables rule from command line

In the OpenWrt LuCi web interface, one can create rules but leave them disabled. I have a rule for forwarding public web traffic to one of the hosts on my private network, but I usually leave it ...
Mark Miller's user avatar
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openwrt using iptables with tee seems broken

I've been trying to set up port mirroring on openwrt version 14.07 following this guide: however the command: $iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o br-lan ! -s -j TEE --gateway 192....
GelosSnake's user avatar
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iptables on openwrt router: logging connections to a host from clients on the same subnet

I am trying to setup an auto wake-on-lan setup using my router that is running OpenWRT 14.07, Barrier Breaker. My idea is that the router monitors any connection attempts to the host I want to wake up ...
packoman's user avatar
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OpenWRT Firewarll INPUT Chain allowing everything?

I haven't done anything to my the default firewall rules except open a port for ssh from the wan and add the rules for OpenVPN as defined in this tutorial:
rainkinz's user avatar
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Prevent device from reaching WAN traffic (MAC address for example) - OpenWRT

I want to forbid a device on my network from accessing the internet. Computers still have to communicate with the device, and vice versa. OpenWRT version: OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09
Apache's user avatar
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Advanced QoS on prioritized first packages set by ISP

I have the following problem my ISP (Fibertel from Argentina) accelerates, 'enhances' the first 6.8 megabytes of downstream transfer and it's seems the first 1.8 megabytes of upstream transfer. This ...
OmniWired's user avatar
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OpenWrt: how to give wlan clients @ 10.x Internet access via gateway @

I want to isolate guests connecting to my Wi-Fi to the 10.0.0.x subnet, while giving them Internet access. The OpenWrt router is at ("wifi" interface has and my gateway is at ...
Pete's user avatar
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