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7 votes
1 answer

How to change / configure font fallback?

Recently I re-installed Windows XP English, and after setting the locale to Japanese, and installing my favorite fonts, all Japanese text in the GUI became strange. The GUI font is Tahoma (default). ...
10 votes
3 answers

Monaco font not appearing in PuTTY font list

I'm using PuTTY 0.60 under Windows XP. I recently downloaded and installed the Monaco font, and configured PuTTY to use it. However, after reboot, the Monaco font doesn't appears in PuTTYs font list; ...
0 votes
1 answer

Fonts on Certain Web Pages jagged and blocky on XP yet fine in Windows7

This site for example: Which has this CSS - body { text-align: center; font-...
26 votes
4 answers

How to change the Windows XP console font?

I have been using Cleartype and Vista fonts on Windows XP for quite a while now. I love the Consolas font for working with source code. I would love to have it as the font of my Windows console (...
0 votes
2 answers

Question Mark Replaced by É

This happens occasionally. Today it happened in a calendar item in outlook 2003. As you can see from the title here, the question mark is working here (Firefox). I am typing and suddenly the question ...
1 vote
1 answer

Korean characters not appearing in Korean Windows XP computer

I am using a Korean software (with a partial English interface) in a Korean Version of Windows XP SP 3 However, in parts of the software, even when I change the interface to Korean, Korean letters ...
16 votes
5 answers

What font does CMD.exe use by default for output in Windows XP?

This is mostly just curiosity. I'm not sure if it is Courier, Courier New, Lucida Console, or the like.
2 votes
4 answers

Ugly font antialiasing

I have a problem with font antialiasing on a Windows XP PC. Example image (top half bad vs bottom half good taken on another XP box): I'm using normal antialiasing (I don't like ClearType). What ...
1 vote
2 answers

What is the name of the this DOS font? Where and how to add it? Why is there a 1 pixel gap?

So basically I somehow stepped into this webpage: [removed because it now redirects to a reward survey site] And the first thing that hit me hard was the lovely DOS fonts, so naturally I wanted to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Convert .fon to TTF or OTF

How can I convert a bitmap fonts (.fon) into TTF or OTF fonts? I don't need any of the features in vector fonts such as ClearType; I just want my bitmap font simply transformed into TTF or OTF format....
0 votes
0 answers

Increasing font weight (making it bolder) in Firefox on Windows XP

My laptop screen got burned so I use an external monitor, but all fonts look very thin for some reason. How can I bolden-up fonts in Firefox? P.S. I didn't find any info that helps, most tricks ...
0 votes
0 answers

Programs using an Asian font for context menus and title bars

The image here describes what I'm talking about. How can I change this font back to Segoe UI? Windows XP on this computer is in Chinese by the way. I tried regional and language settings and I tried ...
0 votes
1 answer

Uneven and blurry fonts across the whole system in XP

In Windows XP, all fonts look 'uneven' and are a headache to read. The display is VGA (and LCD) and the resolution is 1280x768. The vertical lines on some characters vary in thickness and blurriness. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a simple way to organize fonts into folders and switch between them?

As a graphic designer, I have a large number of fonts installed on my PC (WIN XP SP3). I need the variety, but the many fonts slow my applications considerably. Is there a simple way to organize ...
2 votes
5 answers

How to change the Font of Outlooks folder list?

Some Colleagues asked me how to change the font or font size of the Folders inside Outlook 2003 (Inbox, Sent Items and so on) I searched all the View-Options inside Outlook and changed "every" other ...
0 votes
1 answer

Print a list of all fonts used in all documents in a directory

Suppose you have a directory which contains (perhaps in sub-directories) Word 2000 (.doc) files. Now I want to analyze which fonts are actually used by a specific user. So, how can I scan this ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to install an AFM font on Windows XP?

Installing TTF fonts in Windows XP is easy (through Control Panel), but I was given an AFM font by a designer as part of the package he prepared to be viewed on Adobe Photoshop. Control Panel's ...
3 votes
3 answers

Arial, Courier New and Times screen fonts suddenly fuzzy/unreadable

UPDATE: thanks to the Rubber Duck effect, I just stumbled upon this note. It is a known problem: if you have Windows XP and either manually or with some "hack" managed to download the Windows Update ...
1 vote
2 answers

ugly font in XP, how can I restore it?

The XP SP3 workstation I used in workplace changed font rendering to ugly one in sudden(maybe after rebooting with chkdsk messages). How can I restore the font rendering setting back to normal? ...
3 votes
3 answers

Photoshop not loading fonts correctly

I'm running Photoshop CS4 on WinXP and I have been sent a PSD as well as the needed fonts. I have installed all the fonts I got into the Windows fonts directory. When I open up the PSD in photoshop ...
1 vote
1 answer

Using installed arabic fonts on Windows XP

I recently installed This arabic font package (for the coolness!) and I want to try writing with it but they show up as BOXES in Word 2007. Why? how can I make the glyphs show up properly?
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to convert an Open Face Font to TTF?

I purchased several fonts, and they installed in my fonts folder. They don't show up in any of my card programs or email, so they're of no use to me. I see them listed and can use them in Notepad and ...
4 votes
3 answers

Windows default font messed up... but not everywhere

I'm on Windows XP. Some time ago, while trying out a number of different font management programs, something went wrong. I don't know what happened but now some applications, in some of their GUI ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is with this 'numbers and letters in boxes' font?

What is with this 'numbers and letters in boxes' font? Am I missing some update? Running Windows XP sp3. I get whole pages of it if its in Japanese, but sometimes it's also here and there on English ...
0 votes
2 answers

windows app fonts to small

I have an application that was written in for Windows 98 and it looks the same running under Win XP. I have now tried to run it under Win 8.1 and the fonts for the entry fields are to small. It looks ...
0 votes
1 answer

Different font rendering in same computer

While I was writing some stuff here on Super User, I had to use my alternate guest account to write. I then noticed that the font that was present on the editing box and also in the '< code >' ...
1 vote
1 answer

Font unusable in Lotus Notes

I use Lotus Notes 8.5 on Win7, and my colleagues use Lotus Notes 4.6 on XP. They use a font FangSong_GB2312 which comes with XP but not with Win7. To fix compatibility issues, I installed Lotus Notes ...
1 vote
0 answers

Lucida font on command window not looking correct in regular size, okay when maximized

I rely on a DOS program for my writing. I just ran combofix and the window now looks like ansi.sys is not working with the Lucida font. Although when I maximize the window, everything looks fine. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Set font background color to transparent on desktop

I've already done this: Control Panel / System / Advanced / Performance Tab / Settings Button and put a checkmark in: Use Drop Shadows for Icon Labels on But I still get a color in the font ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unicode play icon ▶ present in a page title is incorrectly displayed in Chrome/Win XP x86

This happens in 2 different machines both running Chrome Versão 29.0.1547.57 m in Windows XP Pro SP3 x86: I've found to this question (Unicode play icon ▶ present in a page title is incorrectly ...
0 votes
2 answers

How can I prevent fonts installed by me from disappearing on windows reboot?

This is similar to this question in SF, except that this is happenning on my laptop where my user id is part of the administrators group. The fonts that I install disappear after a reboot. I need ...
0 votes
1 answer

Any Unix with Windows XP like fonts?

I'd like to try a Linux- or BSD-based OS on my desktop. But all distros I've seen so far have fonts that feel unnatural after Windows XP. Could you recommend a distributive or a way to make them like ...
10 votes
1 answer

How do I use the Consolas font in the Windows XP command prompt?

How? I can see only two options in the properties dialog: "Lucida Console" and "Raster Fonts". Is there any way to switch to Consolas (short of replacing the Lucida TTF file with the Consolas TTF file)...
2 votes
2 answers

Japanese characters has Chinese fonts

The other day, I had problems viewing a document, because it was encoded in ANSI. So I went and changed the system language to Chinese (nothing AppLocale could fix for some reason). When I was done, I ...
1 vote
3 answers

Are .fon (bitmap font) files needed in Windows XP?

I'm trying to make a minimal XP installation for low-end machines, and I want to remove anything that could slow the system down. I've heard many fonts installed slow down the boot process, so I'd ...
0 votes
1 answer

Font recognized in Windows XP but not Windows 7

I've created a font namely ROAD.TTF for XP using software named "Softy", but when I install my font ROAD.TTF to Windows 7, it seems that the system doesn't recognize the "characters" starting from ...
1 vote
1 answer

Certain Japanese characters aren't displayed properly

On the following site: the first 2 characters on the second row of the "Step 2" table aren't displayed properly. All other characters look fine. I tried re-...
0 votes
0 answers

How to change a foreign language system font in Windows XP?

How is it possible to change the system font of a foreign langauge in Windows XP? By "foreign language system font" I mean for example the font that's used in Notepad or Skype by default for the ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I fix my fonts being unreadable in Java and Flash applications?

I have been seeing this in a Java application that wasn't present earlier. I had done something with the smooth fonts utility provided by Windows XP, which could be the source of the problem. So I ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to fix Windows XP's extremely sharp fonts?

I'm on a Mac, but I need to work with Visual Studio, so I run WinXP with Parallels. Windows 7 is to heavy for my Mac Mini. Compared to Windows 7 And Mac OS X, WinXP has terrible fonts. They are ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I fix the fonts on my windows XP box?

I'm using a corporate build of Windows XP. When I view a github wikipage, for instance I get terrible display of the fonts. If I disable the ...
1 vote
3 answers

Fonts cause of performance issues?

I have the dubious honor of cleaning up my father in law's malware infested laptop. I think I almost have the malware issue solved, and now I am turning my attention to general performance. Do you ...
0 votes
2 answers

How do I allow XP limited user to install fonts?

How do I allow limited user to install fonts? I can't give administrator's rights to the staff at my workplace, but they need to be able to install new fonts to do their graphic design work. OS: ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I fix font corruption in Google Chrome 9.0.597.44beta in Windows XP?

I am not sure what is causing this problem, but I think it is related to unicode problems. Google Chrome, seemingly out of nowhere a month ago, stopped rendering unicode characters in certain fonts. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Installing a large number of fonts in XP at once

Can you suggest a way for windows to recurse all the folders and subfolders (after unzipping) containing the fonts I recently acquired instead of having to install them one by one? There are about 200....
2 votes
2 answers

Font rendering in Internet Explorer vs other browsers on Windows XP

I have four browsers installed on my Windows XP SP3 machine: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, and Google Chrome. For whatever reason, fonts appeared to be rendered differently in IE than ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is Windows XP standard font smoothing on by default?

There are two font smoothing options for Windows XP: Standard and ClearText. I know the default is NOT to use ClearType, but I am wondering if "standard" is on by default in the majority of XP ...
0 votes
3 answers

How can I fix colors in WinXP?

In the office I was recently forced off a desktop machine and onto a laptop. The laptop is plugged into a docking station/port replicator thingy, and I've a 19" flat screen monitor plugged into it. ...