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Questions tagged [fish]

The friendly interactive shell (fish) is a Unix shell that focuses on interactive use, discoverability, and user friendliness.

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How to I persist prepended items to PATH in fish shell?

My PATH Prefixes Don't Persist I'm using Fish v3.2.0. According to the documentation, set -U fish_user_paths should persistently ensure that the directories stored in it should be looked up before ...
CodeGnome's user avatar
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Run the current command and pipe the output to fzf

What would be an easy way to bind a key binding from fish to run the current command prompt and pipe it to fzf for easy search/selection? i.e. a 1 key-press way of accomplishing | fzf (enter)?
Xster's user avatar
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How can I ask `fish` to enumerate all the locations it's reading configuration from?

When I start fish, I'd like it to print every location it's reading configuration, profiles, and customizations from, so that I can: understand which specific paths I need to backup if I want to ...
John Feminella's user avatar
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Is there a fish way of doing zsh's noglob builtin?

From : noglob Filename generation (globbing) is not performed on any of the words. zsh example: $ ls /* <lots of output> $ noglob ls /* ls: cannot access '/...
snapshoe's user avatar
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Where is the best place to add an “ssh-add” command in fish shell startup?

At some point I added an ssh-add invocation to my file. So every time I open a terminal, that runs for a couple of seconds. Is there a better place to set this, so that it runs upon login? ...
tom's user avatar
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MobaXTerm “Follow Terminal Folder” STFP & Fish Shell

MobaXterm's "Follow Terminal Folder"/"Follow SSH Path" feature works great when remote SSH into a linux computer, it shows directory & files to the left as you work in the ...
apfsx's user avatar
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Minimal Backup of Fish Shell Config

Thanks to the influence of many, including one who has a passing association to a certain green tinged distro I have moved over to fish (from zsh). However config is quite different and I couldn't ...
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Execute two or more commands simultaneously in shell script

It is often very helpful to run commands in parallel in a shell script, but I cannot find ways to do it. Is this possible? If so, how would I achieve that? I'm mainly interested in doing that for fish....
Joy Jin's user avatar
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Change the startup directory to something other than HOME

By default, when I open the fish shell, my working directory is the home directory. Is there a way to change the default working directory on startup, without having to edit the HOME variable?
jallersma's user avatar
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How can I change the prompt to always show the current path?

I want to continue using the fish shell with as little changes to default setup as possible. But there is one thing that really bugs me. When the terminal window is cramped the prompt just becomes >...
user1283776's user avatar
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tmux run a pipe/chain of commands with keybinding

How can I run a chain of command like in shells with tmux? I want to run multiple commands based on success of them. I want to echo out to terminal (or command bar) E.g. I have a keybinding to reload ...
user14492's user avatar
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/bin/bash shell (macOS) throwing `-bash: declare: -A: invalid option` error message at shell start

I briefly changed my default shell on macOS Catalina (10.15.1) to Fish, following the steps in Fish's documentation. First, I executed > echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells followed ...
thrillifying's user avatar
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Is there a Fish equivalent to "bash --rcfile ~/.bashrc"

I've just moved over to fish shell after years of Bash. I've ported all of my functions over pretty easily except for a very simple one I have called mkroot: mkroot () { sudo bash --rcfile ~/...
Adam Shand's user avatar
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how to enable command line navigation shortcuts in fish shell running in iTerm on Mac

Setup: MacOs Mojave, iTerm, Fish shell 3.0.2, using fisher have theme bob-the-fish installed as well. Would like to be able to use command line navigation keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl-A to get t ...
jim70's user avatar
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tmux.conf is giving syntax error

My .tmux.conf is # set-option -g status-style bg=colour235,fg=colour136,default # bg=base02, fg=yellow # set window ...
MathIsNice1729's user avatar

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