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Questions tagged [fish]

The friendly interactive shell (fish) is a Unix shell that focuses on interactive use, discoverability, and user friendliness.

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MobaXTerm “Follow Terminal Folder” STFP & Fish Shell

MobaXterm's "Follow Terminal Folder"/"Follow SSH Path" feature works great when remote SSH into a linux computer, it shows directory & files to the left as you work in the ...
apfsx's user avatar
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Minimal Backup of Fish Shell Config

Thanks to the influence of many, including one who has a passing association to a certain green tinged distro I have moved over to fish (from zsh). However config is quite different and I couldn't ...
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Execute two or more commands simultaneously in shell script

It is often very helpful to run commands in parallel in a shell script, but I cannot find ways to do it. Is this possible? If so, how would I achieve that? I'm mainly interested in doing that for fish....
Joy Jin's user avatar
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Change the startup directory to something other than HOME

By default, when I open the fish shell, my working directory is the home directory. Is there a way to change the default working directory on startup, without having to edit the HOME variable?
jallersma's user avatar
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How can I change the prompt to always show the current path?

I want to continue using the fish shell with as little changes to default setup as possible. But there is one thing that really bugs me. When the terminal window is cramped the prompt just becomes >...
user1283776's user avatar
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tmux run a pipe/chain of commands with keybinding

How can I run a chain of command like in shells with tmux? I want to run multiple commands based on success of them. I want to echo out to terminal (or command bar) E.g. I have a keybinding to reload ...
user14492's user avatar
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/bin/bash shell (macOS) throwing `-bash: declare: -A: invalid option` error message at shell start

I briefly changed my default shell on macOS Catalina (10.15.1) to Fish, following the steps in Fish's documentation. First, I executed > echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells followed ...
thrillifying's user avatar
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Is there a Fish equivalent to "bash --rcfile ~/.bashrc"

I've just moved over to fish shell after years of Bash. I've ported all of my functions over pretty easily except for a very simple one I have called mkroot: mkroot () { sudo bash --rcfile ~/...
Adam Shand's user avatar
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how to enable command line navigation shortcuts in fish shell running in iTerm on Mac

Setup: MacOs Mojave, iTerm, Fish shell 3.0.2, using fisher have theme bob-the-fish installed as well. Would like to be able to use command line navigation keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl-A to get t ...
jim70's user avatar
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tmux.conf is giving syntax error

My .tmux.conf is # set-option -g status-style bg=colour235,fg=colour136,default # bg=base02, fg=yellow # set window ...
MathIsNice1729's user avatar
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Fish: Concise way to output elements of list on separate lines

I am wondering if there is a concise way to output the elements of a fish list on separate lines. I know I can do e.g. echo $PATH | tr ' ' '\n' to achieve the desired output, e.g.: /usr/local/sbin /...
josmith42's user avatar
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Redirect Streams

I am trying to redirect the results of rg to comm to compare the match intersection. Fish seems to think that I will be passing a file path and and not the stream. > comm -12 <(rg -l "\\bar\\b" ...
William Rusnack's user avatar
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What's the easiest way to prepend the current time to the fish prompt?

I'd like to see the current time in my fish prompt so that I can always see for example when I started the last command. I don't want to install extensions.
Suzana's user avatar
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fish prompt returns to defaults after change in fish_config

I've been using Fish for a while and after installing Oh-My-Fish the prompt changed to the default OMF prompt. And I couldn't change to what I was using before, one of the default Fish prompts called "...
Z33DD's user avatar
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Why might I not see stty key changes reflected in "stty -a"

I'm trying to change some key bindings in my console (Konsole). If I map intr to Ctrl-k, by running stty intr \^k I don't see the change reflected in stty -a speed 38400 baud; rows 46; columns 172;...
EricS's user avatar
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How to copy fish config files to remote computer?

I am looking for instructions or a script to copy my fish config files to a new computer via scp. Or at least build a tar file with all of them.
krokodil's user avatar
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Fish Shell - can't find where "la" is defined as "ls -la"

On both my Mac and Ubuntu when I type "la" in Fish Shell I receive output identical to that from "ls -la". I thought I might have defined it as a function. However, I can not find "la" being defined ...
rkv's user avatar
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Installing Homebrew with fish-shell

I recently had a mishap with MySQL and when I uninstalled it from System Preferences it uninstalled Homebrew as well (I checked the erase all files that are related to MySQL, which was probably not ...
WaterTrash's user avatar
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vim displays rbg codes in quickfix bar before error output

Recently I've started using :make and various other commands that make use of the quickfix bar. However the output it produces has this initial line of an escape character and rgb codes. I was able ...
Tom Taylor's user avatar
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Can't find command after setting PATH in fish

I'm struggling to add /usr/local/bin to my PATH so I can use geckodriver, which is located in /usr/local/bin/geckodriver. I tried the to add the following to my set -U fish_user_paths /...
kachink's user avatar
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No colors in weechat, tig, htop, ranger, etc

I noticed that on my Mac I don't have any colors in e.g., tig, weechat, htop or ranger. On my linux I do. It happens in all terminal apps I have (alacritty, iterm and, in zsh, fish and ...
Vey's user avatar
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Fish generated Rsync command has unexpected effects

I am using fish shell and I have a helper function to generate a rsync command with my parameters all set. The final rsync command should be like this (the command is in one line, I made it multiline ...
qmeeus's user avatar
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How to Expand Abbreviations Inline in Fish Shell?

I'm trying to save some time in Fish Shell by setting an abbreviation (nu) to expand to the string: my-username@my-ip-address:/home/my-username What I'm hoping to achieve is to enter: scp some-file ...
JMTusk_16's user avatar
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Powerline and Fish: How can I remove the large whitespace between the shell prompt and cursor?

I recently started using Arch Linux and just installed Powerline and Fish (version 3.0.0) last week. In my terminal, which is Termite (version 14), there's a large (horizontal) space between the shell ...
Qhapaq Qowi's user avatar
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Running command for bash in fish shell

I'm trying to identify all the large files in my git repo history and came across this command posted here. git rev-list --objects --all \ | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(...
Physbox's user avatar
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Do not store failed commands in fish history

I was wondering if it is possible to avoid storing commands in fish history which have failed. At the moment I e.g. have commands like :q stored in my fish history, because I accidentally typed that ...
Daniel Rotter's user avatar
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How to combine the output of multiple commands in fish?

Say I want to send the output of to commands into another. cat a.txt && ls I can do this: fish -c "cat a.txt && ls" | another_command But it seems clunky, is there a way to do this ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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Fish Shell: remapping VI-mode keybindings

I want to remap some of the default movement bindings in fish's vi-mode (I'm using version 3.0). Specifically I want to change the $ and ^ key mappings to be E and B respectively to match what I use ...
Arthur Allshire's user avatar
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How to set a specific version of Java as JAVA_HOME in Fish in macOS

I was using Bash as my default shell on macOS but I decided to switch to Fish. I am trying to switch between different versions of Java. In bash it was done using the ~/.bash_profile export ...
kmb's user avatar
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Void folder is taking megabytes of space in OSX

xxx@MacBook- ~/D/p/a/Project5_min> du -sh * 2.6M app 4.0K build.gradle 60K gradle 4.0K 8.0K gradlew 4.0K gradlew.bat 4.0K instruction.txt 4.0K local....
kmb's user avatar
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Fish Shell - Virtualenv path not prepended to PATH

I am on a Mac running macOS Mojave. I run Iterm2 for terminal and fish version 3.0.0. I also use pipenv to manage my local development. I have this problem where when I activate a python virtual env, ...
Napoleon's user avatar
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Failed to login after setting fish as default shell

I tried fish for a while, and then i wanted to set it as my default shell. I edited /etc/passwd and changed the shell of my user to /bin/fish. The problem is I couldn't login anymore. I tried through ...
Andy3153's user avatar
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Fish commandline: get cursor position in current process

With fish commandline command I can get current process part of commandline and current cursor position in entire buffer, but not in current process, e.g for commandline buffer > echo test; echo $...
Volkov Sergey's user avatar
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How can I fix this error when trying to install Oh-My-Fish?

I am using fish via Cygwin on Windows 10; whenever I try to install OMF, I am presented with this error: curl -L | fish.exe % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed ...
SnookerFan's user avatar
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Wrap command with options in fish function

Is there a way to wrap a command with options in a function, so that completions for that command with the options are shown? For example, I want to be able to do this: function remove --wraps='...
Eric Brandwein's user avatar
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Setup different path for fish shell temporally

User libraries are normally in /usr/local/lib. However I want to build some third party libraries in for example /Users/user/Public/lib. I only want to do it during my testing. Is there a elegant way ...
Bagusflyer's user avatar
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how to open tcp connection in fish shell

I am looking for a way to open TCP connections in fish shell. In bash, I can do the following to open a TCP connection. This is quick telnet type test when telnet is not installed. $ echo > /dev/...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Difference between set -g and set -x

I'm currently migrating from bash configs over to fish and got stuck translating my over bash exports. It seems there's three ways to do it in Fish that get the job done but I can't tell which one I ...
11th Hour Worker's user avatar
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fish shell, enter long command

Given the usual size of the terminal window, short commands fit. Ex: stoqlt@desktop:~ > ls files However, typing a command that is longer than the free space after the prompt, and reaching the end ...
stoqlt's user avatar
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Why is it not recommended to set the default shell of the root user to a non-POSIX shell?

I am going to change my root’s default shell from bash to fish. As far as I know, fish is a not a POSIX standard shell. On the other hand, maybe the kernel or other things in the system have a ...
Cy8099's user avatar
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Issue with wrong command entered in fish-shell and it's output

Actually I am using fish these days and I completely switched from bash to fish (with chsh & terminal startup command) but the matter is when I enter a wrong command e.g. qwerty its output is: ...
Cy8099's user avatar
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How to start a fish instance with a specific ``?

I want to start a particular fish instance with a specific Something along the lines of the Bash --rcfile option. I'm aware of the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable. But I just want to switch ...
Sylvain Leroux's user avatar
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In fish shell, how to select with the cursor while shift is held?

In all gui text editing, ctrl-arrow moves the cursor by word, and holding shift selects as the cursor moves. Thus ctrl-shift-left selects the previous word. Fish already has the former but I want to ...
Sam S's user avatar
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Fish shell doesn't return program error

In bash, if I run a program and it crashes I get some information about what went wrong, such as Segmentation fault (core dumped). In fish, I just get fish: but no message... does anyone know what the ...
Steve Heim's user avatar
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What's causing the file is not executable by user on the windows subsystem for linux?

This seems to have randomly started a few days ago. It used to be fine to run fish shell from Ubuntu bash for Windows. But suddenly when I hit Tab for autocomplete, it barfs with: The file "x86" is ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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Two questions about adding custom content to

I have a question about the Fish (Friendly Interactive SHell), so I hope somebody can help me out. Basically I'd like to customize the fish_greeting message. I can easily get it to say anything I'd ...
Ev-'s user avatar
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Where does fish_config save its settings?

I've used the fish_config utility to customize my syntax color scheme and now I want to copy these settings to remote servers I can't run fish_config on. Where does it save the changes made through ...
donut's user avatar
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Make bash as close to fish as possible

I love the fish shell and use it exclusively in MacOS but I use bash everywhere else because its the only thing installed. Having felt the pain of maintaining configuration files for the two shells, I'...
gnzlbg's user avatar
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Change the color of the omitted newline char in fish shell

Is there any way to change the color of the "⏎" sign after output of echo -n a (or any command which doesn't have \n at the end of the result)? It's unreadable if using black background. There is an ...
oott123's user avatar
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Error on iTerm2 fish shell load: `function: Illegal function name '-v'`

On iTerm2 load: Last login: ... on ... function: Illegal function name '-v' ~/ (line 86): function -v _ underscore_change if [ x$_ = xfish ] ...
Pysis's user avatar
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