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How to view a folder with the name of "."?

A folder that is named ".", just dot and nothing else, does not appear in dolphin or krusader file managers. ls -a shows the folder. Terminal output: drwxrwxrwx - root 29 Feb 17:05 . ...
Rashiq's user avatar
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Is it possible to manipulate shell input to wrap commands?

I would like to call a function when a command is entered and modify it for example if a user enters this command touch foo.txt I want to manipulate it to run sudo -u user touch foo.txt The reason ...
phper's user avatar
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2 answers

How to save abbreviation in fish?

Running abbr --add ro rpm-ostree will set the abbreviation and it works as expected. But once I exit the shell with exit and then re-enter the shell by typing fish again, all abbreviations are lost. ...
RHOOPH's user avatar
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I deleted fish shell and now VS Code terminal doesn't work

I have been working on a tutorial in Angular. Everything was working fine before I went to work today. I came back to my home computer after work today and the fish shell I was using within VS code ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to use jenv with Fish shell on Linux?

I downloaded jenv using the official instructions, added it to the PATH and then tried to init it, using the command given in the instructions, but it throws the following error: > source (jenv ...
MauriceNino's user avatar
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Alacritty cursor always block (█)

I reinstalled Ubuntu (LTS) yesterday and now my cursor in Alacritty is always a block (█). It works fine in Neovim but whatever I do it stays the same in my normal shell. I tried it in fish, bash, sh, ...
Nils's user avatar
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MobaXTerm “Follow Terminal Folder” STFP & Fish Shell

MobaXterm's "Follow Terminal Folder"/"Follow SSH Path" feature works great when remote SSH into a linux computer, it shows directory & files to the left as you work in the ...
apfsx's user avatar
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/bin/bash shell (macOS) throwing `-bash: declare: -A: invalid option` error message at shell start

I briefly changed my default shell on macOS Catalina (10.15.1) to Fish, following the steps in Fish's documentation. First, I executed > echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells followed ...
thrillifying's user avatar
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vim displays rbg codes in quickfix bar before error output

Recently I've started using :make and various other commands that make use of the quickfix bar. However the output it produces has this initial line of an escape character and rgb codes. I was able ...
Tom Taylor's user avatar
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Running command for bash in fish shell

I'm trying to identify all the large files in my git repo history and came across this command posted here. git rev-list --objects --all \ | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(...
Physbox's user avatar
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How to set a specific version of Java as JAVA_HOME in Fish in macOS

I was using Bash as my default shell on macOS but I decided to switch to Fish. I am trying to switch between different versions of Java. In bash it was done using the ~/.bash_profile export ...
kmb's user avatar
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how to open tcp connection in fish shell

I am looking for a way to open TCP connections in fish shell. In bash, I can do the following to open a TCP connection. This is quick telnet type test when telnet is not installed. $ echo > /dev/...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Why is it not recommended to set the default shell of the root user to a non-POSIX shell?

I am going to change my root’s default shell from bash to fish. As far as I know, fish is a not a POSIX standard shell. On the other hand, maybe the kernel or other things in the system have a ...
Cy8099's user avatar
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Issue with wrong command entered in fish-shell and it's output

Actually I am using fish these days and I completely switched from bash to fish (with chsh & terminal startup command) but the matter is when I enter a wrong command e.g. qwerty its output is: ...
Cy8099's user avatar
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What's causing the file is not executable by user on the windows subsystem for linux?

This seems to have randomly started a few days ago. It used to be fine to run fish shell from Ubuntu bash for Windows. But suddenly when I hit Tab for autocomplete, it barfs with: The file "x86" is ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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Make bash as close to fish as possible

I love the fish shell and use it exclusively in MacOS but I use bash everywhere else because its the only thing installed. Having felt the pain of maintaining configuration files for the two shells, I'...
gnzlbg's user avatar
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What, if any, is the equivalent of bash's in fish?

I had finessed in bash a function that changes to any directory below the current working directory by having that directory name as a parameter to the function. If there are multiple results by that ...
Joel Maxuel's user avatar
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Reuse .bash_profile for Fish in Mac

I'm using iTerm on my Mac and I have a .bash_profile that I have been comfortably using. I recently got to know about fish bash and I installed it on my Mac and all of a sudden my .bash_profile is not ...
joesan's user avatar
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In fish shell, which command is equivalent to bash's compgen?

compgen is a useful command, and fish is an excellent command shell. But I cannot find an equivalent in fish. I write one by myself: function compgen --description 'Print a list of documented fish ...
TorosFanny's user avatar
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Ctrl-enter for fish shell

I had tried to create some accept completion and execute right away combination in fish on pressing Ctrl+Enter. function fish_user_key_bindings bind \c\n accept-autosuggestion execute end ...
Michael's user avatar
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Trouble installing fish shell on OS X non-admin user group

I am struggling to install the fish shell on OS X El Capitan. My user structure is setup so I have an administrator account and a standard account. The standard account is the one that I use and ...
badfilms's user avatar
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using FISH shell -- set default folder for multiple tabs?

I'm using fish shell in OS X. Using the standard bash shell, you can open multiple tabs in Terminal, cd to a different directory in each, and then save the setup as a Window Group (via Window > ...
brandonscript's user avatar
11 votes
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How to get Fish shell and NVM both installed with Homebrew to work together?

I am trying to manage my packages for OSX using Homebrew as much a I can. I have installed both the Fish Shell and NVM using Homebrew but cannot get Fish to recognize my NVM installation. NVM ...
Sam's user avatar
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Custom bash 'context' when running from FISH

First of all, I'm on OSX10. My default shell is BASH, which I have set up (through .profile and .bashrc) to automatically run the FISH shell when I open my terminal emulator. This allows me to set up ...
Henrik Hillestad Løvold's user avatar
21 votes
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Is there a way to "source" a sh script from the fish shell?

I like to put many of my environment variable definitions in the .profile script. If I am using a POSIX-compatible interactive shell like bash, I can use the source command to re-export the ...
hugomg's user avatar
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"." command doesn't work in fish

I'm using fish and I'm trying to activate a virtual env, so I tried "source" command which apparently is not available in fish. And I ended up with this link which says: ". (a single period) is an ...
Taxellool's user avatar
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50 votes
7 answers

What is the equivalent of bash's !$ and !! in the fish shell?

I've been using bash for a decade or so and have gotten used to being able to type !$ to repeat the last argument, e.g.: $ mkdir foo $ cd !$ cd foo (That last line is printed by the shell to tell ...
Frank Schmitt's user avatar
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How do I run make && make install while in fish shell

I have installed the fish shell, and I'm very happy with it ... but I cannot run the following command: make && make install This works nicely in bash... How do I run it in fish shell?
Ferenc Deak's user avatar
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Go-lang go tool works with Bash but not Fish

For those of you who have no idea what Fish is: Similarly, if you are not familiar with a Go coding environment and still wish to try and figure out this small puzzle, here is ...
Logan's user avatar
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Quote or bracket completion in bash, without pressing TAB

Is there any way to have bash autocomplete matching symbols like '"[{( with their right handed counterparts? I would like to do this without having to press tab. For example typing the string echo " ...
codysehl's user avatar
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65 votes
10 answers

Is there a “reverse incremental search” functionality in Fish similar to Bash’s CTRL+R?

I’m really impressed with Fish’s autocomplete functionality. However there is one feature in Bash that I’m unable to find in Fish. When you press Ctrl+R in Bash and begin to type out a term, a search ...
user784637's user avatar
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How to use the $_ positional parameter in the fish shell?

In Bash, the positional parameter $_ holds the last argument in the previous command: $ /home/joe> some-script foo bar $ /home/joe> cd $_ $ /home/joe/bar> The positional parameter $_ does ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
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When default shell is not bash-compatible, why do bash scripts not work well?

My default shell is fish, because it's a lot nicer. But often when I run scripts, I get errors that seem to be from the bash script being processed by fish. I think this is because the script writer ...
endolith's user avatar
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"set -xe" in fish shell

In bash, invoking set -x at the beginning of a script causes the commands to be printed on stdout while the script is executing. What's the equivalent syntax for the fish shell?
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
67 votes
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Is there any way to get bash to have syntax highlighting like fish?

In the fish shell, the actual command line is syntax highlighted: Is there any way to get this same behavior in bash? There is something just like this but for zsh, not bash. Is it possible that ...
Wuffers's user avatar
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