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Questions tagged [ffmpeg]

Media tool with support for multiple codecs, filters, and containers. Include your actual command and the complete console output when asking questions involving FFmpeg tools. An easy way to do this is by adding `-report` to your command and pasting the contents of the logfile generated. For help with CLI use only of ff* binaries - ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay. For help with API usage, post on Stack Overflow.

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Ffmpeg webm YouTube settings command

Is there a .webm still image command in ffmpeg that is best compatible with YouTube I’m currently using: ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune ...
Michael's user avatar
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ffmpeg does not exit when pipe is closed? [migrated]

If this has already been brought up, I apologize. This is part of a software tuner package I am writing as a POC. It is used by Plex Media Server. For the most part, it works with good picture quality ...
Thomas's user avatar
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ffmpeg - mpegts Multicast

I'm generating a multicast stream with this command: ffmpeg -hwaccel_device 1 -format_code Hi50 -re -f decklink -i 'DeckLink Duo (1)' -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v h264_nvenc -profile:v high -b:v 3500k -rc 2 -...
Miguel Duarte's user avatar
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FFmpeg is sometimes slow when cutting video from a network URL

I recently encountered some problems while using FFmpeg to cut videos. For certain videos, FFmpeg processes very slowly and sends multiple HTTP requests to file links. I suspect there's an issue with ...
Hanaasagi's user avatar
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Looking for a better cutting command in FFmpeg

This is the original command, it removes the part between the start and end which will be specified in command: ffmpeg -i input.ext -vf "select='not(between(t,start,end))', setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB&...
Mohammad Mansour's user avatar
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av1_vaapi ffmpeg throws error on last frame of video

I've been using ffmpeg and vaapi to transcode video files, it has been working great except for one group of video which has been throwing the error [vf#0:0 @ 0x5d37f5dd6dc0] Reconfiguring filter ...
Richard Ledbetter's user avatar
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decreasing probesize on FFMPEG stops audio

I'm trying to setup an encode/decode pair across our corporate wan with the least amount of delay as possible. So far I've been able to get the delay down using -probesize but we've found any value ...
John Munoz's user avatar
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ffmpeg command to combine mp3 file and embedded album art image file metadata into a video

my below ffmpeg command works for combining 1 audio file with 1 image file into a video. ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i "C:\Users\marti\Videos\ig_sf_6.5.24_highlights\apple image.jpg" -i ...
Martin's user avatar
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Rescale videos and then pad them using vaapi and hwaccel with ffmpeg in amd, linux

This command, make videos to be padded first and then scale them afterwards. However, i want exactly the opposite, first to scale them and then to pad them. How I can do that? rm a_*.mp4; for vids in *...
Estatistics's user avatar
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Cutting a part from a video: Should '-ss' be before 'i' or after?

Let's say I need to remove everything but the second minute from a video. I can do this, for example, in the following way: ffmpeg -copyts -ss <start> -i input.mp4 -to <end> -c:v libx264 -...
jsx97's user avatar
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ffmpeg extraction with fixed color number

I need a hand in extracting images/frames from mpeg video with specified number of colors, for example when I use identify verbose to see the number of colors
George zaher's user avatar
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How to create a compatible encoding for the Blackmagic Media Express application using ffmpeg

I'm using the Blackmagic Media Express application frequently but now I'm stuck trying to transcode files using ffmpeg that will be able to play in the BME app. It seems that the BME application is ...
DrBob's user avatar
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For some reason the -threads option for ffmpeg is being ignored

All I'm trying to do is restrict this process to a single core, assuming there won't be a reduction in quality beyond what I could expect while multi-threading, but for some reason it's still using ...
imkira3's user avatar
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How to extract frames from a video using ffmpeg?

Basically I want to extract all frames from the video where the images will be resized to be 720p. All of this I know how to do. But for testing I want to extract every Nth frame. So every 30th image ...
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: concatenate videos and keep framerate the same

I have the following command cobbled together so far: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex "\ [0:v]trim=start=175.2:end=200.9,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[v1]; \ [0:a]atrim=start=175.2:end=200.9,...
Timwi's user avatar
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