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Multithreading in ffmpeg with -f rawvideo

The newly released verion 7.0 of ffmpeg has greatly improved multithreading support for transcoding on the commandline. ( Previously transcoding with ...
Sugrue's user avatar
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FFmpeg&FFPlay: Option `start`&`end` of filter `trim` have trouble parsing time duration string but `-ss`&`-to` works perfectly

I'm tring to preview cut video before process it on Windows, this Cut.bat is what I tried: @echo off @cd/d %~dp0 REM Entered by user set startTime1=5 REM Entered by user set startTime2=00:05 REM ...
Byzod's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Getting error ./index0.ts Invalid data found when processing input file

I am getting this error when I run ffmpeg: ffmpeg version Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 10.2.0 (Rev6, Built by MSYS2 project) ...
The epic face 007's user avatar
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What are the minimum requirements/specs for ffmpeg?

I am currently using a small software program I made in Python that utilises ffmpeg on my personal laptop that is overqualified to run it (core i7, 16gb ram etc), but I would like to move it over to ...
pigeonburger's user avatar
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2-pass batch video encoding using ffmpeg and/or python

I have a large set of video files I would like to encode to smaller files on a Windows machine. I want to use a 4K constant video bitrate and copy the audio. I've settled on using 2-pass FFmpeg to ...
olpdog's user avatar
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I've got a batch file that works great on my Windows PC but won't work at all on my Windows server

I've written a batch file that uses ffmpeg to compress 1080p videos from my camera to 720p videos (using 2 passes) for my website. It works great on my Windows PC at home but when I attempt to use it ...
olpdog's user avatar
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Getting FFmpeg to Recursive scan and output to Static folder

How Can i change my FFmpeg script .batch file to output the Video.Mkv to output to a Folder Called "FIXED" in the same directory of the script. Mk Fixed for /R %%f IN (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%%f" -map ...
restjack's user avatar
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ffmpeg multiple files dimensions change

I saw a post on superUser on changing dimensions of a mp4 file which like this FFmpeg -I Input.mp4 -vf scale=460:690 output.mp4 but I want to change dimensions of multiple mp4 files in one go so I ...
hacker red's user avatar
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Corrupt MP4 file: ffmpeg codec, global header, and dvvideo errors. Can it be repaired?

So, I have a number of corrupt MP4 files (some corrupt AVI files, too, but I believe that's a different problem). They seem to have gone corrupt when I had an external hard drive that they were on ...
John's user avatar
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FFMPEG Windows Generate 360p Video conversion failed

Input : "C:/server/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe" -y -i C:\server\websites\ps\public_www/media/com_hwdmediashare/files/50/4f/37/4185216cb9bb234fd47ee43bf2122e4f.avi -strict experimental -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab ...
C0nw0nk's user avatar
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FFmpeg audio disappears in the middle of the video

I've been trying to convert a sequence of PNG files to a video with some sound (mp3 or wav). It pretty much works with different codecs and quality settings for both video and audio.But the audio ...
Denis's user avatar
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Converting images to video using FFMPEG on Windows

I'm trying to convert a series of JPEG images into a time lapse video. They're in the format IMGP0001.JPG, IMGP0002.JPG, etc. From the looks of things, this should match the pattern IMGP%04.JPG. I've ...
CadentOrange's user avatar