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FFMPEG - invalid filter index

I am attempting to create a tiled video using FFMPEG using this example: call ffmpeg.bat ^ -y ^ -i "video 1.mp4" -i "video 2.mp4" "video 3.mp4" -i "video 4.mp4" ^ -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v][2:...
rossmcm's user avatar
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I've got a batch file that works great on my Windows PC but won't work at all on my Windows server

I've written a batch file that uses ffmpeg to compress 1080p videos from my camera to 720p videos (using 2 passes) for my website. It works great on my Windows PC at home but when I attempt to use it ...
olpdog's user avatar
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ffmpeg multiple audio files + 1 image to make video file

I have several flac files and an image. I have succesfully created a video of the image with a single file playing in the background. Now, I have several of these flac files and I would like to ...
NoobStudios's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Unable to find suitable output format for [custom format]

I'm trying to convert a file using the following command ffmpeg.exe -i .\kme9le9xeaa31.png -c:v apng .\kme9le9xeaa31.png.cpy But ffmpeg yields the following error that it is unable to determine ...
Dragas's user avatar
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How to watermark all files in folder with ffmpeg? in windows

when I use for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i watermark-image.png -filter_complex "overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" -codec:a copy "newfiles\%%~na.mp4" pause i makes all the ...
DmarZX's user avatar
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Windows cmd.exe - How to prevent overwriting of output files while ffmpeg recursively processes a directory?

I'm trying to have ffmpeg iterate through a folder recursively and pull stills from multiple different video clips. If I run: for /r "W:\Exports\1 - Dailies\" %f in (*.mov) do ffmpeg -i "%f" -vf fps=...
user260467's user avatar
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How do I get the number of frames in a video on command line?

I am trying to get the number of frames in a video with ffprobe on windows, but it returns N/A. for /F "delims=" %%I in ('ffprobe.exe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream^=nb_frames -of ...
John's user avatar
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FFMPEG screen capture and game display

I was looking on the internet for screen capturing software and I found two, namely Camtasia and ADOBE CAPTIVATE (2017 RELEASE). Both are commercial products, but then I discovered that the free open ...
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How do you rotate an entire directory of videos with ffmpeg?

I'm new to FFmpeg and trying to figure this out. I found this for Batch processing and this answer for rotation of video but I need to put them together. Could someone please explain how to create a ...
ThirteenthMonth's user avatar
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How to use the zscale filter with ffmpeg?

I am using ffmpeg v3.3.2 Win64 Static and am having trouble using the zscale filter. This is the command I am trying to execute from the command line: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf bwdif=1:0:0,zscale=w=-1:...
E. Smith's user avatar
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ffmpeg performance with multiple core cpu and windows [duplicate]

I call ffmpeg command to generate mp4 using input of mp3 and folder of images my problem is running 3 instance of ffmpeg cause 8 GB 6 core to be full with 100% cpu this is the command I use , any ...
AMH's user avatar
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How to watermark all files in folder with ffmpeg? (Windows)

I'm using the following command to resize and watermark videos: ffmpeg -i "input video.mp4" -s 640x480 -vf "movie=watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-...
Jay's user avatar
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ffmpeg multiple files dimensions change

I saw a post on superUser on changing dimensions of a mp4 file which like this FFmpeg -I Input.mp4 -vf scale=460:690 output.mp4 but I want to change dimensions of multiple mp4 files in one go so I ...
hacker red's user avatar
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Video player high CPU usage

I need to play a video file with ffplay in fullscreen mode. The original file has 720x576 resolution, my display is at 1920x1080. When I launch ffplay as ffplay "filename.avi" and upscale it by ...
Alexandr Zarubkin's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg to add jpeg image before and after the video

I am using the latest version 2.8.5 ffmpeg on Windows and I want to add 5s intro jpeg frame at the beginning of the video starts, and a 5s jpeg end frame at the end of the video. I found a lot of ...
Chito Cheng's user avatar
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'-to' option for trimming a video doesn't work unless cmd is run from the folder where ffmpeg is located

I'm using'-to' option for trimming a video and ffmpeg says 'to' option not recongnized if ffmpeg.exe is run from a folder other than where ffmpeg.exe is located through cmd.exe. The location of ffmpeg....
Sree H's user avatar
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Can I capture a series of images named according to its timestamp

I am successfully capturing a screen shot every 15 seconds with the command below but I need to correlate the images to where in the video the screen shot is from. The %d gives me an integer, but ...
GDP's user avatar
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Corrupt MP4 file: ffmpeg codec, global header, and dvvideo errors. Can it be repaired?

So, I have a number of corrupt MP4 files (some corrupt AVI files, too, but I believe that's a different problem). They seem to have gone corrupt when I had an external hard drive that they were on ...
John's user avatar
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How can I scale an overlay within an ffmpeg filtercomplex?

I would like to apply a PNG overlay (watermark) to an arbitrary video file using ffmpeg. I would like the video to stay its original size (which I don't know ahead of time), and the PNG to be scaled ...
lofidevops's user avatar
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Skip parts of video while converting it to images with ffmpeg

I use this command on ffmpeg to convert a video into images: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -q:v 1 -r 1 -f image2 frame-03d%.jpg What I want to do is to skip the first x seconds and the last y seconds of the ...
Hyperion's user avatar
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How to batch multiplex audio and video track files with ffmpeg

I think that everybody knows that problem about downloading 480p & 1080p videos from Youtube, and that the only way available for many Download programs is to download the Video and Audio Tracks ...
KorkOoO's user avatar
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Receiving FFMPEG error -22 when piping data to stdout

I am attempting to use FFMPEG to transcode avi files to mp4 and pipe the data to stdout using the following command (technically through NodeJS, but I receive the same error when executing the ...
dvlsg's user avatar
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Why does ffprobe report an incorrect number of frames?

I have a small video file which ffprobe describes as:- Input #0, avi, from 'sample.avi': Metadata: encoder : Lavf55.12.100 Duration: 00:00:35.00, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 546 kb/s Stream #0:0: ...
Skeeve's user avatar
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how to save on existing video

I have this command : ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder" -r 30 -t 10 E:\test01.flv and i am happy with it, but i wonder if i can make it save every 30 minutes so if the power went off ...
Maged E William's user avatar
6 votes
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How to use slow motion effect in a specific time interval with ffmpeg

I'm trying to use slow motion effect on my videos. Let's say I have a 2 minutes long video and I want to use this effect between 20 and 30 seconds. I found this command from a blog: ffmpeg -i input....
iwocan's user avatar
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Lossless screen video capturing

Can you capture/record a video playing on the screen using a recording software(or your custom code) such that every pixel is recorded and there is no loss of information ?
Rnet's user avatar
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How to create a composition of movies?

Suppose I have got two videos (AVI format if that matters), say movie1.avi and movie2.avi. movie1.avi has a framerate of 10fps. movie2.avi also has a framerate of 10fps, but has been speed up ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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Proper FFmpeg code to convert AVCHD 1080i Format to WMV files

Proper FFmpeg code to convert AVCHD 1080i Format to WMV files. The image size of the input file is 1440 x 1080 and I would like to keep it in HD if at all possible as I am going to make DVDs from ...
BHR856's user avatar
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How can I convert an m4v video to a widely viewable format using ffmpeg?

I have a m4v video generated by iMovie. I want to use ffmpeg to generate a widely viewable video on Windows. I cannot assume that the viewer will have VLC (or any other sophisticated viewer). It needs ...
carlosdc's user avatar
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How to merge audio and video files with FFmpeg?

This is a question, similar to this one. I've tried following ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -i "video.mpg" -i "audio.mp3" -t 00:01:35.13 -vcodec copy -acodec copy result.with.sound.mpg And I've got some ...
Arsen Zahray's user avatar

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