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Questions tagged [ext3]

ext3, or third extended filesystem, is a journaled file system that is commonly used by the Linux kernel. It is the default file system for many popular Linux distributions.

22 votes
4 answers

Moving 2TB (10 mil files + dirs), what's my bottleneck?

Background I ran out of space on /home/data and need to transfer /home/data/repo to /home/data2. /home/data/repo contains 1M dirs, each of which contain 11 dirs and 10 files. It totals 2TB. /home/...
Tim's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Linux: Should off-site backups be stored in ext3 or ext4?

We have been using ext3 for Linux server off-site backups. With everything else on CentOS 6 being ext4, I'm wondering if it would be a better idea to also have the off-site backups in ext4 too? The ...
Edward's user avatar
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1 answer

How to format a disk in ext3 file system with a Block size greater than 4096

I want to format a disk in ext3 file system with the block size as 4096. Is there any possibility to do so? What if we do not write Inode Bitmap while formatting?
Parshv Shah's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

I have an ext3 iso disk image. Can I use it and write it to a ext4 partition?

Is it possible to do so ? I am migrating to EXT4 because of the SSD drive that has TRIM funtion. I have to have ext4 partion.
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2 votes
1 answer

Changing max inode count number in ext3 filesystem in Cent OS

Assuming that I use ext3 filesystem in Cent OS: Can I increase the number of Free Inodes in the filesystem? If Yes how? When I run tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 it got these inodes statistics: Filesystem ...
Chedy2149's user avatar
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2 answers

Is a disk defragmentation needed in this case?

I'm running Debian 6.0.5 (squeeze) with ext3 as the filesystem. I'v read that ext3 does not require defrag, but I was recently trying out some torrent clients and they all came with the allocate disk ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

VirtualBox - Disparity between host system hard drive and VDI

I was working on a VirtualBox (4.2.4) VM (Debian Linux 64 bit, using ext3 filesystem, host drive is NTFS) and had a BSOD on the host system while the guest was operating normally. I had changed a ...
Josh - iMedia's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

restore dd image to another usb stick failed

I'm trying to create a dd image which contains two partition. The first is a ext3,(19MB) the 2nd is fat32.(16MB) I use one 512M usb stick to create image. And use dd if=/dev/sdc of=image.dd bs=1M ...
Daniel YC Lin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

formatting ext3 to fat32/ntfs on windows 7

In a failed attempt to install Linux Mint on an external hard drive, I damaged the disk. Now, it does not show up in the 'My Computer' folder or in Disk Management. I speculate it might have to do ...
Utkarsh5's user avatar
-9 votes
2 answers

Which file system is the fastest? [closed]

I'm looking to format my hard drive. I've heard about a file system called "ext3", it's supposedly a linux partition and I think is a lot faster than NTFS. But my question, is, is there anything ...
JustinD's user avatar
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1 answer

Lost files on ext3 external drive

I have a 500Gb portable HDD that I formatted with ext3 to use with an NAS. Yesterday I was reorganizing the thing and dragged a folder with all my old photos, a few videos, old documents, etc. to a ...
Gumby's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

find amin to retrieve executed php files by apache

So I have a massive legacy app that consists of half a million php files. For a single request, I would like to know which php files are used by apache to respond. I can look at the apache logs, they ...
moritz's user avatar
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Unable to mount 2nd 500 Gb USB hard drive

I have two Seagate 500 GB USB hard drives. I installed Debian 2.6.32-5-686 on one of them, and used dd to create a clone of the bootable drive. I have verified that I can boot and run from either ...
Howard Lee Harkness's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

file-name encoding problems

I googled over this topic but couldn't find what I was looking for... the following "happend" to me: I had my files stored on a NTFS-USB Harddisk, because of space problems I moved them to an ext3 ...
tenhouse's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Reverse lookup of inode/file from offset in raw device on linux and ext3/4?

In linux, given an offset into a raw disk device, is it possible to map back to an partition + inode? For example, suppose I know that string "xyz" is contained at byte offset 1000000 on /dev/sda: (e....
lilinjn's user avatar
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