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Questions tagged [dropbox]

Cross-platform file syncing program for Windows, Mac OS, Linux and various mobile devices.

4 votes
2 answers

Equivalent for Windows 7 "mklink" on OS X?

Is there a feature on OS X that does the same as mklink under Windows 7? It can create symbolic links and hard links. I have just read about this tool to have Dropbox sync an application folder by ...
Cilvic's user avatar
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4 answers

How to use Dropbox with Truecrypt?

I have some files that need to be accessible from multiple computers, but encrypted on each computer. Something like the 'shared folder' feature on Dropbox, but with the folder encrypted locally on ...
trolle3000's user avatar
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Symbolic Links to an Existing Folder

I'm trying to synchronize two folders on two different computers to my Dropbox folder on their respective machines. So for example: XP: C:\Dev -> C:\Documents and Settings\username\Dropbox\Dev OSX: ~...
ggutenberg's user avatar
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MS Word 2010: Link to object in a relative directory

I'm working in a Dropbox folder on a word document. I'd like to insert a pdf object which will be updated by a script separately. The problem is that the linked object in Insert > Object > Create from ...
Hugh's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I back up all my email messages from Mail to Dropbox?

My goal is: Take all of my email messages in Mac Mail, and compress them into one file. Upload that file into Dropbox. Even if I do not use Macs in the future, I should be able to see all my ...
Alex's user avatar
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How download dropbox directory or files with command line on a linux server [duplicate]

I need to move a very big directory from dropbox to S3 ~250GB, but don't find an easy way to do it. (I don't have credential of dropbox it is a shared link) 1) From my browser trying to download the ...
user1946989's user avatar
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How do I enable the Cloud settings in Notepad++ 6.6.7 for Windows 8.1 Update 1?

I updated to Notepad++ 6.6.7 and wanted to move the settings to my OneDrive. But when I open Settings->Preferences->Cloud, the DropBox and OneDrive options are both disabled. How do I enable them? ...
StarNamer's user avatar
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Can't get dropbox to move to Root on OSX?

I want to move my dropbox folder from HDD/users/pete2k/dropbox to HDD/dropbox however whenever I try and do this using the 'gear icon' --> 'Dropbox location' I get an error saying... Can't create a ...
Pete2k's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to use the same folder for Dropbox and SkyDrive?

Is it possible to set the same folders to SkyDrive and dropbox? I would like to sync them both at the same time. How to perform this action?
Piotr Krysiak's user avatar
2 votes
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Is possible to enable uploading and disable downloading

I have two laptops. First laptop I use every day, second about 1-2 times during a week (and most time it is in hibernate mode). So when it waked up, dropbox initiate uploading process that take many ...
CAMOBAP's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you do examine a Google Chrome extension before installing it?

I found what appears to be a very cool extension for Google Chrome - a Dropbox addin that lets you compare versions of files in your Dropbox by using a diff tool. Like most Chrome extensions, this ...
cwd's user avatar
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Security Considerations when Storing Documents with TrueCrypt in Dropbox

I am considering moving my default documents folder to Dropbox. These also contain scanned letters and important information relating to contracts, bills, and so on. I will encrypt those with True ...
Damien's user avatar
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Print Screen key stopped working [duplicate]

I use Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate and the Print Screen key stopped working: no image is put in the keyboard when I hit Print Key. Nothing happen when I hit Alt + Print Key either. The issue affects ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Sync folder using Dropbox/Copy/OneDrive without putting the folder there

I tried looking for answer, but I couldn't really form my question... So for example, I want to have a folder synced to the cloud in my Dropbox/Copy/Google Drive/OneDrive account, and right now if I ...
Sartheris Stormhammer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I setup rsync and any other scripts to mimic a minimal viable replica of DropBox?

The tools I use to mimic the service are not as important as creating a reliable replacement in case something happens to the DropBox company (price flux, acquisition, etc) My original question was ...
Mark Essel's user avatar

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