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Questions tagged [docker]

Docker - An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.

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ssh between two docker containers on different nodes

Hi I am trying to create (preferably passwordless) ssh connection between two docker containers (named master and worker_1) on mulitple nodes and having difficulties. These are the options I tried so ...
aneela's user avatar
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Changing the log driver in /etc/docker/daemon.json has no effect

I currently have the following log driver configured in /etc/docker/daemon.json: { "log-driver": "journald", "log-opts": { "tag": "{{.Name}}...
WoJ's user avatar
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How to find which docker version that added support for COPY --link?

NOTE: This is both a question of WHICH docker version, and also HOW to find the docker version, that implemented COPY --link. Background: It started with my local docker install not supporting COPY --...
Svintoo's user avatar
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Improve Size in Exasol Docker Image

My Goal: I need to improve the Volume Size of Exasol from 4GiB to 10GiB What I use: Exasols official Github Repo/ Docker Image:
Stinson's user avatar
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Firewalling Docker Compose

I'm trying to operate Docker Compose containers behind a firewall on Debian 12. I cannot get access to the host machine (set up to be host.docker.local in the containers) to work within the containers ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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WSL can connect to VM, but not the other way around

I'm on Windows 10 and I have a service running on WSL2 Ubuntu and another service running on a Ubuntu Server VMWare VM, and although WSL can access the VM, the service on the VM seemingly can't ...
Skepller's user avatar
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Permissions error in directories used by Docker and application I am developing

I have run a docker container mysql from my own application development on C#, and configured data persistence to this path: C:\ProgramData\Persistence\data\mysql When i start everything goes well ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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How do I configure Docker containers for Traefik Proxy correctly?

I was trying to test out Traefik Proxy, so I added Traefik labels to an existing Compose file I had for OpenSpeedTest. version: '3.3' services: speedtest: restart: unless-stopped ...
LittleBit's user avatar
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docker container can't resolve hostnames defined in dns-server container

dns-server container version: "3" services: dns-server: container_name: dns-server hostname: dns-server image: technitium/dns-server:latest # For DHCP deployments, use &...
Daviid's user avatar
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Running into kvm_amd error while attempting to run Docker and a VirtualBox VM at the same time on Ubuntu

I'm trying to run a Docker Container for Graphite and a VirtuaBox VM for Home Assistant OS, yet I'm running into an issue with kvm_amd while trying to start a VM with Docker running: VirtualBox can't ...
Veillax135's user avatar
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Installing latest docker compose release on debian

I am trying to install an up-to date docker compose on debian so I can use the new include keyword and am getting a version mismatch between the apt info and docker compose version. I have added the ...
THaslbauer's user avatar
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Access remote SSH tunnel from inside docker container

I have a webserver on my MacBook in my home network behind a NAT, serving on port 80. I also have a publicly accessible server running Ubuntu, from which I want to access my local webserver, so I open ...
henk's user avatar
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Route docker network traffic through cisco VPN connection on host

I have a bridge docker network and want the containers to be able to access devices on my company LAN through the CiscoAnyConnect VPN. (i.e. I want to route traffic from docker0 to cscotun0 However, I ...
Rob Audenaerde's user avatar
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Unable to install Docker desktop on Apple Silicon due to undocumented bug regarding storage space

I'm simply trying to install Docker Desktop into my Mac Mini M2 running Sonoma 14.0 but is not working. The steps I've followed: Download Docker.dmg from docker site (appropriate to Apple Sillicon) ...
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Install rstudio-server failed in a docker container based on centos 7

I think this is the correct place to post this question. I am using Dockerfile to build the Rstudio development environment. FROM rstudio/r-base:devel-centos7 AS base RUN wget https://download2....
cloudscomputes's user avatar

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