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Questions tagged [docker-compose]

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How to orchestrate three containers with docker-compose, making the applications communicate among themselves using the container name?

I have 3 images (todofront, todoback, and todotests), and I use docker-compose to orchestrate these images by creating the containers. Docker-compose: version: '3' services: todotests: image: ...
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IP address removed from docker0 bridge on QEMU/KVM virtual machine

I'm renting a virtualized server running Ubuntu 22.04 and I'm trying to run Docker containers within it. The server is virtualized with qemu-kvm. Unfortunatly, the containers don't have network access....
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Persist Prometheus data from a Docker Container

I'm running Prometheus and Grafana from docker-compose and basically it works. But I don't get my prometheus data to persist on my host machine. As soon as I switch my volume settings from --- version:...
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building with docker compose v2 fails but legacy docker-compose v1.29.2 and docker build succeed

I have this Dockerfile FROM alpine/git as clone WORKDIR /keycloak RUN git clone WORKDIR /cargo RUN git clone
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Nextcloud Docker status keeps "Restarting (255)"

I'm running a Nextcloud instance in docker-compose on my Raspi 4 at home for some years now and update the images about every two months. My pi stopped working during todays NC update from 25.0.3 to ...
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IP already in use via Docker Compose file error

I'm new to docker-compose and trying to create the following. My network at home is a network. I have a raspberry pi with docker on it installed with IP I want to create 2 ...
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Docker compose Error response from daemon, Ports are not available on Windows 11

I have following docker-compose.yml file: services: ## NGINX nginx: container_name: zl-nginx image: redis:alpine restart: unless-stopped networks: - reza ports: - ...
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How to add WireGuard container to internal Docker network to add internet connectivity?

I have two Docker networks: public which is a normal bridge network with access to the host upstream network private which is a bridge, internal: true and hosts a fleet of containers networks: ...
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Why COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME is not visible from --env-file?

I deploy my stack with command docker-compose --env-file up --detach, but specified project name is not assigned. When I set up it as environment variable then it works COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=proj ...
3 votes
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How to setup docker in read_only mode in docker-compose

Many guides shows, it is good to make the container in read_only mode. However, how to do this in docker-compose? Many containers save logs at least, so they need r+w permission. How do you setup ...
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What is the correct way to restrict access to Docker containers to only allow sources on LAN

I've been trying to find a way to ensure containers selectively are only accessible from the LAN that the (Linux) docker host is part of. I've seen this question asked/answered on Reddit, Stack, and ...
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Cannot access Vaultwarden admin page and cannot get more users

I need some help because I do not know what I am doing wrong: The first issue is that I cannot get to access the admin page. When I access I get a 401 error ...
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Create docker container with link to hardware device that doesn't exist yet

My use case: I use a containerized octoprint instance to drive a 3dprinter. The problem I'm running into is that if the printer(usb) isn't connected during the boot process of the container, then it ...
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Cannot map USB device with the docker container on Linux

I cannot map my usb device with the docker container. $ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 nov 27 09:28 /dev/ttyUSB0 $ groups adm dialout sudo audio kvm lpadmin docker I mapped ...
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Routing container to wireguard container for a certain subnet not working as expected

! See updated post at the end ! I am trying to run Wireguard in a container using docker compose on a remote host in a site-to-site configuration with my intranet at home which works flawlessly on its ...
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VNC Client docker and port forwarding

I tried to access a docker image via port forwarding on a server with VNC Viewer. I used port forwarding in a docker-compose.yml like this : ports: - "5011:5901" - "5012:22/tcp&...
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Why would a specific docker network pick a weird range?

I have two "user" networks: the LAN on and Wireguard on I also host on a docker engine that powers a dozen of containers and a few networks that ...
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Getting WordPress on an Nginx proxy to work with a subdirectory

I'm trying to use the WordPress official Docker container to serve content from An Nginx instance sits in front of WordPress and handles all the SSL-ishness. Nginx is ...
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Pass SSH options to docker-compose when deploying to a remote server (using DOCKER_HOST var)

I'm using a Vagrantbox to regularly test the setup of a physical machine. This is handled by a bash script on Ubuntu, Vagrant and Virtualbox. The setup and provisioning of the VM works. Now I want to ...
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Apache Guacamole on Docker does not respond

I followed Linode's guide [1] to the letter and I'm getting ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED from <server-address>:8080/guacamole The machine where Docker is running is Almalinux 8.5 minimal therefore I ...
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Mount SMB share (CIFS) to container using secured credentials or token

I have a docker-compose setup that runs my Linux development environment on Windows. A number of these containers need to mount smb drives using LDAP credentials. The way this woks now is by adding a ...
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Cannot access a docker hosted webserver from external network

I’m in the process of migrating a small personal website from a virtualbox vm to a docker container that is hosted on my personal computer. But I get into an issue where I get a "connection timed ...
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Docker Swarm - Containers can ping between nodes, cannot communicate over TCP ports

I'm setting up a new Docker Swarm mode cluster on three Linux machines - all brand new installations. All three machines have their firewalls and security modules (AppArmor) disabled and I could ...
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what is the docker-compose.exporters.yml in this repo and how to call it?

I was reviewing a repo for a monitoring system and I saw a docker composer like this\ Repo link I ran the project as usual by docker-compose up, but I want to know what is docker-compose.exporters....
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How do I add export CLI='docker run -it --entrypoint cardano-cli -e NETWORK=testnet ...' so I can run CLI on Mac OS Monterey zshrc

I have tried adding the following export CLI='docker run -it --entrypoint cardano-cli -e NETWORK=testnet -e CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=/ipc/node.socket -v cardano-node-ipc-testnet:/ipc inputoutput/...
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How to mount a cifs Partition for docker-compose?

I want docker-compose to mount one of the volumes to a mounted CIFS partition. I used the seafile docker-compose file and changed the volumes to ... db: ... volumes: - /mnt/nas_share/...
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Using docker-compose with multiple actual users on one machine for a single project

A friend and I started working on a project together, and we wanted to try using a single remote dev environment for it. I created a VM on Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure, and created a user for my ...
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1 answer

docker build - use a containers network

I have a windows 10 host, using docker desktop 4.6.1. I have a docker-compose.yml which contains the two services vpn and app. What I want to achieve is, that the build process of docker already uses ...
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How can I use GitLab under a relative URL on docker?

I'm using gitlab-ce on docker. These are my system specifications. A container of GitLab is gitlab/gitlab-ce. The web frontend is using external NGINX. GitLab is mounted under /git. I read the the ...
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docker-compose build error for nodejs and yarn: [gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.]

I have been trying to get a project to work for my job. I recently got a M1 Air, however I had a similar issues when I was doing the same thing on a Windows machine with WSL. The error is as follows: ...

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