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Questions tagged [disk-space]

The amount of computer storage space on devices, such as hard drive, floppy or USB flash drive.

0 votes
1 answer

How to resize VirtualBox volume disk with Microsoft Windows?

I have Apple Macbook (MAC) with 128G volume space. I received Virtual Machine (VM) in Open Virtual Appliance file (OVA file) with size 25G. After import that file in VirtualBox that space grow to 50G....
Bruno's user avatar
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Why is my HDD missing about 35 GB? [duplicate]

I have a 500 GB HDD in my laptop, but when I add up the partitions, they take up 465GB, and there are no unallocated spaces anywhere. Where did that 35GB go? This is what my HDD looks like in the ...
superchampionoftheworld's user avatar
-1 votes
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My PC has "invisible" files that take up 100GB+ of space [duplicate]

I have a Lenovo T460 (with a 256GB SSD), and it is almost full even though I only have around 120GB of files on it. I tried using WinDirStat, but it only showed the files that I already knew about, ...
Willothy's user avatar
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Can't shrink drive to create a partition greater than 30gb on windows 7? [duplicate]

I have windows 7 and want to install ubuntu alongside it. I have a 1tb hard drive and when I go into disk management it says by c drive (I only have one drive) has 670gb of free space. I want to ...
idknuttin's user avatar
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Inconsistent free space reported

Windows 7. 4TB drive. Some programs are reporting just over 1 GB free, and others are reporting almost 6 GB free. System protection off. (1 GB) fsutil volume diskfree d: (1 GB): Total # of free ...
user761620's user avatar
1 vote
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Why DD output image file is larger than the source partition/runs out of space while copying partition to a file

DD output image file is larger than the source partition and DD runs out of space on the target partition(where the image is created) despite it being larger than the source partition. I am trying ...
Michael  P's user avatar
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Regarding Bad Sectors on Hard Drives

Modern hard drives utilize a 4,096 byte sector size when storing information. For a hypothetical exercise let's say we are attempting to store 40,960 bytes (10 sectors) worth of data on the drive. ...
CJ Cahala's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disk space usage per owner, group or user

I am writing a small tool in which I need to find per-user, owner or group File-system-memory-usage. There is no quotas for each one, so all of them works under the same HDFS parameters in the ...
TheStromp's user avatar
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How to determine the actual size on disk for a folder in Windows

I am either confused as to how Windows calculates the Size on disk value in the properties of a folder, or it is incorrect. The cluster size on my drive is 4096 byes. I've created a folder called ...
Josh Comley's user avatar
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C drive is full but without data [duplicate]

My C drive has 100 GB capacity with around 60 GB free space. Two months ago I created an imaginary drive Y with 2 GB capacity to copy certain files from another computer. The files are being copied by ...
Jothi's user avatar
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2 answers

So much Hard Disk storage is wasted [duplicate]

I have 1TB of hard disk and I don't know why but only 930gb is usable and then I have 4 partition 3 NTFS and 1 for Linux they all have 2-6gb less storage than there actual size ie: Linux partition ...
Kartik's user avatar
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Can't extend C drive on my Windows 10 Pro

I've searched tutorial "how to extend C partition on Windows 10" on Google. Also i've tried some of those as well. But i still can't find out how to solve this issue. Can anyone help me to point out ...
ridoansaleh's user avatar
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Troubles with root partition running full

When I originally installed my opensuse-leap distro (42.1), I took the recommended size for the root partition, which was 40gb. At the meantime I upgraded to 42.2 (Plasma 5.8.6) and today, when I was ...
FloHe's user avatar
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Is it OK to delete Visual Studio Community 2015 \OfflineCache\installers\ content?

I need to clear space on my PC's internal harddrive. Most data is on an external but software is installed locally, and there's a lot of software, not the least of which is multiple versions of Visual ...
cr0's user avatar
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Why does this "df" output differ from what Finder reports?

df -h shows: Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on /dev/disk1 233Gi 150Gi 83Gi 65% 3350360 4291616919 0% / From Finder, ...
Andrew Arrow's user avatar
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Harddisk space used by unknown data on Windows 10

I'm really stuck on a problem with two of my drives (1 hdd + 1 ssd): Both show they are almost full after I have cleaned (wiped) the free space of the drives using PartitionGuru. (that finished ...
Alex's user avatar
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Where is my disk?

I installed Windows 10. I have 256Gb drive. When installing I choose to have 117Gb for Windows folders and all the System. And everything else I chose to be my main drive. Now I open My Computer try ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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What's the lowest amount of disk space I need to run Windows 10 64-bit?

I want to run Windows 10 64-bit in a virtual machine and VirtualBox recommends 32Gb of disk space. This would be fine but I am on a 256Gb SSD so I dont have much to spare for things that I am only ...
beck5's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is it normal for Windows 10 pro system to take up almost 112 GB? [duplicate]

Please see the screenshot from WinDirStat. Why does Windows 10 Professional take up almost 112GB on my 256GB SSD? Is that actually normal? I've run CCleaner and Windows' in-built clean-up tool, ...
nnad's user avatar
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How to partition my hard disk while installing ubuntu and don't lose data on d,e&g drive?

This is how my current disk partition looks: this is how my current hard disk image looks like on windows 7. I am installing Ubuntu 17.04 from USB stick. I cannot understand how to partition the ...
bUff23's user avatar
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Macintosh HD volume reduced after error during Bootcamp Partition

I was creating a new partition with bootcamp assistant, when this screen came up: your computer restarted because of a problem When the computer was on again, I checked my disk utility and the ...
Martina Möring Winkler's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Calculate how much disk-space would have been used

Is there on Linux a program that can calculate how much data a program would produce? For example, if I would like to take backup of my MySQL database I would usually do mysqldump > dumpfile.sql ...
fancyPants's user avatar
7 votes
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In a .bat file, how can I test available disk space?

I have a .bat script, which starts on powering up a dedicated backup server, saves the productive environment using Robocopy, and shuts down the server when done. It does some checks before saving, ...
Herb's user avatar
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How to figure out what slowly eats my Macbook Pro's disk space until I reboot?

When I boot up my computer (OS X El Capitan), I have about 5GB spare disk space. Then, over the course of several hours, it gradually approaches zero. (If I let it reach zero, I get a warning message ...
callum's user avatar
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Windows 8 drive shows no space but no data is inside [duplicate]

So D drive shows 85% consumption where inside the drive sub folder sums up to only 20% of the space. I have already checked for the hidden files. I also used windirstat too which showing few extra ...
KnowledgeSeeeker's user avatar
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1 TB hardrive not giving all the space

I have sort of a problem that I cannot seem to fix, my hard drive is 1 TB and is only displaying 565GB and 357GB aren't located to anywhere and particular and I would like to have the 931GB that shows ...
luis montez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Free up volume space in hard disk [duplicate]

I have 93.1GB for my windows partition or drive, however, I have no idea why there is so little usable space (1GB left), is there any software here that takes up so much space and can be removed ...
el psy Congroo's user avatar
1 vote
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Why doesn't /proc take up disk space?

Why doesn't /proc take up disk space? When I put sudo du -sh /proc it return 0. I think that is something related to its purpose, but I'm not sure. Why?
Joe's user avatar
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System Vol. Info>FileProtector is using storage

I do not believe this is due to shadow copies or restore points as I have no restore points. This is on my boot dive meaning I can not update or save anything to it, it's completely full due to this ...
Brendan Jennings's user avatar
2 votes
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Does copying and pasting files create sparse files?

Suppose I copy and paste large files numerous times to fill up the free space. Will doing so actually override data into the HD blocks or will it create "sparse" references into existing data in the ...
superuser4245's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to empty C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DataMart\PaidWiFi\OffersCache\Offers\?

Anyone tried emptying C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DataMart\PaidWiFi\OffersCache\Offers\ ? I have paid wifi services off, yet this directory is still using 500 Megs of my precious disk space (I only have ...
Ovidiu's user avatar
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Different used size for the same partition

I have drives C and D on my computer. Drive C is for the Windows and system files. I tried to backup my files on drive D. But I found that the used size of this partition is not consistent. For ...
sky-light's user avatar
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Disk size shown to be less than 100Mb for a 1To drive

Good evening, I am trying to setup a backup disk on my Debian server, but it is recognized as having only 96Mb of space, when it's a 2To hard disk. I let you see it by yourself : [ This means the ...
Magix's user avatar
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windows fake disk drive space

I want to trick windows into thinking my ssd drive has more free space than it does. An obvious question is why would I want to do that? Well, I do some ark mod developing using the dev kit, which ...
Rob's user avatar
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Is it safe to remove files from /Users/$user/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice and DiagnosticLogs/sysdiagnose on a MBP?

I am trying to clear up some space on my MBP. I've come across these directories containing 211M of data: $x-MacBook-Pro:$x’s iPhone $x$ du -sch 211M . 211M total Most of the files in the ...
moldykobold's user avatar
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1.5TB hard drive showing as 500Gb

I have a Samsung 1500GB hard drive (HD155UI) that started life as a external hard drive. It was later removed from its enclosure and placed in a gaming computer. After this, it was removed from the ...
Carel's user avatar
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What is a valid block size in a disk?

Let be a disk with the following characteristics : bytes per sector = 512 sectors per track = 50 tracks per surface = 2000 number of platters = 5 average rotational speed =5400 rpm average seek time =...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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How is it possible in this `cat` process that more bytes are being written than read?

I ran the following bash command to merge several big files cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt > merged.txt The process is very long as the files make about 12 GB each. On the activity ...
Remi.b's user avatar
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Low disk space on drive C with Windows 10

I have a "haier laptop y11b" it have 2 disks: SSD card of 29 GB, C drive on which windows 10 is installed HDD 465 GB Previously Windows 8.1 was installed on this laptop and all the apps were ...
Sanakhan's user avatar
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Is it alright to delete everything from my Local Disk (G:) drive?

I recently hooked up an old Local Disk from one of my old computers to my new one to increase disk space. However, the old one is full of junk I don't want or need, and Disk Cleaner won't do anything. ...
Wyatt W.'s user avatar
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how to move space from /dev/sda2 to /dev/sda3 in fedora 9

I have some issues to move space one /dev/sda2 to /dev/sda3 it mean Help me to solve this issue, I need to move space from /home to /
kathir's user avatar
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df says there is no free space, but there is free space

df shows there is no free space, but it also shows there is only 7,9/21G used. Filesystem Size Used Avail. Used% Mount path -> /dev/simfs 21G 7,9G 0 100% / devtmpfs 2,0G ...
Florian's user avatar
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Is there any way to reduce the size of MS Office install? I only need Word and Excel [duplicate]

I'm close to capacity on this Windows 10 laptop and would like to reduce my biggest users. Office 365 is the largest as you can see. I only need Word and Excel.
Oliver Williams's user avatar
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Windows 10 - any better way than Settings > Storage to remove system files

I have searched and looked for "Windows 10 remove unnecessary files" with various search strings, especially from the System & Reserved files. I have a 30G laptop and fully 13.8G are currently ...
Oliver Williams's user avatar
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How can I move disk space to drive :C with ssd card from :D with regular hard drive?

I am left with 2GB free space on drive C and over 800 GB free on drive D. How can I change that and bring more space to C or combine C and D ? What I have been trying so far: 1) Combining C and D ...
Isan Rivkin's user avatar
1 vote
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Why program size differs when it's gonna been installed on a different drive?

I have two drives installed on my pc: a 60 GB SSD drive for Windows 10 x64 and some desktop apps and a 128 GB HDD for Linux, storage and most of desktop apps (portable as well). I want to install a ...
franz1's user avatar
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Why deleted file in AWS EC2 CentOS is not reducing disk free space?

I have deleted catalina.out file from tomcat's log folder in AWS EC2 CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core). The size of the file was 2.9GB, when I deleted using rm catalina.out it is deleted but the ...
Prabhat Subedi's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to extend partition into adjacent unalloacted space

I have recently used dd_rescue to recover a 2tb partition from a failing hard disk onto a new 4tb disk. That means the partition has ~2tb of unallocated space adjacent to it on the disk. I would like ...
Ubiquitous's user avatar
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What takes up so much space in the newer (Vista, 7, 8, 10) Windows installations?

Without the obvious hogs like hybernation and paging files, shadow copy, saved update and installation files, what takes up so much space that it needs ~7-10 gigabytes for a fresh installation? ...
user1306322's user avatar
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How to get use of tmpfs spare space on my Fedora virtual box?

I am running out of disk space. How can I make the tmpfs space usable? df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/fedora-root 11G 10G 99M 100% / devtmpfs ...
peterboston's user avatar

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