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Questions tagged [desktop-environments]

Software that provides a graphical user interface, with elements like icons, windows, toolbars, as well as additional features. Popular examples include Gnome and KDE.

3 votes
1 answer

GNU/Linux Desktop Environment with Global Menu

I am someone who is not a fanboy of any operating system. Have spent a lot of time on Windows, OSX as well as GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. I am looking for a desktop environment on GNU/Linux that features ...
balajeerc's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How to configure Linux to open files by extension?

The various Linux's desktops open files according to their mime type. This is a very nice feature but I also need to open them by extension (as with Windows). For instance, I want to open every ...
Gregory MOUSSAT's user avatar
0 votes
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Openbox fails on login

X throws this error: Xsession: unable to launch "/usr/share/xsessions/openbox.xsession" Xsession --- "/usr/share/xsessions/openbox.xsession" not found; Falling back to default session. But a trip ...
charmoniumQ's user avatar
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Xfce - minimizing windows to tray (iconifying)

For XFCE (v. 4.8), I'm searching for possible options to minimize windows to tray (iconify). This means that 1) they're not in the window listing and 2) they're not in the alt+TAB menu and 3) when ...
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2 answers

How can I get programs to open in a different workspace from current?

If I click on a software icon on Ubuntu, or a menu entry, and then before the program opens I quickly change to a different workspace, the program opens not in the workspace in which I clicked the ...
the_midget_17's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to continue using GNOME2 with Ubuntu or a derived distribution?

I am currently using Ubuntu 11.04 with GNOME2 instead of the new default, Unity. I heard that in a newer Ubuntu version there is no GNOME2 aka Ubuntu classic desktop anymore. Which Linux ...
Alex's user avatar
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Anyone have a successful Xfce + Fluxbox spin?

A little background. Before upgrading to F15, I used Gnome out of box. I installed much the same with Fedora 15 i386 ISO at's home page. Gnome 3 is not supported on my laptop. I'm ...
xtian's user avatar
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3 answers

Sideward Scrolling Desktop Environment or Window Manager

I saw a guy on the train the other day with a desktop environment or window manager that when you moved your mouse to the edge of the screen it would scroll sideways to reveal more of the desktop. As ...
jamesj's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Window Manager vs. Desktop Environment vs. Window System? What's the difference?

I'm confused as to what these terms actually mean AND as to what they do/how they contribute to the system as a whole. In particular, back when I was running Ubuntu, there were several keywords like: ...
nopcorn's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there any good desktop for people don't know computer?

I am looking for some windows desktop software for my parents. They totally don't know and understand computer. The Windows7 desktop is too complicated for them. I tried to customize it and make it ...
limi's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I change Windows desktop environment?

I do not like Windows 7 default desktop environment and I would like to replace it. I do not know if it can be changed and what desktop environments are available for Windows. I like Windows XP ...
Squall's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing desktop environment from Gnome to KDE in CentOS

I have installed my CentOS machine with the GNOME desktop environment. I would like to change it to KDE. I am already in the process of downloading and installing KDE packages, will that conflict with ...
rzlines's user avatar
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How to restore Ubuntu desktop?

A few days back, I installed Compiz to try out the 3D desktop effects. Unfortunately, that messed up my desktop, and it has since been working in low resolution mode. Can someone suggest a quick ...
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What GUI systems let you copy text with formatting preserved, via clipboard?

If you select and copy a text from Internet Explorer and paste it in Miscrosoft Word, the formatting is preserved. If you do that in Opera or Firefox in Windows, it's lost, IIRC. I use Gnome desktop ...
culebrón's user avatar
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What are a few 3d cube (desktop managers) for Mac OS X?

I am using Snow Leopard 10.6 and every desktop manager that I can find and install won't work. What can I try or apps that you know that I can try that will work on 10.6?
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