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Questions tagged [conemu]

ConEmu is an advanced Windows console emulator with tabs, fonts, resizable windows, colors, ANSI X3.64 support, and much more.

125 votes
6 answers

Git Bash Here in ConEmu

How do I create a right-click context menu entry to open Git Bash at a given folder within ConEmu? See Git Bash Here in Console2 for the equivalent question for Console2.
Charles Roper's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Conemu: How do I make several console windows in one tab from task file?

How to make several console windows in one tab from task file? I want to make a grid 2×2 of consoles in one tab. I can do it by hand when create new consoles and select "To right" or "To bottom" ...
onetuser's user avatar
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119 votes
7 answers

Change ConEmu's default start directory

How do I change ConEmu settings such that always when I open it, it will start the cmd in a directory of my choosing instead of the default ConEmu folder?
Nick Ginanto's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

Where is the Apps key on a standard Microsoft keyboard?

ConEmu has a shortcut for renaming the current tab. It's Apps+R. I have never seen an Apps key on any keyboard. Where is it?
Shaun Luttin's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

How do I give each tab opened by a {Task} a custom name?

I have a ConEmu {Task} that opens several tabs, each to a different directory. The trouble is, these tabs all have the same name and are hard to tell apart. I know I can rename each tab by right-...
Charles Roper's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

cmder: make a new tab open in the directory of the already-open tab

When I press Ctrl+T to open a new tab in Cmder, I want the new tab to open in the same directory as the old tab (the tab that I was in, when I hit Ctrl+T). This will avoid a lot of cd commands in ...
user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Open A New Tab In ConEmu, in the same Directory (git bash)

I want to assign a keyboard short cut within ConEmu that will open a new tab, in the same directory as the current tab is within. So something like: -new_console:d:[<pwd>]%ProgramFiles(x86)%\...
chrispepper1989's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Duplicate session in ConEmu

Is there way to "duplicate" session in ConEmu. I know it's not possible for every kind of terminal (cmd.exe, powershell, etc), but I'm most interested in following situation: I'm in cmd.exe console ...
Michael Field's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Specifying word separator for double-click selection in ConEmu?

In ConEmu, when I double click on a line, it's going to select from the previous to the next white space. However, I'm looking for an option (if it exists) to specify word separators other than spaces....
laurent's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

ConEmu: disable bell

I'm really appreciating conemu as an alternative windows shell, but the alert bell sound is driving me crazy! (I wear earbuds and that sound goes right through me..) Is there are an option to ...
danodonovan's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

How do you configure ConEmu to run cmd.exe as an Administrator from an Explorer integration?

I am trying to add a ConEmu Here - Explorer context menu integration entry for the Visual Studio 2012 command prompt. I want the shortcut to Run as Administrator. I am not sure of the right way to ...
bentayloruk's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

ConEmu: How to attach PuTTY

I have been trying to open a new PuTTY window inside as one of ConEmu Tab, but no success so far, I've tried many combinations. putty.exe -cur_console:b -ssh USER@DOMAIN 22 -pw PASSWORD putty.exe -...
kjv.007's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to close ConEmu's Tab without Confirmation?

I get a confirmation dialog when I close ConEmu's tab. Where can I configure that confirmation dialog only appears some process is still running? I checked Settings->Features->Tabs, but I ...
ironsand's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

ConEmu: How to call msys2 as tab?

I want to create a 2x2 grid of console, and I want it to be my default setting, meaning when I open ConEmu, this setting to be the startup setting. I have written a task like below: >* cmd -...
terett's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

can I get ConEmu to "mark to copy"?

I installed ConEmu last week, thought I'd give it a try vs. Console2. After staring at various config options for 10 minutes I didn't see any way to get ConEmu to automatically copy text that I've ...
jcollum's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is that possible to reorder tabs in ConEmu?

ConEmu is a great tool I discovered recently. I was just wondering if it's possible to reorder tabs in ConEmu?
user1249170's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

ConEmu: Keyboard shortcut to run "cls[ENTER]"

In ConEmu, is it possible to create a Macro to type/paste "cls" then press [ENTER] and (ideally) assign it the keyboard shortcut [CTRL]+L ? I am trying to emulate the clear screen function of the ...
atwright147's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu purple terminal colors in ConEmu

How to set up Unubtu-like terminal colors with purple background? Inspired by this question: Ubuntu purple terminal colors to iTerm2. The answer is some tricky, because terminal background is not one ...
Maximus's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Run series of commands in different tabs in conemu

I have a .bat file which used to open 3 cmd windows each a different colour. I am now using conemu and would like to now do the same but in different tabs. How do I do that? My .bat file: cd /D x:\...
Neil's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

ConEmu + ls -- 256 colors not working

I'm using ConEmu (specifically Cmder's version). Running 'cmd', it supports 256 colors (top). However, I can't get other programs to run in 256 color mode. I've tried Perl (middle) and ls (bottom), ...
MinchinWeb's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Attach a running console application to a new ConEmu instance

I have an already-started console application, under Windows XP. I want to attach it to a different console emulator such as Console2 or ConEmu. This is possible with ConEmu, and it works if I run ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

new PATH isn't showing up in new console

Add the path to Mongo to my $PATH in git-bash: jcollum@MACHINE /c/Program Files/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2.2.2/bin $ PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ ...
jcollum's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Creating shortcuts for duplicate tab

Is it possible to create keyboard shortcut for "duplicate root..." which comes when right-clicking on any tab?
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Git Bash Here in ConEmu embedded in Windows Explorer

I followed the answer to this question: Git Bash Here in ConEmu and have this problem: When I use "Git Bash Here in ConEmu" it appears embedded in Windows explorer. If I've previously opened a ConEmu ...
Philip Loger's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Auto attach new consoles to conemu

I want that when a console is openning ConEmu will automagically detect the console (for example - by executable path) and attach it in a new tab. for example, a console of an application I'm ...
yossico's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Changing default terminal of Code::Blocks 13.12 in Windows

I seem to be at a dead end here. I cannot change the terminal for Code::Blocks on Windows, although it is a cakewalk in Linux. The option is greyed out. Running as admin doesn't work also. The box ...
goelakash's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do I set up a shortcut to start ConEmu from Launchy with a certain task?

I'm migrating from Console2 to ConEmu (on Windows 7, if that matters). With Console2, I could set up a shortcut and start a certain tab directly with this shortcut from Launchy. For example, when the ...
eckes's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Defining word delimiters for double-click selection in Msys2 in two terminal launchers

I am using Msys2, from PortableApps (I think this is not relevant), with the terminal launched via two possible cases (referred to below): (1) directly from the PortableApps launcher, (2) ConEmu. The ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar