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OhMyZsh causes cd to push to dirs stack. How can I revert it to original state?

I am using oh-my-zsh. With it enabled: source $ZSH/ the cd command acts like pushd on everything: ~ ➜ dirsv 0 ~ ~ ➜ cd Projects ~/Projects ➜ dirsv 0 ~/Projects 1 ~ ~/Projects ...
ekr990011's user avatar
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Is there a way to reach iCloud's Pages folder via the Terminal?

You can get to iCloud drive from the Terminal using cd ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/, but that doesn't show you all the same folders you see when you click the iCloud Drive link in ...
jamesnotjim's user avatar
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How to refresh terminal after function call

I've written a simple function to search the current folder when I press ctrl+f with exa and peco, after I choose a directory I want to cd into it. (ll is modified version of ls) pecofunc() { ll | ...
MikiS's user avatar
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autocd if and only if the path is a collection of `../`

I'm using zsh & I've aliased .. to cd ... I want zsh to cd to a path if and only if the typed out path is a repetition of .. or ../. The following should auto-cd: .. ../ ../../../../ ../../.. ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar