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Is there a linux “cd” (change directory) command that can “cd” folders in grep style?

In Linux is there a way to cd folders in grep style? For example you have directory named: a__french_music___ I would like to write to terminal cdgrep fre and using Tab for autocompletion --> ...
Estatistics's user avatar
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Where does `abcde` output files?

I ran abcde on an audio CD, when in the working directory $HOME. Now I can't find the outputed files in my home directory. Where do they go by default? I'm using the default abcde installation on ...
GPWR's user avatar
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How do I change directory to a path containing spaces in cmder on Windows 10?

I am working with both Docker Quickstart Terminal (Bash) and Cmder on Windows10. On Bash, to change directory to a path where some folder contains spaces, I usually do: cd "D:\my files\etc\etc&...
Tms91's user avatar
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Newbie trying to use sources

I am trying to have a simple file which changes the directory where the user currently is. If I run the file using . ./Genesis then the source files works fine. But I want to just use ./Genesis and ...
Ktate's user avatar
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9 votes
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Run "cd" command as superuser in Linux

Is there a way to run the cd command with superuser privileges to gain access to directories that are owned by root? When I run sudo cd <path>, I get sudo: cd: command not found.
thecomputerguru's user avatar
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Why does `cd /../` not return an error in bash? [duplicate]

In bash (or, I'm assuming, any linux shell), I would expect cd /../ to return an error. I interpret that to be asking for the parent of the root of the directory tree. Since it's the root of the ...
T.C. Proctor's user avatar
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how to change directory and spin off process

I know how to change directory: cd path I know how to detach a process: command &, nohup command > /tmp/test_output.txt 2>&1 &, nohup command > /dev/null 2>&1 &, ...
MetaStack's user avatar
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How do I check whether a CD is currently in use on Linux?

How do I check whether a CD is in use before I remove it from the VM? It's currently mounted on /dev/sr0 on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine and I need to unmount it for datastore migration. I know it's not ...
wintermuted's user avatar
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Why can I cd into non-executable directories mounted with sshfs?

I noticed that I can cd into non-executable directories that are mounted with sshfs. First, I created directories with all eight possible modes: $ pwd /mnt/remote $ for i in {0..7}; do mkdir test_$i; ...
iFreilicht's user avatar
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Should I worry about dd error?

I'm doing back up of some cd/dvd data discs, using dd. For all discs until now I'm getting error like: dd: error reading '/dev/sr0': Input/output error 2425728+0 records in 2425728+0 records out ...
KcFnMi's user avatar
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Make and open linux directory with one commmand

Instead of doing: mkdir build cd build or: mv build build_2017_03_03 cd build_2017_03_03 What is one command that does both?
user1271772's user avatar
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Change Directory (cd) shortcuts

This has to have a simple answer, but when I try search for "cd", all the search results relate to compact disc instead of the linux command. cd .. takes me to the parent of the current directory I'...
Luis Negrete's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Linux: How could a directory be created without "." and ".."?

I am not sure if the following issue is specific to busybox: I have an embedded device with busybox installed. From what I understand, when a directory is created, usually 2 hidden files will be ...
jonathanzh's user avatar
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Is there a way to rip DVDs & CDs on headless CentOS box?

Has anyone set up headless DVD & CD ripping on a CentOS box? I’ve seen a few posts and threads about other operating systems, but nothing about CentOS / Fedora / Red Hat, and nothing recent. I’d ...
dahamsta's user avatar
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What's happening when you do 'cd //'? [duplicate]

This is just trivia really, but it's just got me wondering what's going on. I accidentally hit / instead of . today and got this: [andrew.morris@server ~]$ cd // [andrew.morris@server //]$ pwd / I ...
voltrevo's user avatar
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